PMC full text: | Published online 2022 Feb 24. doi: 10.14740/jocmr4658
Trial details | Dose | Outcomes | Comments/level of evidence |
Randomized single blind trial. Treatment: n = 14. Control: n = 17. Age: 25 - 65 years. Hospitalized mild moderate COVID-19 [145] | 6 mg melatonin at bedtime for 14 days | Improved declined CRP in treatment group. Percentage of recovery (based on symptoms) in patients who took melatonin was higher than that of patients in the control group (85.7% vs. 47.1%) | Corticosteroids given. Level of evidence 2 |
Double blind randomized controlled trial. Treatment: n = 24. Control: n = 20. Age: 36 - 64 years. Mild to moderate COVID-19 [146] | 3 mg melatonin three times a day for 14 days | Faster time to symptom resolution, faster time to discharge. Improvement in CRP | Unclear if standard of care included corticosteroids. Level of evidence 2 |
Randomized open label study. Treatment: n = 48. Control: n = 48. Age: 36 - 69 years. Mild to moderate COVID-19 [147] | 3 mg at bedtime for 7 days | Improvement in oxygenation | Higher usage of methylprednisolone in control group. Level of evidence 2 |
Retrospective study. Patients: n = 791. Mean age: 56 years. Patients received melatonin: n = 112 [148] | 112 patients received melatonin | Improved survival in those patients who received melatonin | Study adjusted for comorbidities and therapy including corticosteroids. Level of evidence 3 |
Based on level 5 evidence (cited in text) and current studies, we recommend the use of melatonin as adjunctive therapy in patients with COVID-19. CRP: C-reactive protein.