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Norman Angell

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Norman Angell

Erresuma Batuko 35. Parlamentuko kidea

1929ko maiatzaren 30a - 1931ko urriaren 7a
Barrutia: Bradford North (en) Itzuli
Hautetsia: 1929 United Kingdom general election (en) Itzuli
JaiotzaMansion House (en) Itzuli eta Holbeach1872ko abenduaren 26a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaCroydon1967ko urriaren 7a (94 urte)
HeziketaGenevako Unibertsitatea
Jarduerakunibertsitateko irakaslea, kazetaria, politikaria, pedagogoa, idazlea, ekonomialaria, politologoa eta iritzi-kazetaria
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaChatham House (en) Itzuli
Union of Democratic Control (en) Itzuli
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoa Alderdi Laborista

Find a Grave: 201590268 Edit the value on Wikidata

Sir Ralph Norman Angell (Holbeach, Lincolnshire, 1872ko abenduaren 26a - Croydon, Surrey, 1967ko urriaren 7a) britainiar politikari laborista, kazetari eta egilea izan zen. 1933ko Bakearen Nobel Saria jaso zuen.

Eskola ingeles eta frantsesetan eta Genevako Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen. Hamazazpi urterekin Kaliforniara joan zen. Bertan hainbat lan izan zituen, hala nola, mahastizaina, peoia, unaia edo kazetaria. 1912an Parisera joan zen eta Daily Messenger egunkariko subeditorea eta AEBetako zenbait egunkaritako berriemailea izan zen. 1905etik 1912ra Daily Mail argitaratu zuen Parisen.

Londresera itzulita, Kontrol Demokratikoko Batasunaren sortzaileetako bat izan zen, eta 1920an Alderdi Laboristan sartu zen. Legebiltzarreko kide izan zen.

Alemania, Italia eta Japoniaren politika oldarkorraren aurka agertu zen 1930eko hamarkadan.

  • (Ralph Lane izenarekin) Patriotism under Three Flags: A Plea for Rationalism in Politics (1903)
  • Europe's Optical Illusion' '(1909)
  • The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power in Nations to their Economic and Social Advantage (1910)
  • America and the New World State (AEBetan, 1912)
  • War and the Workers (1913)
  • Peace Theories and the Balkan War (1912)
  • The Foundations of International Polity (1914)
  • America and the New World-State. A Plea for American Leadership in International Organization (1915)
  • The Problems of the War – & the Peace: A Handbook for Students (1915)
  • The World's Highway (1916)
  • The Dangers of Half Preparedness (1916, in U.S.)
  • War Aims: The Need for a Parliament of the Allies (1917)
  • Why Freedom Matters (1917)
  • The Political Conditions of Allied Success: A Protective Union of the Democracies (1918, in U.S.)
  • The Treaties and the Economic Chaos (1919)
  • The British Revolution and the American Democracy (1919)
  • The Fruits of Victory: A Sequel to "The Great Illusion (1921)
  • The Press and the Organization of Society (1922)
  • If Britain is to Live (1923)
  • Foreign Policy and Human Nature (1925)
  • Must Britain Travel the Moscow Road? (1926)
  • The Public Mind: Its Disorders: Its Exploitation (1927)
  • The Money Game: Card Games Illustrating Currency (1928)
  • The Story of Money (1929)
  • Can Governments Cure Unemployment? (1931, with Harold Wright)
  • From Chaos to Control (1932)
  • The Unseen Assassins (1932)
  • The Great Illusion—1933 (1933)
  • The Menace to Our National Defence (1934)
  • Preface to Peace: A Guide for the Plain Man (1935)
  • The Mystery of Money: An Explanation for Beginners (1936)
  • This Have and Have Not Business: Political Fantasy and Economic Fact (1936)
  • Raw Materials, Population Pressure and War (1936, AEBetan)
  • The Defence of the Empire (1937)
  • Peace with the Dictators? (1938)
  • Must it be War? (1938)
  • The Great Illusion—Now (1939)
  • For What do We Fight? (1939)
  • You and the Refugee (1939)
  • Why Freedom Matters (1940)
  • America's Dilemma (1941, in U.S.)
  • Let the People Know (1943, in U.S.)
  • The Steep Places (1947)
  • After All: The Autobiography of Norman Angell (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1951; rpt. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux|Farrar, Straus and Young, 1952).

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