Transsexualism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "transsexualism" Showing 1-19 of 19
“s Middags ging ik met Sven lunchen in de stad. We liepen langs een groep jongens met petjes en scooters.
'Homo's!' riep een van de jongens. De andere lachten en een plastic flesje stuiterde over de straatstenen onze kant op.
'Hoorde je dat?' vroeg ik verrukt aan Sven. 'Ze bedoelen mij ook!”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

Jeffery Russell
“Dwarves are sequential hermaphroditic parthenogens," Ruby said, anticipating his question.


"They can change back and forth from male to female and are capable of fertilizing themselves to make more dwarves. They exhibit what we regard as male characteristics, typically, but some favor a more feminine approach."

Durham sat with his mouth hanging open. Ruby poked him in the tongue with her quill feather making him gag and sputter.

"So, Ginny is, what, short for Regina? Virginia?"

"I rather think it's long to 'Gin'," Ruby answered. "She's head of hazard team and Thud's second."

"So, the changing sex thing. How does that work? Does it take a while or is it the sort of thing that might happen in the middle of a conversation?"

"Hard to say," Ruby said. "Does she need to clear her throat or did she just become a male? Is he just pausing for thought or did he just impregnate himself mid-sentence?" She shrugged. "Dwarf physiology isn't really my field."

"Is there an easy way to tell?"

"Which sex a dwarf is at the moment? Not that I'm aware of but I haven't managed to think of a situation where it would matter, either, so I've not dwelt on it much.”
Jeffery Russell, The Dungeoneers

“It seemed evident to me that this client was not genuinely androphilic: He was
clearly an autogynephilic man whose most intense source of erotic arousal involved
the most common type of behavioral autogynephilia, autogynephilic interpersonal
fantasy involving a male partner. But what was evident to me was not at all evident
to this client, even though he was probably more intelligent than 99.9% of the population and had read more about autogynephilia than most psychologists and psychiatrists who specialize in the treatment of gender dysphoria. The most intense and
rewarding sexual experiences of this man’s life had involved sex with male partners.
How could he not wonder whether his real sexual attraction was toward men? His
uncertainty about an issue that seemed so straightforward to me was a reminder of
how profoundly confusing this type of behavioral autogynephilia can be, even to
highly intelligent, well-informed people. Eventually, this client recognized that he
was not genuinely androphilic, but this realization occurred only gradually.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

“Interestingly, forced feminization fantasies are also symbolic representations of
our actual life experiences. Because we fi nd the prospect of becoming women so
shameful and humiliating, we really do have to be forced into it. We are forced by
our unremitting gender dysphoria, by our powerful erotic desires, by our love and
admiration for women’s bodies and our wishes to turn our bodies into facsimiles of
them, and by our need to honor our strongly held cross-gender identities in order to
give meaning and vitality to our lives. If we are prudent, we autogynephilic transsexuals undergo sex reassignment only if we feel we have no other viable alternative: We transition because we feel forced to do so. Forced feminization is, in a very
real sense, the story of our lives.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

“De zomervakantie was voorbij en ik fietste naar school. Bij het oversteken van de ringweg wilde ik aangereden worden door een auto. Misschien werd ik dan opnieuw geboren, als een jongen.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“Van geslacht veranderen was na doodgaan het ergste wat je je ouders kon aandoen.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“De mens heeft eigenlijk maar één vorm,' zei hij. 'De eerste zes weken is er geen zichtbaar verschil tussen een mannelijk en een vrouwelijk embryo. De cellen die geslachtsorganen worden zijn voor mannen en vrouwen gelijk. Onder invloed van hormonen word het een jongen of een meisje.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“De kinderen brachten mevrouw Krabbenborg in een lastig parket. Ze was bang dat ze er iets aan over zouden houden, dat mijn toestand hen op ideeën zou kunnen brengen.
'Als een van mijn kinderen trans of homo is, dan is het de oudste, want die huilt snel en is nog steeds niet zindelijk.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“Eigenlijk vind ik het wel zonde, want je was een heel mooi meisje.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“Er bestonden mensen die het beste met me voorhadden. Ik kende ze niet, maar ik las erover in de krant.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“In Nederland was het sinds 1985 mogelijk om het geslacht op je geboorteakte te veranderen van man naar vrouw of andersom, op één voorwaarde: definitieve onvruchtbaarheid.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“PVV was bang dat het hek van de dam was als je geslachtsverandering makkelijker zou maken. Straks wilden mensen ook nog hun leeftijd wijzigen. Veel mensen voelen zich immers jonger dan ze waren.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“Je bent een man! De wereld ligt aan je voeten! Je moet schijt hebben aan die lui!”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“Even later, in het gemeentehuis, gaf mijn moeder me mijn naam.
'Thomas,' zei ze. 'Hij heet Thomas.”
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de club

“In 2010, I published a study of the relative prevalence of nonhomosexual and
homosexual MtF transsexualism across national cultures (Lawrence, 2010c )
that had implications for understanding the phenomenon of autogynephilic transsexualism. In this article, I attempted to explain the observation that nearly all MtF
transsexuals in Asian cultures are homosexual, whereas most MtF transsexuals in
the USA, Canada, and the UK are nonhomosexual. I demonstrated that differences
in a measure of societal individualism —the degree to which a culture condones its
members pursuing personal happiness and self-expression, regardless of the opinions of others—accounted for most of the differences in the relative prevalence of
nonhomosexual MtF transsexualism. If one assumes that nonhomosexual MtF
transsexualism is equivalent to autogynephilic transsexualism—a justi fi able
assumption, in my opinion—these results suggest the hypothesis that the permissible expression of autogynephilia , rather than the prevalence or severity of autogynephilia, primarily accounts for these cross-cultural differences. Undergoing MtF
sex reassignment probably feels far more permissible to autogynephilic men living
in individualistic Western cultures than to their counterparts in cultures in which
individual self-expression is discouraged.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

“Autogynephilia has long been conceptualized as a sexual orientation...but its advocates, myself among them, have not
sufficiently emphasized this point. We should arguably use every opportunity to do
so. Autogynephilia, we should explain, is another variety of sexual orientation: It is
an unusual variant form of heterosexuality. Like other sexual orientations, it is
something we autogynephilic transsexuals did not choose and something we cannot
change. It certainly determines what we lust after, but it also determines what we
love and want to unite with. And we autogynephilic transsexuals understandably
feel strong pressure to express and act on our autogynephilic sexual orientations.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

“We autogynephilic transsexuals strive to become womanly in our bodies, but
we can also strive to become womanly in our personalities. The feminine personas
we create in the process of sex reassignment function as integral elements of the
extended works of performance art that are our lives. We create our feminine personas by trying to express and embody the feminine virtues, whatever we think these
are. For me, they include gentleness, nurturance, empathy, agreeableness, cooperation, friendliness, and grace. These qualities do not describe how I am naturally, but
they describe the way I want to be and try to be; as such, they de fi ne a spiritual path
that I attempt to follow. To try to express and embody these feminine virtues in our
everyday lives makes us better people—especially if we have spent most of our
lives expressing the kind of nerdy masculinity that values things over people,
emphasizes competition over cooperation, and sometimes alienates us from our
emotions and from other people. The transsexual journey is, in this case, less about
finding our “true selves” than our best selves. Autogynephilia is a paraphilic sexual
orientation, but it is possible to build a satisfying, passionate, spiritually fulfilling
life around it—a life very much worth living.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

“First, we autogynephilic transsexuals often observe that autogynephilia seems to exert its motive force indirectly, by giving rise to our strongly held, highly valued cross-gender identities. Second, our lives often do feel
as though they lack vitality and purpose if we fail to express our cross-gender identities. Finally, we often pay a heavy price for expressing our cross-gender identities,
because we are not naturally feminine and because the female personas we create
sometimes appear unusual or inauthentic—to ourselves as well as to others.”
Anne A. Lawrence, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies

Quentin Crisp
“To most children I suppose there is a difference in degree between their imaginary and their real lives—the one being more fluid, freer and more beautiful than the other. To me fantasy and reality were not merely different; they were opposed. In the one I was a woman, exotic, disdainful; in the other I was a boy. The chasm between the two states of being never narrowed.”
Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant