Philisophy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "philisophy" Showing 1-30 of 38
Gege Akutami
“Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?”
Gege Akutami, 呪術廻戦 9 [Jujutsu Kaisen 9]

“You are the most lucky person in the world, only if you BELIEVE so.”
Nitesh Aggarwaal

René Descartes
“Suppose [a person] had a basket full of apples and, being worried that some of the apples were rotten, wanted to take out the rotten ones to prevent the rot spreading. How would he proceed? Would he not begin by tipping the whole lot out of the basket? And would not the next step be to cast his eye over each apple in turn, and pick up and put back in the basket only those he saw to be sound, leaving the others? In just the same way, those who have never philosophized correctly have various opinions in their minds which they have begun to store up since childhood, and which they therefore have reason to believe may in many cases be false. They then attempt to separate the false beliefs from the others, so as to prevent their contaminating the rest and making the whole lot uncertain. Now the best way they can accomplish this is to reject all their beliefs together in one go, as if they were all uncertain and false. They can then go over each belief in turn and re-adopt only those which they recognize to be true and indubitable.”
René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy

Jay Kristoff
“A traitor's just a patriot on the wrong side of winning.”
Jay Kristoff, Nevernight

“The truth of the matter I believe to be this. There is, as I stated at first, no absolute right or wrong in love, but everything depends upon the circumstances, to yield to a bad man in a bad way is wrong, but to yield to a worthy man in a right way is right. The bad man is a common or a vulgar lover, who is in love with the body rather than the soul; he is not constant because what he loves is not constant; as soon as the flower of physical beauty, which is what he loves, begins to fade, he is gone "even as a dream", and all his professions and promises are as nothing. But the lover of a noble nature remains its lover for life, because the thing to which he cleaves is constant. The object of our custom then is to subject lovers to a thorough test; it encourages the lover to pursue and the bloved to flee, in order that the right kind of lover may in the end be gratified and the wrong kind be eluded; it sets up a kind of competition to determine which kind of lover and beloved respectively belong.”
Plato, Walter Hamilton, The Symposium

“I'm Poppy”
That Poppy, The Gospel of Poppy

Mark Twain
“A god who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell--mouths mercy, and invented hell--mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!”
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

“Some flowers do not belong where they were originally planted.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

“The beauty a poet seeks lies in depth and not on the surface.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

Anupam S. Shlok
“There is no purpose to life, you are here to achieve nothing. Whatever you feel is your supreme goal in life is a fiction created by you and the society you are living in, just to keep yourself busy in this purposeless creation.

You are born to die, everything else is pure nonsense.”
Anupam S Shlok

Richard Dawkins
“Moral philosophers say things like, ‘What is actually wrong with cannibalism?’ There are two ways of responding to that: one is to shrink back in horror and say, ‘Cannibalism! Cannibalism! We can’t talk about cannibalism!’ The other is to say, ‘Well, actually, what is wrong with cannibalism?’ Then you work it out and you tease it out and you decide yes, actually, cannibalism is wrong, but for the following reasons. So I’d like to think that my moral values at least partly come from reasoning. Trying to suppress the gut reaction as much as possible. ["Is Richard Dawkins destroying his reputation?", The Guardian, 9 June 2015]”
Richard Dawkins

“When two eyes are on two people, it is lust. But when two eyes are on one person, it is called love.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

Jorge Luis Borges
“Why does it disturb us that the map be included in the map and the thousand and one nights in the book of the Thousand and One Nights? Why does it disturb us that Don Quixote be a reader of the Quixote and Hamlet a spectator of Hamlet? I believe I have found the reason: these inversions suggest that if the characters of a fictional work can be readers or spectators, we, its readers or spectators, can be fictitious. In 1833, Carlyle observed that the history of the universe is an infinite sacred book that all men write and read and try to understand, and in which they are also written.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings

“إن الإنسان يعلو كل شيء في الدنيا ، فإذا انحطّ وتدهور ، فإن احتمال الحضارة ، بل حتى عظمة الدنيا المادية ، لن تلبث أن تزول وتتلاشى . ألكسيس كاريل / الإنسان ذلك المجهول”
أليكسس كاريل, الإنسان ذلك المجهول

Jyoti Patel
“Believe, someday you will be at the place you always wanted to be.”
Jyoti Patel, Sensation of a Soul

Ken Kesey
“It has been often said that power corrupts. But it is perhaps equally important to realize that weakness, too, corrupts. Power corrupts the few, while weakness corrupts the many. Hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance, and suspicion are the fruits of weakness. The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from the sense of their inadequacy and impotence.”
Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

“No matter what you say, different people will understand it in different ways. Sunlight has all colours in it but some objects absorb red, some blue, some yellow and so on.”

Bertrand Russell
“If you wish a man to commit some abominable crime, from which he would naturally recoil in horror, you first teach him loyalty to a gang of arch-criminals, and then make his crime appear to him as exemplifying the virtue of loyalty.”
Bertrand Russell, Education and the Social Order

Scarlet Risque
“Lust arrives as an angel disguised as love, but it's still lust, not love.”
Scarlet Risque

“Evil has a way of propagating like a plague. Where plague is a disease of the body, evil is a disease of the soul. It spreads through our actions: an act of evil done to someone infests their soul, so that they desire to do evil in return. And evil grows with each turn, the revenge act must be the greater. The best way to deal with evil is to turn it into something good, before it has the chance to spread. Each of us has the ability to have evil stop with us.

Anonymous. The Treatise of Wisdom (Kindle Locations 4492-4494). Unknown.”

“Mereka mampu mengubah luka mnjdi tawa membentuk karya cerita sastra. Mereka uga mampu bersandiwara dalam karya tawa canda. Ahahaha. Hidup memang terlalu lucu bagi mereka!”

Володимир Єрмоленко
“На цьому світі є люди, які найбільше в житті прагнуть влади; є ті, які найбільше прагнуть любові. Між ними завжди буде конфлікт. Перші живуть в ілюзії, що влада принесе їм любов. Що завдяки владі вони змусять інших любити себе. Другі живуть в ілюзії, що любов принесе ім владу. Що закохавши в себе людей, вони заволодіють ними. В обох випадках на людей чекає пастка, бо любов і влада - речі несумісні.”
Володимир Єрмоленко, Далекі близькі

Fredric Jameson
“certain kinds of analyses -- like those of Karatani here -- are analogous to creative works themselves, insofar as they propose a schema which it is the reader's task to construct and to project out onto the night sky of the mind's eye; and this is in fact, I believe, the way in which a good deal of contemporary theory is read by artists, who do no in fact use such books primarily for their perceptive contributions to the analysis of this or that familiar work of art, the way and older criticism was appealed to by readers of belles lettres. These younger "postmodern" readers, as I understand it, look at the theoretical abstractions of post-contemporary books in order to imagine the concrete referents to which those abstractions might possibly apply -- whether those are artistic languages or experiences of daily life. Here, the analysis produces the absent text of what remains to be invented, rather than modestly following along behind the achieved masterpiece with a running commentary. It is -- to use the expression again -- science-fictional (as benefits a culture like ours, just catching up with science fiction, not merely in content, but in its form): the new abstractions model the forms of reality that does not net exist, but which it would be interesting to experience.”
Frederic Jameson

Bùi Văn Nam Sơn
“Nội dung của những ý kiến, tư tưởng mà "tà thần" mang lại cho tôi đều đáng nghi ngờ, ngoại trừ việc tôi đang nghi ngờ, đang tư duy. "Tà thần" không thể dối lừa điều ấy được, và thế là cơ sở vững chắc của nhận thức đã được xác lập.”
Bùi Văn Nam Sơn, "Chat" với René Descartes

“Further away you are from the truth, more you talk about it.”

Raymond St. Elmo
“I like distributed systems. If just one person truly believes in the existence of something imaginary, he's an idiot. But when thousands of people even slightly believe, you get beautifully painted eggs hidden under bushes and quarters exchanged for loose teeth under your pillow.  You get Elvis presiding at weddings and cookie crumbs on the plate left for Santa each Christmas morning.”
Raymond St. Elmo, The Origin of Birds in the Footprints of Writing

“The world is more colorful with hybrid flowers in it.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

“Be the apprentice until you master it in its entirety.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

James K.A. Smith
“Attainment is a goddess who quickly turns a cold shoulder.”
James K.A. Smith, On the Road with Saint Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts

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