Owned Quotes

Quotes tagged as "owned" Showing 1-11 of 11
Tamora Pierce
“You must tell Lady Alanna that sometime. I'd do it from a distance.”
Tamora Pierce, Emperor Mage

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Just because you have stolen someone's heart, luckily owned and occupied as a home, doesn't give you the audacity to enforce hurtful policies.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Leigh Bardugo
“I don’t think—”

“Clearly. Why start now?”

Ivan’s face flushed in anger. “You don’t—”

Sturmhond leaned in close, the laughter gone from his voice, his easy demeanor replaced by something with a sword’s edge. “I don’t care who you are on land. On this ship, you’re nothing but ballast. Unless I put you over the side, in which case you’re shark bait. I like shark. Cooks up tough, but it makes for a little variety. Remember that the next time you have a mind to threaten anyone aboard this vessel.” He stepped back, his jolly manner restored. “Go on now, shark bait. Scurry back to your master.”

“I won’t forget this, Sturmhond,” Ivan spat.

The captain rolled his eyes. “That’s the idea.”
Leigh Bardugo, Siege and Storm

Alexandra Bracken
“Ruby used to say that we'd earned our memories, but we didn't owe them anything beyond their keeping. I guess she'd know better than most.

We were moving forward, and the past was best left to its darkness. Its ashes.”
Alexandra Bracken, The Darkest Legacy

Orson Scott Card
“Besides," said Suriyawong. "This was not a rescue operation."
"What was it, target practice? Chinese skeet?"
"An offer of transportation to an invited guest of the Hegemon," said Suriyawong. "And the loan of a knife."
Achilles held up the bloody thing, dangling it from the point. "Yours?" he asked.
"Unless you want to clean it," said Suriyawong.
Achillese handed it to him. Suriyawong took out his cleaning kit and wiped down the blade, then began to polish it.
"You wanted me to die," said Achilles quietly.
"I expected you to solve your own problems," said Suriyawong.”
Orson Scott Card, Shadow Puppets

M.F. Moonzajer
“Dogs are owned for their loyalty, but men are owned only because of their stupidity.”

Bobby Adair
“We probably won’t live long enough to run out of food, or electricity, or anything important.” “Oh, you’ll live,” Murphy said. “I have no doubt.” “Really?” Jerome asked, real curiosity in his voice. “What makes you think I’ll last?” “Because you’re a pussy!”
Bobby Adair, Infected

“It’s all a fucking trap, owning things, places, people. The way I see it, we don’t own things. We get owned.”
Christopher Bollen, Orient

“He had to witness how a ginger German with a v-neck that almost went as low as his navel drew all the attention to himself.”
David Eschenlohr, Rites

A. Stoddard
“I want to live in a world that knows nothing of resistance”
A . Stoddard

Steven Magee
“Holding a legally owned gun may get you killed by the police.”
Steven Magee