Prana Quotes

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Prana: A Spiritual Fiction Series (Waldmeer Series, #6) Prana: A Spiritual Fiction Series by Donna Goddard
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Prana Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27
“We do not always have control over what happens in the outside world, but we can learn to control what happens on the inside.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“We have to be as strong as we are sensitive, as intelligent as we are feeling, and as logical as we are creative.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“People often have a romantic ideal of the forest, but if you sit under a tree, every insect within a ten-metre radius will make a beeline for you. It’s not romantic. It is, however, transformative. To feel its pulse, its rhythm, its life. To learn its ways, its regenerative power, its creative prowess.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Warmth is an emotional attitude towards chosen people. Love is inclusive of everyone and has no ulterior motive.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“People often have a romantic ideal of the forest, but if you sit under a tree, every insect within a ten-metre radius will make a beeline for you. It’s not romantic. It is, however, transformative. To feel its pulse, its rhythm, its life. To learn its ways, its regenerative power, its creative prowess. When we look at trees, we think of them as trucks, branches, and leaves. We forget that under the ground there is a vast and complex system of intertwined roots that is as large and fascinating as the system above the soil. It is through this underground system that the trees talk to each other, warn each other of danger, help the sick trees, support the elderly ones, and generally have an elaborate and purposeful way of communicating with the whole ecological community.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Seniority and superiority are not the same thing.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Each one must choose the way that is most suited to their temperament and stage of development, but the quickest way is the way of devotion because whatever we are devoted to, we merge with.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“If ‘God only knows’ then there can be no safer journey.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“One day, you won’t need to do spiritual practices because you will have become the very thing that you have practised for years. You will look at the elements and not see them as outside of you. You will look at the master and not see him as a person other than you. You will look at those you love and see them as part of your own life-fibre.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“If someone else’s actions betray our sensitivities, is it a betrayal or is it that the person is simply doing what they want; what they perceive as in the best interests of their own happiness? Just because something hurts us, does it mean we are betrayed? Maybe, they are just living their lives.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Mandalas are based on the idea that anything which is done consecutively for forty days makes an imprint on the body as a habit. Our bodies’ physiology changes every forty to forty-eight days and so we are given raw material to work with.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“I’m not an outsider because I see the inside of you.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Single or partnered, on the spiritual path, everyone is both. And neither. We are omni-relationship-status.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“When we are a spiritual student, our gender identity is omni-gender. It’s no longer okay to develop the traditional qualities of one of the genders and forget about the rest. We have to be as strong as we are sensitive, as intelligent as we are feeling, and as logical as we are creative. Underneath, or above, our birth-gender, we include it all. That isn’t a very romantic idea, but that’s the point. On the spiritual path, romance loses its worth. Romance implies that we need to be completed by another of a certain gender. And if we handle it correctly, we’ll supposedly get what we need. But when we are already complete, life and relationships become a whole different playing field.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“On the spiritual path, romance loses its worth. Romance implies that we need to be completed by another of a certain gender. And if we handle it correctly, we’ll supposedly get what we need. But when we are already complete, life and relationships become a whole different playing field.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“When we are a spiritual student, our gender identity is omni-gender and our relationship status is omni-relationship-status.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“My affair is with life.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Whatever we are devoted to, we merge with.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Understanding ourselves takes work and courage. Whether or not we choose to do it is up to us. Although, essentially, we don’t have a choice because, eventually, the pain will make it intolerable. It’s more a matter of how much pain we are willing to endure before we undergo the ‘pain’ of transformation. At least, the latter pain gets us somewhere.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“When you are older, you rule your body. It doesn’t rule you, anymore. You tell it what to do, and it does it.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Without opportunities to grow, we don’t.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Creation, of any sort, needs a little bit of madness.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Every moment is a gift, but when the moment passes, the gift is not gone. The real gift is the life and spirit within another. That life is everywhere around us. It gets concentrated in a certain place and we call that a ‘loved one’. But if the ‘loved one’ has to journey somewhere, we haven’t lost the gift of love or life. It swirls around and shows itself to us in a million ways.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“All the positions you learn in yoga are done in order to learn how to not take positions in life. You like this person. You don’t like that one. Life must be seen freshly. Everything is a possibility. When I see you, I look at you freshly. What are you, at this moment? We must get rid of all our positions. That is a great weight gone.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Spine up.
Step up.
Close up.
Burn up.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“Once you have met your guru, you are done for. Once you have fallen in love with a guru, there’s no going back. Oh, you can, for sure, leave. You can even say that you hate them. Worse, you can say you were mistaken and that they aren’t your guru at all. But you can never really leave. The magnetic love of a true guru will always be with you because gurus never stop loving their chosen ones. If you come to them and they say yes, the guru knows that whatever stupid thing you may (and probably will) do, they will not stop loving you. Never. Ever. They cannot escape from you and so it is only fair that you cannot escape from them either.”
Donna Goddard, Prana
“We are all here to create a healthy body, a clear mind, balanced emotions, and an aligned energy field.”
Donna Goddard, Prana