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A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1555 life (cell)
    • ⼂ * drop (a drop of, drop of, eye-dropper)
    • ? * grow up

Usage in other kanji

  • 1555 life (cell)
    • 1556 star
    • 1557 surname
    • 1558 sex
    • 1559 animal sacrifice
    • 1560 products
    • 1561 hump


  • 4038 U751f B100 G1 S5 F29 N2991 V3715 H3497 DK2179 L1555 K29 O214 DO67 MN21670 MP7.1027 E42 IN44 DS34 DH44 DT43 DC9 DJ49 DB2.4 DG1327 P4-5-2 I0a5.29 Q2510.0 DR2472 Ysheng1 Wsaeng セイ ショウ い.きる い.かす い.ける う.まれる う.まれ うまれ う.む お.う は.える は.やす き なま なま- な.る な.す む.す -う T1 あさ いき いく いけ うぶ うまい え おい ぎゅう くるみ ごせ さ じょう すぎ そ そう ちる なば にう にゅう ふ み もう よい りゅう {life} {genuine} {birth}

EDICT Entries

  • [いっしょう] / (n-adv,n-t) whole life / a lifetime / all through life / one existence / a generation / an age / the whole world / the era / (P) /
  • [いっしょうけんめい] / (adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard / with utmost effort / with all one's might / for dear life / (P) /
  • [いちねんせい] / (n) (1) annual (plant) / (2) first-year university or high-school student (esp. US) / freshman / (P) /
  • [えいせい] / (n) health / hygiene / sanitation / medical / (P) /
  • [えいせいてき] / (adj-na) hygienic / sanitary / (P) /
  • [おうじょう] / (n,vs) death / submission / at wit's end / (P) /
  • え [めばえ] / (n) bud / sprout / (P) /
  • [かいしゃこうせいほう] / (n) Corporate Rehabilitation Law / (P) /
  • [かいせい] / (n) resurrection / resuscitation / (P) /
  • [がくせい] / (n) student / (P) /
  • [きせい] / (n,vs) parasitism / parasite / (P) /
  • [きせいちゅう] / (n) parasite / (P) /
  • [きしかいせい] / (n) revival of the dead / recovering from a hopeless situation / resuscitation / (P) /
  • [きょうせい] / (n) symbiosis / paragenesis / union / (P) /
  • [げんせい] / (n) spontaneous generation / primeval / primitive / (P) /
  • [こうしゅうえいせい] / (n) sanitation / public health / (P) /
  • [こうせい] / (n) public welfare / Welfare Ministry / (P) /
  • [こうせいしょう] / (n) Ministry of Health and Welfare / (P) /
  • [こうせいねんきん] / (n) welfare pension / (P) /
  • [こうせいぶっしつ] / (n) antibiotics / (P) /
  • [こうせい] / (n,vs) rehabilitation / regeneration / rebirth / resuscitation / reorganization / reorganisation / (P) /
  • [こうこうせい] / (n) senior high school student / (P) /
  • [こくみんそうせいさん] / (n) gross national product / GNP / gross domestic product / GDP / (P) /
  • [さいせい] / (n,vs) playback / regeneration / resuscitation / return to life / rebirth / reincarnation / narrow escape / reclamation / regrowth / (P) /
  • [しせいかつ] / (n) one's private life / (P) /
  • [しばふ] / (n) lawn / (P) /
  • [しゃせい] / (n,vs) sketching / drawing from nature / portrayal / description / (P) /
  • [じゅくせい] / (n) private-school student / (P) /
  • [しゅっしょう] / (n) birth / (P) /
  • [しゅっせい] / (n) birth / (P) /
  • [しょうがくせい] / (n) grade school student / (P) /
  • [しょくせいかつ] / (n) eating habits / (P) /
  • [しんせい] / (n) rebirth / new birth / nascent / (P) /
  • [しんせいじ] / (n) newborn baby / (P) /
  • [じんせい] / (n) (human) life (i.e. conception to death) / (P) /
  • [じんせいかん] / (n) view of life / (P) /
  • [なま] / (adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) draft (beer) / draught / (2) raw / unprocessed / (P) /
  • 々しい [なまなましい] / (adj) lively / green / fresh / raw / (P) /
  • ち [おいたち] / (n) upbringing / personal history / (P) /
  • える [はえる] / (v1) (1) to grow / to spring up / (2) to cut (teeth) / (P) /
  • き [はえぬき] / (adj-no,n) native-born / trueborn / (P) /
  • かす [いかす] / (v5s) to revive / to resuscitate / to make use of / (P) /
  • き [いき] / (n) freshness / stet / (P) /
  • きる [いきる] / (v1) to live / to exist / (P) /
  • [いきがい] / (n) something one lives for, very important / (P) /
  • り [いきのこり] / (n) survivor / (P) /
  • る [いきのこる] / (v5r) to survive / (P) /
  • き [いきいき] / (adv,n) vividly / lively / (P) /
  • きと [いきいきと] / (adv) vividly / lively / (P) /
  • [いきもの] / (n) living thing / animal / (P) /
  • る [いきかえる] / (v5r) to revive / to come to oneself / to be restored to life / (P) /
  • [いきかた] / (n) way of life / how to live / (P) /
  • め [いきうめ] / (n) burying alive / (P) /
  • ける [いける] / (v1) to arrange (flowers) / (P) /
  • [いけばな] / (n) (1) flower arrangement / (P) /
  • [いけがき] / (n) hedge / (P) /
  • ぬるい [なまぬるい] / (adj) lukewarm / halfhearted / (P) /
  • まれ [うまれ] / (n) birth / birth-place / (P) /
  • まれつき [うまれつき] / (adv,n) by nature / by birth / native / (P) /
  • まれる [うまれる] / (v1) to be born / (P) /
  • み [うみ] / (n) production / bringing into the world / (physical) birth / (P) /
  • みの [うみのおや] / (exp,n) one's true parents / founder / creator / (P) /
  • す [うみだす] / (v5s) (1) to bring forth / to bear / to give birth to / to produce / (2) to invent / (P) /
  • む [うむ] / (v5m) to give birth / to deliver / to produce / (P) /
  • やす [はやす] / (v5s) to grow / to cultivate / to wear beard / (P) /
  • る [なる] / (v5r) to bear fruit / (P) /
  • [なまいき] / (adj-na,n) impertinent / saucy / cheeky / conceit / audacious / brazen / (P) /
  • [せいいく] / (n) growth / development / breeding / (P) /
  • [せいかがく] / (n) biochemistry / (P) /
  • [せいか] / (n) (parents') home / (P) /
  • [いけばな] / (n) (1) flower arrangement / (P) /
  • [しょうがい] / (n-adv,n-t) one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death) / (P) /
  • [しょうがいきょういく] / (n) education for life / (P) /
  • [せいかつ] / (n,vs) living / life (one's daily existence) / livelihood / (P) /
  • [せいかん] / (n,vs) returning alive / (baseball) reaching the home plate / (P) /
  • [せいきょう] / (n) cooperative association / co-op store / (P) /
  • [せいけい] / (n) livelihood / living / (P) /
  • [せいご] / (n) post-natal / afterbirth / (P) /
  • [せいさん] / (n,vs) production / manufacture / (P) /
  • [せいさんせい] / (n) fecundity / productivity / (P) /
  • [せいし] / (n) life and death / (P) /
  • [きいと] / (n) raw silk thread / (P) /
  • い [なまぐさい] / (adj) smelling of fish or blood / fish or meat / (P) /
  • [せいしょく] / (n,vs) reproduction / (P) /
  • [せいせい] / (n) create / generate / form / (P) /
  • [せいせん] / (adj-na,n) fresh / (P) /
  • [せいぜん] / (n-adv,n-t) while alive / during one's lifetime / (P) /
  • [あいにく] / (adj-na,adv,n) (uk) unfortunately / Sorry, but .. / (P) /
  • [せいそく] / (n,vs) inhabiting / living / (P) /
  • [せいそくち] / (n) habitat / home (e.g., of the tiger) / (P) /
  • [せいぞん] / (n) existence / being / survival / (P) /
  • [せいたい] / (n) organism / living body / (P) /
  • [せいたい] / (n) (1) mode of life / ecology / (2) (animal) territory / (P) /
  • [せいたいがく] / (n) ecology / (P) /
  • [せいたいけい] / (n) ecosystem / (P) /
  • [せいたん] / (n) birth / nativity / (P) /
  • [きじ] / (n) (1) cloth / material / texture / (2) one's true character / (3) unglazed pottery / (4) uncooked dough / batter / (P) /
  • [なまちゅうけい] / (n) (on TV) "live" broadcast / (P) /
  • [せいちょう] / (n) growth / increment / (P) /
  • [せいと] / (n) pupil / (P) /
  • [せいねんがっぴ] / (n) birth date / (P) /
  • [せいぶつ] / (n) living things / creature / (P) /
  • [なまもの] / (n) raw food / perishables / (P) /
  • [せいぶつがく] / (n) biology / (P) /
  • る [いきかえる] / (v5r) to revive / to come to oneself / to be restored to life / (P) /
  • [せいほ] / (n) (abbr) life insurance / (P) /
  • [せいめい] / (n) life / existence / (P) /
  • [せいめいほけん] / (n) life insurance / (P) /
  • [せいめいりょく] / (n) one's life force / (P) /
  • [せいり] / (n) physiology / menses / (P) /
  • [せいりがく] / (n) physiology / (P) /
  • [せんせい] / (n) teacher / master / doctor / (P) /
  • [そうせいじ] / (n) twins / (P) /
  • [だいがくせい] / (n) college student / (P) /
  • [たんじょう] / (n,vs) birth / creation / formation / (P) /
  • [たんじょうび] / (n) birthday / (P) /
  • [ちくしょう] / (int,n) beast / brute / damn / (P) /
  • [ちゅうがくせい] / (n) junior high school student / middle school pupil / (P) /
  • き [ながいき] / (n) longevity / long life / (P) /
  • [どうきゅうせい] / (n) classmate(s) / (P) /
  • [ねんせい] / (n) pupil in .. year / student in .. year / (P) /
  • [はせい] / (n,vs) derivation / (P) /
  • [はっせい] / (n,vs) outbreak / spring forth / occurrence / incidence / origin / (P) /
  • [はんせい] / (n) half a lifetime / (P) /
  • [びせいぶつ] / (n) microbe / (P) /
  • [ふくりこうせい] / (n) welfare program / welfare programme / (P) /
  • [みんせい] / (n) (1) consumer / (2) civilian / (3) people's welfare or livelihood / (P) /
  • [むせいぶつ] / (n) inanimate object / (P) /
  • [もんかせい] / (n) pupil / disciple / follower / (P) /
  • [やせい] / (n) wild / (P) /
  • [やよい] / (n) (obs) third month of the lunar calendar / spring / (P) /
  • [ゆうとうせい] / (n) honor student / honours student / (P) /
  • [たちおうじょう] / (n,vs) bring to a standstill / stalling / stranding / (P) /
  • [りゅうがくせい] / (n) overseas student / (P) /
  • [りょうせい] / (n) boarder / boarding student / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 34 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. sheng1 - to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw, uncooked

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (sheng1): The component is pronounced as 'sheng1'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In
