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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Informations Babel sur l’utilisateur
da-N Denne bruger har dansk som modersmål.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
simple-N This user has a native understanding of Simple English.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
no-3 Denne brukeren har omfattende kjennskap til norsk (bokmål).
nn-2 Denne brukaren meistrar nynorsk på eit middels nivå.
sv-2 Den här användaren har medelgoda kunskaper i svenska.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
it-1 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
is-1 Þessi notandi hefur grunnkunnáttu í íslensku máli.
Utilisateurs par langue

Je suis Altaïr.

Hello, French Wikipedia. I am 14 years old, and I am from Denmark. I do not, unfortunately, speak French well, but I would like to learn it someday. In my babel, you can see that I have a basic understanding of french, which is true. French have many words similar to English, and I'm sure it wouldn't take long to learn it. So by reading french, I can come to understand more and more, as many words are similar to English. I think it is a very beautiful language. I have created this purely for SUL, but for now, I will mostly read the articles and other stuff here.

I am half American, which makes my English native, particularly American English, along with Danish. I love Japon very much, and I want to live there when I grow up. But anyways, have a nice day! And happy editing!

À bientôt! (^.^)