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  • IPA(key): /plpr/
  • Rhymes: -plpr
  • Syllabification: [please specify syllabification manually]

This template automatically provides pronunciation info, such as IPA, hyphenation and rhymes, for Polish terms. This template can also generate IPA for Polish dialects and Middle Polish.

The hyphenation and rhymes are generated automatically as long as the supplied pronunciation is not too different from the pronunciation based on the page title alone. However, either can be also manually supplied. Rhyme syllable counts will be automatically done, and the correct order will also automatically be done.


The respelling(s) of the term in question for the term's pronunciation in Standard Polish. Multiple respellings should be comma-separated, with no space after the comma. (If a space follows, the comma is considered part of the respelling.) If omitted, the name of the current page is used. Details include:
  • Use # to explicitly indicate the pagename, useful for cases in which there are multiple respellings and one matches the page name.
  • Use - to suppress the display of any Standard Polish pronunciation. This is useful when dealing with a word that does not exist in Standard Polish and only exists in a dialect or in Middle Polish. If specified, rhymes and syllabification will not be automatically generated.
  • Unwanted clusters etc. may be split with - between the letters, such as rz when it is pronounced as /rz/ as in marznąć.
  • Phonetic transcriptions may be given by surrounding an IPA transcription with raw:[ ]: {{pl-pr|raw:[ˈlɛŋk]}}.
  • Stress is generally placed on the correct syllable automatically. This is usually the penultimate (second-from-last) syllable. However:
    • Conditional verb forms ending in -by, -byś or -bym preceded by -ł-, -ła-, -ło-, -li- or -ły- are automatically stressed on the antepenult.
    • Conditional verb forms ending in -byśmy or -byście preceded by -li- or -ły- are automatically stressed on the ante-antepenult.
    • Past tense verb forms ending in -śmy or -ście preceded by -li- or -ły- automatically produce two outputs, one stressed on the ante-antepenult labeled prescriptive and a second one stressed on the penult labeled colloquial. (To disable this, see below.)
  • To override the stress, use ' before the stressed syllable, as final-stressed words such as okej, which would use a respelling o'kej.
  • Use &, either by itself or prefixed to a respelling, to produce two transcriptions, one stressed on the antepenult labeled as prescriptive and one stressed on the penult labeled as colloquial, similarly to what is automatically done with -liśmy, -liście and such words. This is useful for words in -ika and -yka such as semantyka and muzyka, and case forms of such words such as semantyce. Similarly, && produces two transcriptions, a prescriptive one stressed on the ante-antepenult and a colloquial one stressed on the penult. This is useful for the instrumental plural of words in -ika and -yka, such as semantykami.
  • To force only penultimate stress, as in strzeliście and similar words that are not past tense verb forms but end in -liście, use +, either by itself or prefixed to a respelling.
  • To force only antepenultimate stress, use ^, either by itself or prefixed to a respelling. Similarly, ^^ forces ante-antepenultimate stress; ^^^ forces ante-ante-antepenultimate stress; etc.
  • To remove stress entirely, use *, either by itself or prefixed to a respelling. An example of this is na bok, which has stress on the preposition rather than the noun bok and would use the respelling 'na *bok.
  • If the auto-generated syllable breaks are wrong, use . in respelling to force a syllable break at a specified location.
  • Use " to indicate secondary stress, such as for fantastycznonaukowy, which might use a respelling fantas"tycznona.u'kowy (or the single-part substitution ["ty,a.u]; see below). Here, we also need a manual syllable break in -nau-, which would otherwise be interpreted as containing a diphthong. An example with two secondary stresses is antyelektrostatyczny, respelled ["an,"le,.st], with an explicit syllable break before -stat-.
  • On the page powstrzymać, one can type po. or [po.] and the rest of the word is implicit. Similarly on kostka, an input .ka or [.ka] is sufficient, rather than kost.ka.
  • If the respelling does not match the page name, syllabification will have to be supplied manually. Explicit stress marks and syllable breaks do not prevent syllabification from being generated if they are the only differences between the respelling and the page name.
  • Inline modifiers may follow a given respelling. An example, for Bogota, is #<a:traditional>,Bo.go'ta<a:after Spanish>. This specifies two pronunciations, the first based directly on the page name (with penultimate stress) and identified with the accent qualifier traditional, and the second (with final stress) identified with the accent qualifier after Spanish. The following modifiers are recognized:
  • <a:...>: Specify one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to display before the pronunciation (as with {{a}}).
  • <aa:...>: Specify one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to display after the pronunciation.
  • <q:...>: Specify a plain qualifier to display before the pronunciation (as with {{q}}).
  • <qq:...>: Specify a plain qualifier to display after the pronunciation.
  • <ref:...>: Specify one or more references to display after the pronunciation. The format is as for {{IPA}}.
|a= or |audios=
A list of audio files from Commons separated by semicolon. The character # is used as a shorthand for the page title. The text of the audio may be given with the inline modifier <text:...>, and in there # stands for the page title and ~ for the page title + się. For example, on budzić the input could be |a=Pl-#.ogg<text:#>;LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-#.wav<text:#>;LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-# się.wav<text:~>. By default, each audio file is preceded by the caption Audio: , or Audio #: (e.g. Audio 1, Audio 2, etc.) if there are more than one. To override this, use <cap:...>.
|h= or |hyphs=
Override the default generated syllabification, or supplying a syllabification when one isn't created automatically. Syllables are separated with dots (.). But supplying this is probably redundant if phonetic syllabification is rectified in the same fashion via the |1= parameter above. You can also supply - to suppress the syllabification. Multiple syllabifications should be provided separated by a comma.
|r= or |rhymes=
This allows overriding the default generated rhyme data, or supplying some when not created automatically. It must be supplied in the format of RHYME/SYLLABLE NUMBER, in IPA characters but without including the initial hyphen. You can also supply - to hide the rhyme data. Multiple rhymes can be provided separated by a comma.
|hh= or |homophones=
Lists homophones; if there are multiple, separate the homophones with a comma.

Substitution notation

In place of a fully respelled term, you can use a substitution to replace just part of the term and leave the rest as-is. For example, for the page beginka, in place of a respelling begin-ka, you could write [nk:n-k], or just [n-k] (see below). Enough context needs to be provided to make the "from" part of the replacement unique; otherwise, an error will be thrown. Such substitutions match the original spelling and are case-sensitive; thus, you must use the same case (uppercase or lowercase) as in the original spelling, or you will get an error.

Because of the commonness of certain substitutions such as [nk:n-k], a shorter form known as a single-part substitution is allowed. If just the "to" part of the replacement is specified between brackets, the "from" part will be generated as follows:

  • Remove ., ', " and - (a hyphen also matches against itself in the original spelling).
  • Match (a space) against either a space or hyphen in the original spelling.
  • Match ń against either n or ń in the original spelling.
  • Match j against either j or i in the original spelling.
  • Match k against any of k, c or cc in the original spelling.
  • Match á against either a or /code>á in the original spelling, and similarly for é, ó, ḿ, , and , for use in Middle Polish respellings.

For example, a spec like [ńj] when applied to a word like Albania is short for [ni:ńj], which in turn is short for a full respelling Albańja. Similarly, the spec [k] when applied to a word like piccolo is short for [cc:k], which in turn is short for a full respelling pikolo. For Middle Polish, for example, nauczyciel can be respelled using |mp=[a.u],[a.u,él], which compactly indicates two respellings na.uczyciel and na.uczyciél.

Spaces can be included in substitutions and are treated like any letter, except that (as noted above) a space in a single-part substitution can match a hyphen. For example, for Szlezwik-Holsztyn, use [ ] to turn the hyphen into a space, to get a respelling Szlezwik Holsztyn. (This doesn't work if there is more than one hyphen in the term, or both a space and a hyphen. In the latter case, you can use [-: ] to explicitly match the hyphen and turn it into a space, as for spółgłoska zwarto-szczelinowa. In cases like staro-cerkiewno-słowiański, with two hyphens, specify additional context, such as [o c,o s], which means "match the hyphen between o and c and make it a space, and also match the hyphen between o and s and make it a space".)

You can include more than one comma-separated substitution between brackets. An example where this might be helpful is anhedonia, respelled [n-h,ńj] indicating a respelling of an-hedońja, with a hyphen to prevent velar assimilation of the nasal before ⟨h⟩ at a prefix boundary, and ńja respelling the foreign suffix ⟨-nia⟩.

To match a given substitution only at the beginning of a word, prefix it with ~. For example, oschłość (brusqueness) should be syllabified as o.schłość; a substitution respelling of [o.] would fail because it can match in two different places (see below), as there are two o's in the spelling. To avoid this, you can write [~o.] to constrain the substitution to match only at the beginning of the word. (Alternatively, use [o.s], providing more context.) Similarly, suffixing a substitution with ~ constrains it to match only at the end of a word. Use both together to do a whole-word match.

The stress-controlling symbols &, &&, ^, ^^, + and * can be used in single-part substitutions and have special behavior:

  • If used alone, they match only at the beginning of term. This means that a substitution [&] is equivalent to writing just &; but they can be used in conjunction with other substitutions. For example, for Republika Słowenii, use [&,ńj], which causes Republika to have two stresses (prescriptive stress on the antepenult and colloquial stress on the penult) and uses a respelling Słoweńji for Słowenii.
  • If used in conjunction with other letters, they match at the beginning of a word. For example, for Niemiecka Republika Demokratyczna, use [&R] to mark the word Republika as having two stresses. Two such substitutions can be used together, e.g. in Republika Południowej Afryki use [&R,&A] to mark both Republika and Afryki has having two possible stresses. (The resulting output will have only two possible pronunciations, one with antepenultimate stress on both Republika and Afryki labeled prescriptive, and one with penultimate stress on both words labeled colloquial. The code is smart enough not to generate mixed prescriptive-colloquial variants.)

Note that an error will be thrown if a substitution can match in multiple places. In such a case, either specify more context, or if appropriate use the ^ and/or $ codes. If you intended to match both places, you need to specify two substitutions with differing context, or spell out the respelling in full.

Prefix and suffix handling

A syllable break is automatically added after the following prefixes, unless overridden by respelling:

Note that certain very common prefixes, such as do-, na-, nad-, o-, ob-, od-, po-, pod-, u- and za-, are not among this list, due to frequent false positives that would arise (e.g. doktor, portret). A syllable break will automatically occur after the prefix if followed by a vowel, a single consonant (including digraphs such as rz and ch) + vowel, or a two-consonant cluster consisting of an obstruent (see below) + liquid (l, ł, r, rz or w). With other sorts of consonant clusters, however (including common ones such as sk, sn, sp, st, zn, etc.), the syllable break will occur within the cluster, and a respelling (such as [na.] or [po.]) is required. Also beware of words beginning with nau- and zau-, because au is by default treated as a diphthong; if this is incorrect, a respelling is required. Similarly, words beginning with nad-, od-, pod- and przed- will often require respelling (depending on what follows and whether the correct prefix in the word is nad-/od-/pod-/przed- or na-/o-/po-/prze-).

The definition of obstruent includes all consonants that are not a liquid (l, ł, r, rz or w) or nasal (m, n, ń), specifically the following: b, c, ć, ch, cz, d, dz, , , f, g, h, k, p, q, s, ś, sz, t, x, z, ź and ż.

A syllable break is automatically added before the following suffixes, unless overridden by respelling:

  • -nąć
  • -stwo and all case forms of it
  • -ctwo and all case forms of it
  • -dztwo and all case forms of it
  • -dło and all case forms of it
  • -cja and all case forms of it
  • -sja and all case forms of it
  • -zja and all case forms of it

In addition, a syllable break is placed between clusters of ft, kt, nt, pt, rt and st followed by -ka, -ko or any case form. This will correctly syllabify words ending in -istka as well as words such as haftka, adiunktka, abiturientka, ćwiartka and adeptka that would otherwise have the syllable boundary placed after the first consonant.

Dialects and Middle Polish

Dialects are automatically sorted by dialect group and will be collapsed by default if generated alongside a Standard Polish pronunciation. Multiple transcriptions may be specified comma-separated, as for |1=, and inline modifiers are supported just as with |1=. Rhymes and syllabification are not generated for dialects and Middle Polish. Phonetic transcriptions may be given by using raw:[...] around the parameter. See WT:About Polish for more on spelling dialects and Middle Polish as well as their criteria for inclusion. See also Module:zlw-lch-IPA/data/pl. The most important thing to keep in mind is the presence of the so-called "slanted" (pochylone) and "clear" (jasne) vowels. See Middle Polish phonology for more. To mark slanted vowels, ⟨á⟩, ⟨é⟩ and ⟨ó⟩ are to be used; á and é are not generally marked in the pagename of Middle Polish, but they are for dialects. Further letters for dialects include ⟨ô⟩ and ⟨û⟩ to mark initial labialization. Goral dialects often use ⟨ý⟩ to mark /i/ after certain letters. See below for further remarks on Middle Polish lettes.

  • mp=
A single period can be generated for Middle Polish by adding |mp_period=early or |mp_period=late after the |mp= parameter.
Generates, takes a respelling or a # if the module should call the page name.
  • Greater Poland dialect group:
  • koc= Kociewie
  • bor= Bory Tucholskie
  • kra= Krajna
  • CD= Chełmo-Dobrzyń
  • kuj= Kujawy
  • NGP= Northern Greater Polish
  • WGP= Western Greater Polish
  • CGP= Central Greater Polish
  • EGP= Eastern Greater Polish
  • SGP= Southern Greater Polish
  • Masovian dialect group:
  • lub= Lubawa
  • ost= Ostróda
  • war= Warmia
  • mas= Masuria
  • kur= Kurpie
  • MB= Near Masovian (short for Mazowsze bliższe)
  • MD= Far Masovian (short for Mazowsze dalesze)
  • pdl= Podlachia
  • suw= Suwałki
  • low= Łowicz
  • Lesser Poland dialect group:
  • lec= Łęczyca
  • sie= Sieradz
  • PM= Masovian Borderland (short for Pogranicze Mazowsza)
  • kie= Kielce
  • krk= Kraków (not to be used for regionalisms from Kraków, only dialectalisms)
  • ekr= Eastern Kraków
  • las= Lasovia
  • pdg= Podegrodzie
  • bie= Biecz
  • WL= Western Lublin, not to be used for regionalisms from Lublin
  • EL= Eastern Lublin, not to be used for regionalisms from Lublin
  • prz= Przemyśl
  • Goral dialect group (subgroup of Lesser Poland):
  • sad= Sącz (from sądecczyzna )
  • zyw= Żywiec
  • ora= Orawa
  • pod= Podhale
  • spi= Spisz
  • zag= Zagórze
  • kli= Kliszczak
  • BG= Babia Góra
  • kys= Kysuce
  • pie= Pieniny
  • och= Ochotnica
  • lip= Liptov
  • Borderlands dialects:
  • sbl= Southern Borderlands
  • nbl= Northern Borderlands
  • New mixed dialects:
  • nmd= New mixed dialects

Further comments about Middle Polish

The generated pronunciation for Middle Polish words is based on {{R:pl:SXVI}}'s entries and sometimes the quotes from {{R:pl:SXVII}}. The character <å> from {{R:pl:SXVI}} is represented as á on Wiktionary.

Note that words ending in -yjá automatically get antepenultimate stress, e.g. absencyjá.

Palatal b, p, m, and w can be printed with b́, ṕ, ḿ, and ẃ respectively. Not to be used in the pagename.


{{pl-pr|a=Pl-akcyza.ogg}} on akcyza:

  • IPA(key): /akˈt͡sɘ.za/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ɘza
  • Syllabification: ak‧cy‧za

{{pl-pr}} on przeświadczyć (prze- is a recognized prefix):

{{pl-pr|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-przeżytek.wav}} on przeżytek:

  • IPA(key): /pʂɛˈʐɘ.tɛk/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ɘtɛk
  • Syllabification: prze‧ży‧tek

{{pl-pr|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-zaawansowany.wav}} on zaawansowany:

  • IPA(key): /za.a.van.sɔˈva.nɘ/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -anɘ
  • Syllabification: za‧a‧wan‧so‧wa‧ny

{{pl-pr|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-wytworzyć.wav}} on wytworzyć (wy- is a recognized prefix, and in any case obstruent + liquid clusters are kept together when syllabifying):

{{pl-pr|a=Pl-niż.ogg|hh=nisz}} on niż:

{{pl-pr|żi'ri|h=ju.ry}} on jury:

  • IPA(key): /ʐiˈri/
  • Rhymes: -i
  • Syllabification: ju‧ry

{{pl-pr|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-absentować się.wav<text:~>}} on absentować:

  • IPA(key): /ap.sɛnˈtɔ.vat͡ɕ/
  • Audio; absentować się:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔvat͡ɕ
  • Syllabification: ab‧sen‧to‧wać

{{pl-pr|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-aklimatyzować.wav<text:#>;LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-aklimatyzować się.wav<text:~>}} on aklimatyzować:

  • IPA(key): /a.kli.ma.tɘˈzɔ.vat͡ɕ/
  • Audio 1; aklimatyzować:(file)
  • Audio 2; aklimatyzować się:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔvat͡ɕ
  • Syllabification: a‧kli‧ma‧ty‧zo‧wać

{{pl-pr}} on widzieliśmy:

{{pl-pr|&|a=Pl-matematyka.ogg}} on matematyka:

{{pl-pr|&|a=LL-Q809 (pol)-Poemat-akrobatyka.wav}} on akrobatyka:

{{pl-pr|a=Pl-gołąb.ogg|mp=[b́]}} on gołąb:


{{pl-pr|a=pl-mówić.ogg|mp=#}} on mówić: