Actor Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "actor-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 68
James Franco
“You are successful if you are able to work on the kind of material that you want to - if your life conforms to your dreams, regardless of outside acceptance or acclaim.”
James Franco

Mehmet Murat ildan
“An actor should have not one face but a thousand faces; like the phoenix which carries a print of each animal, an actor should carry a print of each human being!”
Mehmet Murat ildan, William Shakespeare

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The greatest way to become an actor is to get married too early.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Being an author is not as easy as it sounds. In short, an author can create thousands of actors. Also an actor can produce several musicians.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Stewart Stafford
“The Actor's Prayer

Great Baachus, spare us from the demon Rejection! And harsh critics, incompetent make-up artists, ill-fitting costumes, tight shoes, screaming children, corpsing and a visit from the welfare officer.”
Stewart Stafford

“Someone that's natural! That doesn't drive for money is more successful.”
Solomon B Taiwo

Stewart Stafford
“Stage footlights have sent many tumbling, the prepared and unprepared, to suckle at the bosom of Madame Obscurité.”
Stewart Stafford

“If you feel as though you don't fit in this world, you're probably here to help create a new one.”
Javier Galitó-Cava

Eileen Anglin
“With the stakes as high as they are, I can no longer separate my professional voice with my activism. Our voices are desperately needed to create change.”
Eileen Anglin

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“An actor prefers to have audiences and die-hard fans whereas a teacher prefers to have listeners and followers”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Eileen Anglin
“I always notice the generous people in this business. Those who are kind and supportive of people who can't do anything for their career.”
Eileen Anglin

Eileen Anglin
“I really admire people in the public eye, who have affluence and celebrity, who give back, who take a stand and take action. When you have been blessed with abundance and a platform and you bring attention to a cause, or do something to help the world, those are the people who inspire me.”
Eileen Anglin

Giovanni E. Morassutti
“The search for truth in artistic expression is the core of the work in the realistic school of acting.”
Giovanni Morassutti

Eileen Anglin
“With the stakes as high as they are, I don't separate my professional voice with my activism. Our voices are desperately needed to create change.”
Eileen Anglin

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I judge a man according to the legacy he left. No big names and huge monuments. All I'm looking for are the seeds that have been left, are they blooming or everything has gone in vain?”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“There is no such thing as real and fake life. Because it is the same role of an actor in a film which will make him famous, in the so-called real life.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“For the actor, everything seems real; whether it is in acting or by carrying out his daily tasks.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Being yourself is the simplest role of an actor”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Eileen Anglin
“Always remember people with limitations will attempt to put their limitations on you.

People who operate on a positive, encouraging, inclusive level within their own life will never tell you that you are not good enough.”
Eileen Anglin

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I believe the final prize should go to the authors, not the actors. Considering how many great authors die poor in our societies.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“This generation is destroyed by the so-called role models.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The British actor who starred in the Jesus film should also receive an Oscar. Simply because his photo is widely idolized by many people around the world.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“If Jesus existed before Mary, then Mary is simply useless. Her acting wasn't good at all.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“We are all comedians in this world, which is why no one is immune to laughter. However, it's not given to every actor to make people laugh.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Eileen Anglin
“Every win I have is a win for those of us who did - and do not - sit at the cool kids lunch table.

Who have spent their lives as the lone wolf circling the fire, hoping to feel it's warmth.

This one's for you.”
Eileen Anglin

“아버지 인생은 계획대로 되셨습니까? 계획하고 여기까지 오신 거냐고요?”

“이 길로 쭉 가면 행복하지도 않고 지치기만 할 뿐.”

Laurie Perez
“We’re the ones who’ve chosen this role in life, to be taproots sucking on the juice of human consciousness.”
Laurie Perez, The Look of Amie Martine

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