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Table I.

Participant Characteristics

CharacteristicCamp Study (N = 1,005)STePS Study (N = 260)
M (SD)M (SD)
Teen age14.39 (1.52)15.74 (1.09)
A1c7.94 (1.56)9.14 (1.92)
Duration of diabetes (years)6.98 (3.10)6.88 (4.03)
n (%)n (%)
Teen gender, % female581 (58)152 (58)
Teen race/ethnicity
 Caucasian881 (88)178 (68)
 African-American25 (3)33 (13)
 Hispanic/Latino39 (4)26 (10)
 Asian5 (<1)6 (2)
 Other4 (<1)17 (7)
Annual family income
 ≤$50,000204 (20)39 (15)
 $51–100,000276 (27)81 (31)
 $101–175,000252 (25)71 (27)
 >$175,000111 (11)42 (16)
Insulin administration, % pump751 (75)177 (68)
% Regular use of continuous glucose monitor667 (66)80 (31)
Living with
 Both parents733 (73)191 (73)
 Parent and stepparent/partner105 (10)19 (7)
 One parent113 (11)38 (15)
 Other24 (2)12 (5)
Caregiver relationship to child
 Mother/stepmother/foster mother896 (89)232 (89)
 Father/stepfather/foster father88 (9)20 (8)
 Other13 (1)3 (1)
Mother education
 6th grade or less1 (<1)
 Some middle/high school16 (2)9 (3)
 High school graduate70 (7)22 (8)
 Some college209 (21)66 (25)
 College graduate433 (43)109 (42)
 Graduate school or professional degree267 (27)49 (19)
Father education
 6th grade or less1 (<1)
 Some middle/high school41 (4)10 (4)
 High school graduate152 (15)33 (13)
 Some college251 (25)68 (26)
 College graduate319 (32)74 (28)
 Graduate school or professional degree214 (21)59 (23)