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Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent is a municipality in Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent, in the North Shore region of Quebec.

Village of Harrington Harbour

It includes several villages scattered along the coast of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, namely the Basse-Côte-Nord: Kegaska, La Romaine, Chevery, Harrington Harbour and Tête-à-la-Baleine. The distance between these villages is variable, i.e., 80.5 km between La Romaine and Chevery; and 10.4 km between Chevery and Harrinton Harbour. The village of Chevery serves as the capital of the municipality.


View of Tête-à-la-Baleine village

The population of the Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent municipality is 787 inhabitants in 2021. The main economic activity is fishing.

Interestingly, the municipality does not have an elected municipal council, it is run by an administrator appointed by the Government of Quebec.

This page also contains tourist information about the First Nations reserve of La Romaine.

  • Kegaska – The village of Kegaska is a crab fishing centre, which is the gateway to the Lower North Shore. It has about 130 inhabitants, mostly English-speaking; they call themselves the Coasters. Generally, these inhabitants are descendants of fishing families who settled there thanks to the fishing resources. It is built on a strip of land between two bays and on Kegaska Island. Since the arrival of route 138 in 2013, these inhabitants welcome tourists who want to add to their life course a self-portrait next to the sign indicating the end of route 138; the end of the road fascinates. Tourists also come to Kegaska to fully live an adventure of remoteness at the "end of the world", the wild immensity and immersion in coastal life in a territory that is not marked out for mass tourism.
  • La Romaine – Laid out near the mouth of the Olomane River, the village of La Romaine is made up of a large Innu reserve (known as Unamen Shipu) and a small Francophone community. In the spring, runoff water is red ocher in colour. Today, many residents of La Romaine work in the lobster fishing industry and in private sport fishing camps.
  • Chevery – Built on a point of sand, the village of Chevery has approximately 240 inhabitants. This village is the capital of the MRC Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent. Trout sport fishing is popular on the Nétagamiou and La Croix rivers, near the village. Moose hunting is recognized in season. Its marina is well located against heavy seas, being 2 km upstream from the mouth of the Nétagamiou River. From the marina, a 4-km hiking trail leads up along the Nétagamiou River. 500 m away from the village, visitors have access to waterfalls that allow them to be in symbiosis with nature.
  • Harrington Harbour – recognized among the most beautiful villages in Quebec, the island village of Harrington Harbour has a network of boardwalks winding through the community to access homes, businesses and sites of interest including the 200-ft (61-m) summit of Harrington Island. This network of walks was built from 1960, in winter, at the same time when electricity, telephones and snowmobiles arrived. These walks provide bucolic views of the Harrington Islands and the Petit Mécatina archipelago; visitors take an immersion walk (or mountain bike) in the life of a magnificent fishing village in the hinterland. This locality of about 300 inhabitants (spread over four islands) is a relaxing destination, animated by fishing activities, the stopovers of the cargo-passenger ship Le Bella Desgagnés, as well as by the mood of the sky and the sea.

    In Harrington Harbour, you should know the legend of Marguerite de la Roque, a young relative of Jean-François Roberval, who was abandoned in Harrington Harbour in 1542 for having had a forbidden relationship with a crew member. She took refuge in "Margaret's Cave"; according to legend, she gave birth to the first French Canadian baby. The film La Grande Séduction was shot in the village of Harrington Harbour whose name is replaced by "Sainte-Marie-la-Mauderne" in the film. The three languages spoken in Harrington Harbour are English, French and Innu. The local fishing industry has been centred on snow crab since 1992. Nevertheless, other species are fished such as lobster, halibut, turbot, cod and scallops.
  • Tête-à-la-Baleine – Sometimes referred to as Whale Head by its few residents of English-speaking ancestry, this isolated village is one of three French-speaking communities on the Lower North Shore. Many residents spend their summers on the islands and winters on the mainland to be close to timber and game. A road is being built to link the village of La Tabatière and Tête-à-la-Baleine.

Get in


By plane


By boat


By snowmobile


The municipality of Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent is also accessible in winter by snowmobile via the route Blanche from Natashquan. This 525-km snow road passes through the villages of Kegaska, La Romaine, Chevery, Harrington Harbour, Tête-à-la-Baleine, Mutton Bay, La Tabatière, Saint-Augustin, Rivière-Saint-Paul (Bonne-Espérance) and Blanc-Sablon. Trail layout and conditions may vary from winter to winter. Users of this trail should have enough fuel, geolocation instruments, a satellite telephone system, spare parts in case of breakage, mechanical repair tools, a gun, a map and survival gear. Group travel is recommended.

By car

  • From Montreal (1,313 km (816 mi), 14 hr 55 min (non-stop)). From Downtown Montreal, take the Jacques-Cartier bridge (south); take Route 132 (east); take Autoroute 20 (east) to Lévis; cross Quebec City via Autoroute 73 (north) and Autoroute 440 (east); take Route 138 to Kegaska.

Since 2013, Kegaska has been the end of Route 138, which runs along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River and Gulf. Kegaska is the only village in the municipality of Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent accessible by the Quebec road network. Route 138 has been paved to Kegaska since summer 2023. However, the Middle Bay area (in the township of Phelypeaux, in the far east of the municipality) is served by a segment of Route 138 between Vieux-Fort and Blanc-Sablon. Kegaska is the westernmost village of the Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent municipality. To go further east, travelers can embark at the wharf of Natashquan or Kegaska on the cargo-passenger boat Le Bella Desgagnés of the Relais-Nordik for one night and two days to go to Blanc-Sablon.

In 2021, the Government of Quebec announced the extension of Route 138 eastward, from Kegaska to the village of La Romaine. A 350- to 400-km stretch of road is missing (depending on the route that will be retained by the government) between Kegaska and the village of Old Fort (in the municipality of Bonne-Espérance, Quebec). Then the 71-km section of Route 138 (Quebec) continues between the Old Fort and the Labrador border. Once Route 138 is fully completed to the east, residents of Bonne-Espérance will be able to access Baie-Comeau on a journey of approximately 1,000 km (approximately 11 hours non-stop), or approximately 700 km less (equivalent to saving 9 hours non-stop) compared to taking the detour via the Trans-Labrador Highway (routes 510 and 500) to reach Baie-Comeau, via Wabush/Labrador City, Fermont, Mont-Wright, Gagnon and Manic 5.

Get around

Map of Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent



In 2011, 33% of the population of the municipality were French-speaking and 65% are Anglophones. There were also Innu-speaking Innu-aimun.




  • 1 Le Brion (observation site of the gulf) (Le Brion (site d'observation du golfe)) (in a bay on the south side of Kegaska Island). Historical point of interest with a view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Washicoutai archipelago.
  • 2 St. Philip's Anglican Church, chemin Jacques-Cartier, Kegaska (located near the bridge leading to Kegaska Island and to the Relais Nordik Kegaska wharf).

La Romaine

  • 3 La Romaine Museum and Interpretation Centre (Musée et Centre d'interprétation de La Romaine), 24, chemin du Ruisseau, La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 418-229-2912, . Museum presenting the great history of the region of La Romaine: regional economy, traditions, a large family tree of the first occupants and their descendants.
  • Mary Queen of the Indians Roman Catholic Church, La Romaine. Catholic church with an unusual altar made of caribou skin.

Harrington Harbour

  • 4 Rowsell House Interpretation Centre (Centre d'interprétation de la maison Rowsell) (on the northwest side of Harrington Island, approximately 3 km from the north coast). May to September. The RHIC is more than a century old. This building was renovated in order to preserve artifacts from Harrington and the Lower North Shore. This period home symbolizes the Islanders' pride in their culture and heritage. The exhibits in Rowsell House are educational about the rich local history for visitors of all ages.
  • 5 Cable cove (on the northwest side of Harrington Island, approximately 3 km from the coast).


  • Providence Island Interpretation Centre (Centre d'interprétation de l'île Providence), Tête-à-la-Baleine, +1 418-242-2015. In the summer season. Its schedule coincides with the arrival of the ship Le Balla Desgagnés, and on request. This museum interprets the history of the church and the archipelago. Museum accessible in the summer season via excursions organized by boat. Guided tour leading to the chapel of Île Providence (built in 1895), the oldest on the coast and which constitutes the major attraction of the island. On the island, visitors can see traditional fishermen's residences and the remains of a foundry where seal blubber was turned into oil.
  • The House of Jos Hébert (La Maison de Jos Hébert), Tête-à-la-Baleine (on the island of La Passe, near Tête-à-la-Baleine), +1 418-242-2015. This museum is a reproduction of the last home of local legend Jos Hébert, the first postman on the Lower North Shore who delivered mail by dog sled to isolated villages. This museum pays homage to Hébert and evokes the traditions of the archipelago's residents.




  • Hiking on Kegaska Island. Main trails of Kegaska:
    **The rocks of Île Kegaska (Les roches de l'Île Kegaska): distance of 6.8 km allowing to go around the island of Kegaska;
    **Brion Trail (Sentier Brion): distance of 1, 9 km in a north-south direction;
    **Kegaska Coastal Trail (Sentier côtier de Kegaska): 7.2 km from Kegaska Island, along Kegaska Bay (east-west direction).

La Romaine

  • 1 Boat trip. Boat excursions offered on site by local boat owners, in the Washicouata archipelago on the west side of the Olomane River delta or the Ouapitagone archipelago on the east side. Such an excursion led by a local guide allows you to learn in particular about the rich local history, to observe marine mammals and to admire the rugged relief of the coast, the immense beaches, the islands frequented by sea birds and the bays. wild.
  • Walking trails. Pedestrian path starting from the village of La Romaine, heading north; another trail heads east. In winter, the trail is used to travel from one village to another by snowmobile.


  • 2 Misty River Trail (north of the village of Chevery). Hiking trail.


  • Trip to Kanty Island. Boat trip for a visit to Kanty Island, site of the first house built in the Tête-à-la-Baleine archipelago and the first cemetery in the region.
  • Excursions to nearby islands. Excursions to the islands of the Tête-à-la-Baleine archipelago for the observation of sea birds, dolphins, sea wolves and whales. To participate in an excursion, it is required to contact the local tourist association.
  • Trails of Morne André, Morne Perdu, Pierrot Island and the Grand Écart massif (Sentiers du morne André, du morne Perdu, de l'île Pierrot et du massif du Grand Écart). Tête-à-la-Baleine offers short marked hiking trails along the road. Walkers enjoy bucolic views of surrounding islands, offshore islands, seabirds and marine wildlife. Most trails start at the side of the road. Each trail has educational information panels.

Hunting and fishing clubs

  • Saint-Laurent Hunting and Fishing Clubs Inc. (Les Clubs de chasse et pêche Saint-Laurent inc), La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 450-628-0222.
  • Leslie Foreman Fishing Club (Club de pêche Leslie), Kegaska, +1 418-726-3738.


  • 3 Outfitter Auberge Brion (Pourvoirie Auberge Brion), route 138, Kegaska.

La Romaine

  • Washicoutai River Outfitter (Pourvoirie de la rivière Washicoutai), La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 514-879-2334.
  • 4 Tourisme Winipeukut Nature, 46, rue du Large, La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 418-229-2424, . Main activities: excursions in quads and motorboats, observations of flora, fauna and landscape, discovery of Innu culture, outdoor activities (e.g. kayaks, paddle canoes on the Olamen River between two waterfalls, stay immersion in the forest for an intense and spiritual experience), salmon fishing at the Etamamiou outfitter, snowshoeing and trapping, snowmobiling on the Route Blanche (in winter). In addition, the outfitter offers the simple or guided rental of sea kayaks, zodiac excursions in the archipelago, 90-minute walking tours on Ouapitagon Island, or 2-day walking tours on the same island with camping site rustic.
  • Outfitter J.M.L. inc (Pourvoirie J.M.L. inc), La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 514-788-8957.
  • Musquanous Outfitter (Pourvoirie Musquanousse), La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 450-229-2971.
  • Etamamiou Outfitter (Pourvoirie Etamamiou), La Romaine (Unamen Shipu), +1 418-229-2211, +1 418-229-2599. Exclusive fishing rights on the Etamamiou River basin. An exceptional fishing experience in a country of excess, a remarkable quality of accommodation and cuisine in a grandiose natural setting. A warm cultural contact with the Innu community of Unamen Shipu. Activities include interpretation of native culture, wildlife observation, fishing. Catering, freezer, accommodation service






  • 1 Marché Omni Québaska inc, +1 418-726-3050. Supermarket.

La Romaine

  • 2 Marché Omni, rue Principale, La Romaine, +1 418-229-2012. Supermarket.
  • 3 Hardware Kamatschenen (Quincaillerie Kamatschenen), 23, rue de la Chute, Gethsémani, +1 418-229-2101. Hardware store. General store.


  • 4 Convenience store Bellecourt Enr (Dépanneur Bellecourt Enr), Chemin Nétagamiou, Chevery, +1 418-787-2281. Convenience store, grocery store.
  • 5 Green Repair Enr, 51, Chemin Nétagamiou, Chevery, +1 418-787-2279. Convenience store

Harrington Harbour





  • 7 Épicerie CJ's & Restaurant, chemin Jacques-Cartier, Kegaska. Restaurant and grocery store.
  • 8 Le Petit Shack, 108, rue Jacques-Cartier, Kegaska. Take-out restaurant.

Harrington Harbour

  • 9 Harbour Side Bar, Harrington Harbour, +1 418-795-3251. Meals on site.






  • 1 Auberge Brion, 17, chemin du Portage, Kegaska, Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent, +1 418-726-3738, . Three-star hotel. Catering service (3 meals). Shuttle service to the airport. Warehouse service for snowmobiles, bicycles, skis. Bicycle rental service. Possible activities: snowmobiling, observation of marine mammals, observation of the wild nature of the region, fishing activities, beach less than 10 km away.

La Romaine

  • 2 Hôtel Madame Ruby, 132, chemin du Quai, La Romaine, +1 418-229-2118.
  • 3 Innuberge, 13, rue U, La Romaine, +1 418-229-1300. Bungalow rental agency in La Romaine.


  • 4 Motel Sunset, chemin Nétagamiou, Chevery, +1 418-787-0036.

Harrington Harbour

  • Jean's House (La Maison de Jean), Harrington Harbour, +1 418-795-3354, . Jean's Housse Bed & Breakfast offers 3 rooms, with breakfast included. Ocean view. Lunch and dinner meals are available as an extra.
  • Seduction Bed & Breakfast (Gite Séduction), 54, rue Harbour, Harrington Harbour, +1 418-795-3339, . The Seduction cottage offers four bedrooms in family-style accommodation with French and English-speaking service. Catering service. Cottage near snowmobile trails, hiking trails or snowshoeing.


  • 5 Auberge de l'Archipel, 260, avenue de l'Église, Tête-à-la-Baleine (in the village of Tête-à-la-Baleine), +1 418-242-2917. Inn offering four rooms with private bathroom and two rooms with shared bathroom. Restaurant service (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Its dining room offers typical dishes from the region. Travelers can visit the villages or the Petit-Mécatina archipelago.
  • 6 Le Gîte d'Émilie, 21, rue des Cormorans, Tête-à-la-Baleine, +1 418-242-2045, . Located near snowmobile trails. Catering service.
  • Auberge de l'Île Providence, Tête-à-la-Baleine, +1 418-242-2015, .



The villages of the municipality are served by various services including cellular networks and community radio.



La Romaine

  • 5 Innu Council of Unamen Shipu (Conseil des Innus d'Unamen Shipu), 90, rue du Large, La Romaine, +1 418-229-2917. Community centre. Free.

Go next

  • 1 Natashquan At the end of Route 183, its main tourist attractions are: the old school, the general store reconstituted in 39 themes, the promenade of the Elders, the pebbles where the cod were salted and stored.
  • 2 Gros-Mécatina Isolated municipality of the Lower North Shore of Quebec. It brings together the magnificent villages of La Tabatière, Mutton Bay and Baie-des-Ha! Ha!
  • 3 Bonne-Espérance Besides the main village, visitors can see the hamlet Vieux-Fort (on Baie du Vieux-Fort) and Rivière-Saint-Paul (on Baie des Esquimaux). The route 138 circuit allows you to admire the seascapes, shorelines, icebergs drifting in the Strait of Belle Isle, ice breaking on the banks in winter, marine fauna and winged fauna.
  • 4 Blanc-Sablon Blanc-Sablon is the easternmost municipality in Quebec. Blanc-Sablon is a must-see destination for travellers arriving from the island of Newfoundland via the Strait of Belle Isle ferry and heading to Labrador.
  • 5 Saint-Augustin (Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent) Its economy is based on fishing, services to travellers/tourists, in particular snowmobilers using the Route Blanche (in winter) which runs along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, between Kegaska and Blanc-Sablon, as well as tourists arriving by the airport or the cargo-passenger boat Le Bella Desgagnés which serves the coastal villages.
  • 6 Petit-Mécatina This territory is a hunting & fishing paradise under the aegis of outfitters, with access by seaplane. It can be crossed by snowmobile or ATV.
Routes through Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent
Sept-Îles Natashquan  W  E  Gros-Mécatina Blanc-Sablon

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