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Table 2.

Mean Substitution Rates and the Ages of the MRCA of Main Genotypes of DENV-1 to DENV-4 Circulating in the Americas.

SerotypeMRCA (HPD)Year of First ReportRoot State LocationCountry of First ReportRates (HPD) (subs/site/year)
DENV-119731977GrenadaJamaica7.773 × 10−4
(1970–1975)(6.528 × 10−4, 9.081 × 10−4)
DENV-219791981JamaicaCuba8.600 × 10−4
(1978–1981)(7.408 × 10−4, 9.836 × 10−4)
DENV-319921994NicaraguaNicaragua and Panama9.851 × 10−4
(1991–1993)(7.337 × 10−4, 10.396 × 10−4)
DENV-419791981DominicaSt Barthelemy, St Martin, and Dominica9.712 × 10−4
(1978–1980)(7.944 × 10−4, 10.627 × 10−4)

Note.—HPD—95% highest posterior density interval.