Contentment And Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "contentment-and-attitude" Showing 1-27 of 27
Germany Kent
“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”
Germany Kent
tags: abundant-thinking, acceptance-of-oneself, acceptance-quotes, accepting-yourself, affirmation, affirmation-and-attitude, attitude-of-gratitude, award-winning-authors, be-grateful-for-being-alive, be-grateful-for-what-you-have, be-grateful-for-your-blessings, be-grateful-for-your-life, be-grateful-in-life, be-grateful-with-your-life, be-thankful, be-thankful-for-each-day, be-thankful-for-what-you-have, be-thankful-to-be-alive, be-you, be-yourself, be-yourself-inspirational, be-yourself-original, be-yourself-quotes, begin-to-take-note, best-selling-authors, body-mind-spirit, content, contentment, contentment-and-attitude, contentment-quotes, correct-path, correct-your-errors, correct-your-mistakes, enough, enough-said, fact, facts-of-life, facts-wisdom, find-yourself, finding-oneself, finding-your-way, finding-yourself, food-for-thought, fulfillment, funny-thing-about-life, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, grateful-attitude, grateful-heart, grateful-outlook, grateful-person, grateful-quotes, grateful-soul, grateful-thinking, gratefulness, gratefulness-quotes, gratitude, gratitude-happiness-inner-peace, gratitude-is-a-choice, gratitude-life-happiness-success, gratitude-mind, gratitude-quotes, gratitude-works, gratitudes, happiness, having-enough, heal, healing-the-past, healthy-habits, healthy-lifestyle, healthy-living, hope-guru, inner-peace, keys-to-success, knowing-oneself, knowledge-wisdom, life, life-and-living, life-and-living-insight, life-and-living-life-philosophy, life-changing, life-choices, life-lessons, life-lessons-quotes, life-philosophy, life-quotes, life-quotes-and-sayings, love-your-life, love-yourself, love-yourself-deeply, love-yourself-first, love-yourself-quote, love-yourself-quotes, love-yourself-unconditionally, mentality, mind-body-soul, mind-body-spirit, mind-body-spirit-authors, mindfulness, mindset, mindset-change, mindset-positive, motivate, motivational-guru, motivational-inspirational, motivational-speaker, motivational-speakers, not-enough, personal-development, personal-growth, perspective, point-taken, positive-attitude, positive-attitude-quotes, positive-energy, positive-living, positive-thinking, positivity, power-of-positive-thinking, power-of-positivity, powerful, real-talk, reality, reality-of-life, reality-of-things, reality-quotes, resilience, respect, respect-quotes, respect-yourself, respecting-yourself, self-help-authors, success, success-self-improvement, success-tips, successful-people, take-note, thankful, thankful-attitude, the-hope-guru, thinking, thinking-for-change, thinking-process, thinking-quotes, transformation, transformation-quotes, transformational, transformational-authors, transformational-speakers, trust-yourself, truth, truth-of-life, truth-quotes-honesty-quotes, truths, wise-sayings-inspiration, wise-words, wise-words-inner-strength, word-to-the-wise

“It is in no man's power to have whatever he wants, but he has it in his power not to wish for what he hasn't got, and cheerfully make the most of the things that do come his way.”
Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

Ann Voskamp
“When service is unto people, the bones can grow weary, the frustration deep. Because, agrees Dorothy Sayers, "whenever man is made the center of things, he becomes the storm-center of trouble. The moment you think of serving people, you begin to have a notion that other people owe you something for your pains...You will begin to bargain for reward, to angle for applause... When the eyes of the heart focus on God, and the hands on always washing the feet of Jesus alone - the bones, they sing joy and the work returns to it's purest state: eucharisteo. The work becomes worship, a liturgy of thankfulness. "The work we do is only our love for Jesus in action" writes Mother Theresa. "If we pray the work...if we do it to Jesus, if we do it for Jesus, if we do it with Jesus... that's what makes us content." Deep joy is always in the touching of Christ - in whatever skin He comes to us in. Page 194”
Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

“But here I am in July, and why am I thinking about Christmas pudding? Probably because we always pine for what we do not have. The winter seems cozy and romantic in the hell of summer, but hot beaches and sunlight are what we yearn for all winter.”
Joanna Franklin Bell, Take a Load Off, Mona Jamborski

Todd Stocker
“If you walk in joy, happiness is close behind.”
Todd Stocker

Joy Goswami
“আমরা তো অল্পে খুশি

আমরা তো অল্পে খুশি, কী হবে দু:খ করে?
আমাদের দিন চলে যায় সাধারণ ভাতকাপড়ে।
চলে যায় দিন আমাদের অসুখে ধারদেনাতে
রাত্তিরে দুভায়ে মিলে টান দিই গঞ্জিকাতে।
সবদিন হয়না বাজার, হলে হয় মাত্রাছাড়া -
বাড়িতে ফেরার পথে কিনে আনি গোলাপচারা।
কিন্তু পুঁতব কোথায়? ফুল কি হবেই তাতে?
সে অনেক পরের কথা টান দিই গঞ্জিকাতে।

আমরা তো অল্পে খুশি, কী হবে দু:খ করে?
আমাদের দিন চলে যায় সাধারণ ভাতকাপড়ে।
মাঝে মাঝে চলেও না দিন বাড়ি ফিরি দুপুররাতে ;
খেতে বসে রাগ চড়ে যায় নুন নেই ঠান্ডা ভাতে।
রাগ চড়ে মাথায় আমার আমি তার মাথায় চড়ি,
বাপব্যাটা দুভায়ে মিলে সারা পাড়া মাথায় করি।
করি তো কার তাতে কী? আমরা তো সামান্য লোক।
আমাদের ভাতের পাতে লবণের ব্যবস্থা হোক।”
Joy Goswami

Ameya Agrawal
“kitni bhi ho kamai, lagta he ki vo kam aai.”
Ameya Agrawal

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“The moment that you give gratitude is the moment that you find happiness. The moment that you lose gratitude your happiness will vanish and slip through your fingers”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Lao Tzu
“What calamity is greater than no contentment,
and what flaw greater than the passion for gain.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“It is better to have little and be right than to have much and be wrong.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

John Updike
“Those born rich are harder to please than those born poor.”
John Updike

“There is no better place as better as where God has placed you, be it good or bad, for His better reasons. Just keep calm and be humble and diligent enough to learn the better and real reasons that shall take and place you at the best place He wants to place you! If you don’t understand the lessons, ask Him for the reasons. If He answers you fine, if not, just keep going and keep learning the lessons. You shall definitely get a good understanding in the end!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Steve Goodier
“What keeps you from the inner peace and contentment you crave now? Must life's battles be fought and won before you can be satisfied?”
Steve Goodier

“Contentment is a rose, and the daily increase of our wants, are the thorns.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Aleksandra Layland
“We had little but we didn't know we had little. It seemed to us that we had much and we were very content.”
Aleksandra Layland, The Feathered Crown: A Windflower Saga Novella

“I have found that the deepest expressions of the world fall into those beautiful feelings that can achieve your happiness, joy, and contentment, regardless of the miserable circumstances around you.”
Prof.Salam Al Shereida

“Mercy stream falls on the needy who shows
Pity to the poor.”
Manny Godson

Valentin Rasputin
“I might have wanted another destiny for myself, but others have theirs, and I have mine. And I'm not sorry about it. It's mine.”
Valentin Rasputin

“There is nothing they can take away that will take away from me.”
Toyin Omofoye

Valentina Quarta
“We walk on waters
but it’s not a miracle
we skim life’s surface so lightly
our sleepwalking is literal

We miss out on sunsets
though their poetry is lyrical
we are trapped in distractions
their net often digital

Contentment abounds
not in the minds who ponder
but in the eyes of those
who look at the world
in a state of perpetual wonder”
Valentina Quarta, The Purpose Ladder

Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi
“Life is a currency spend it wisely to maximize the contentment.”
Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi