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R. c. Sharpe

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R. c. Sharpe
instantia de: legal case[*]

Le Resolution Sharpe (R. v. Sharpe, [2001] 1 S.C.R. 45, 2001 SCC 2) es un resolution juridic adoptate in 2001 per le Tribunal Supreme de Canada que ratifica le dispositiones del Codice Penal Canadan super possession de pornographia infantil como un limitation valide del derecto al libertate de expression.


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In 2001, le Tribunal Supreme del Canada adoptava un resolution judicial que ratificava le dispositiones del codice penal super possession de pornographia infantil como un limitation valide del derecto al libertate de expression[nota 1]. Le decision se prendeva depost un recurso de inconstitutionalitate interponite per John R. Sharpe, un pedophilo arrestate pro possession de pornographia infantil, que adduceva ante le tribunales que le leges canadese super pornographia infantil viola le derecto al libertate de expression e de pensamento[1][2].

  1. Punctos 129 e Punctos 241 e 242 del conclusiones del Tribunal:
    « (interlingua) Io volerea defender le art. 163.1(4) super le base que le definition de "pornographia infantil" in le art. 163.1 debe leger se como si illo conteneva un exception pro: (1) qualcunque material scribite o representation visual create unicamente per le accusato, e unicamente in possession del accusato, exclusivemente pro su proprie uso personal; e (2) que non representa un activitate sexual illegal e sia in possession del accusato exclusivemente pro su uso private. (anglese) I would uphold s. 163.1(4) on the basis that the definition of “child pornography” in s. 163.1 should be read as though it contained an exception for: (1) any written material or visual representation created by the accused alone, and held by the accused alone, exclusively for his or her own personal use; and (2) any visual recording, created by or depicting the accused, provided it does not depict unlawful sexual activity and is held by the accused exclusively for private use. »
    « (interlingua) Quando le infantes son exhibite in le representationes pornographic, le camera capta lor abuso e crea un registro permanente de isto. Illo constitue un violation extreme de lor interesses de intimitate. In penalisar le possession de iste material, le Parlamento ha create un incentivo pro destruer iste representationes que ja existe. In nostre opinion, iste consequentia beneficiente super le intimitate del infantes es proportional al consequentias prejudicial super le intimitate de illes qui possede pornographia infantil (...). Quando le consequentias del disposition son examinate in lor contexto general, le beneficios del legislation son multo superior a qualqunque damno al libertate de expression e le interesses de intimitate. Le legislation impede le satisfaction del desiros le plus intime de alcunos, ma iste forma de satisfaction se trova in un nivello basic e lascive. Illes qui possede pornographia infantil satisface lor desiros in detrimento del derectos de tote le infantes. Le prohibition del possession de tal materiales es dunque compatibile con le valores de nostre Constitution. Illo favori e appoia le dignitate del infantes e invia le message que on concede le mesme respecto al altere membros del societate. In nostre opinion, le Parlamento ha approbate un lege rationabile e justificate in un societate libere e democratic. (anglese) When children are depicted in pornographic representations, the camera captures their abuse and creates a permanent record of it. This constitutes an extreme violation of their privacy interests. By criminalizing the possession of such materials, Parliament has created an incentive to destroy those pornographic representations which already exist. In our view, this beneficial effect on the privacy interests of children is proportional to the detrimental effects on the privacy of those who possess child pornography (...) When the effects of the provision are examined in their overall context, the benefits of the legislation far outweigh any harms to freedom of expression and the interests of privacy. The legislation hinders the self-fulfilment of a few, but this form of self-fulfilment is at a base and prurient level. Those who possess child pornography are self-fulfilled to the detriment of the rights of all children. The prohibition of the possession of such materials is thus consistent with our Charter values. It fosters and supports the dignity of children and sends the message that they are to be accorded equal respect with other members of the community. In our view, Parliament has enacted a law which is reasonable, and which is justified in a free and democratic society. »
    R. c. Sharpe, Tribunal Supreme del Canada


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  1. The Pornography laws,
  2. The Supreme Court and child porn CBC News