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Richard Aldington

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Infobox orangRichard Aldington

Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kelahiran8 Juli 1892 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Portsmouth Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kematian27 Juli 1962 Edit nilai pada Wikidata (70 tahun)
Sury-en-Vaux Edit nilai pada Wikidata
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PendidikanUniversitas London
Dover College (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
SpesialisasiPenyuntingan, Majalah sastra, puisi, biografi, Modernisme sastra dan prosa Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Pekerjaanpenyair, biografer, personel militer, kritikus sastra, penulis, jurnalis, novelis, penerjemah, redaktur Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Cabang militerAngkatan Darat Britania Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Pangkat militerprajurit Edit nilai pada Wikidata
KonflikPerang Dunia I Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Pasangan nikahHilda Doolittle (1913–1938) Edit nilai pada Wikidata

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(Edward Godfree) Richard Aldington oleh Howard Coster, negatif film 10 x 8 inch, 1931

Richard Aldington (8 Juli 1892 – 27 Juli 1962), nama lahir Edward Godfree Aldington, adalah seorang penyair dan penulis asal Inggris. Aldington dikenal karena membuat puisi Perang Dunia Pertama, novel 1929, Death of a Hero, dan kontroversi yang ditimbulkan dari karya tahun 1955 buatannya Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Inquiry. Biografi tahun 1946 buatannya, Wellington, dianugerahi James Tait Black Memorial Prize.

  • Images (1910–1915) The Poetry Bookshop, London (1915) & (reproduksi bersejarah karya Bibliobazaar ISBN 978-1-113-27518-9) 2009
  • Images Old and New Four Seas Co., Boston (1916) & (reproduksi bersejarah karya Bibliobazaar ISBN 978-1-113-39283-1) 2009
  • The Poems of Anyte of Tegea (1916) [penerjemah]
  • Images of Desire (Elkin Mathews, 1919) & (reproduksi bersejarah karya Bibliobazaar) ISBN 978-1-115-45071-3) 2009
  • Images of War Beaumont Press, London (1919) & (reproduksi bersejarah karya Bibliobazaar) ISBN 978-1-171-58428-5) 2009
  • War and Love: Poems 1915–1918 (1919)
  • Greek Songs in the Manner of Anacreon (1919) [penerjemah]
  • A Book of 'Characters' from Theophrastus, Joseph Hall, Sir Thomas Overbury, Nicolas Breton, John Earle
  • Hymen (Egoist Press, 1921) bersama H.D.
  • Medallions in Clay (1921)
  • The Good-Humoured Ladies: A Comedy karya Carlo Goldoni (1922) [penerjemah], bersama Arthur Symons
  • Exile and Other Poems (1923)
  • Literary Studies and Reviews (1924) essays
  • Sturly, karya Pierre Custot (1924) [penerjemah]
  • The Mystery of the Nativity: Translated from the Liegeois of the XVth Century (Medici Society, 1924) [penerjemah]
  • A Fool i' the Forest: A Phantasmagoria (1924) poem
  • Voltaire (1925)
  • French Studies and Reviews (1926)
  • The Love of Myrrhine and Konallis: and other prose poems (1926)
  • Cyrano De Bergerac, Voyages to the Moon and the Sun (1927)
  • D.H. Lawrence: An Indiscretion (1927) (34-page pamphlet)
  • Letters of Madame de Sevigné (1927) [penerjemah]
  • Letters of Voltaire and Frederick the Great (1927) [penerjemah]
  • Candide and Other Romances karya Voltaire (1928) [penerjemah bersama Norman Tealby]
  • Collected Poems (1928)
  • Fifty Romance Lyric Poems (1928) [penerjemah]
  • Hark the Herald (Hours Press, 1928)
  • Rémy De Gourmont: Selections. (1928) [penerjemah]
  • Death of a Hero: A Novel (1929)
  • The Eaten Heart (Hours Press, 1929) poems
  • A Dream in the Luxembourg: A Poem (1930)
  • The Memoirs and Correspondence of Mme. D'Epinay (1930) [penerjemah]
  • Euripides' Alcestis (1930) [penerjemah]
  • At All Costs (1930)
  • D.H. Lawrence (1930) (43-page pamphlet; its contents are identical to D.H. Lawrence: An Indiscretion (1927), except for the dropping of the subtitle and the addition of a one-paragraph note following the title page.)
  • Last Straws (Hours Press, 1930)
  • Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea, Latin Poets of the Renaissance (1930) [penerjemah]
  • The Memoirs of Marmontel (1930) editor, bersama Brigit Patmore
  • Roads to Glory (1930) stories
  • Tales from the Decameron (1930) [penerjemah]
  • Two Stories (Elkin Mathews, 1930)
  • Letters to the Amazon karya Rémy de Gourmont (1931) [penerjemah]
  • Balls and Another Book for Suppression (1931) (13 halaman)
  • The Colonel's Daughter: A Novel (1931)
  • Stepping Heavenward: A Record (1931) satire aimed at T. S. Eliot
  • Aurelia karya Gérard de Nerval (1932) [penerjemah]
  • Soft Answers (1932) five short novel
  • All Men Are Enemies: A Romance (1933)
  • Last Poems of D.H. Lawrence (1933) disunting bersama Giuseppe Orioli
  • Poems of Richard Aldington (1934)
  • Women Must Work: A Novel (1934)
  • Artifex: Sketches and Ideas (1935) essays
  • D.H. Lawrence: A complete list of his works, together bersama a critical appreciation karya Richard Aldington (1935) (22-page pamphlet)
  • The Spirit of Place (1935), editor, D.H. Lawrence prose anthology
  • Life Quest (1935) poem
  • Life of a Lady: A Play in Three Acts (1936) bersama Derek Patmore
  • The Crystal World (1937)
  • Very Heaven (1937)
  • Seven Against Reeves: A Comedy-Farce (1938) novel
  • Rejected Guest (1939) novel
  • W. Somerset Maugham: An Appreciation (1939)
  • Life for Life's Sake: A Book of Reminiscences (1941)
  • Poetry of the English-Speaking World (1941) anthology, editor
  • A Wreath for San Gemignano (1945) bersama ilustrasi karya Netta Aldington dan soneta Folgóre da San Gimignano berjudul The Garland of Months dan diterjemahkan oleh Aldington
  • A Life of Wellington: The Duke (1946)
  • Great French Romances (1946) novel karya Madame De Lafayette, Choderlos De Laclos, the Abbe Prévost, Honoré de Balzac
  • Oscar Wilde: Selected Works (1946) editor
  • The Romance of Casanova: A Novel (1946)
  • Complete Poems (1948)
  • Four English Portraits, 1801–1851 (1948)
  • Selected Works of Walter Pater (1948)
  • Jane Austen (1948)
  • Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (two volumes) (1949) [penerjemah]
  • The Strange Life of Charles Waterton, 1782–1865 (1949)
  • A Bibliography of the Works of Richard Aldington from 1915 to 1948 (1950) bersama Alister Kershaw
  • Selected Letters of D.H. Lawrence (1950) editor
  • Portrait of a Genius, But . . . (The Life of D.H. Lawrence, 1885–1930) (1950)
  • D.H. Lawrence: An Appreciation (1950) (32-page pamphlet, which borrows from the 1927, 1930, and 1935 pamphlets on Lawrence listed above)
  • The Religion of Beauty: Selections from the Aesthetes (1950) anthology, editor
  • Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot: A Lecture (Peacocks Press, 1954)
  • Lawrence L'Imposteur: T. E. Lawrence, the Legend and the Man (1954) Paris edition, later title Lawrence of Arabia, a Biographical Enquiry (1955)
  • Pinorman: Personal Recollections of Norman Douglas, Pino Orioli and Charles Prentice (1954)
  • A. E. Housman and W. B. Yeats: Two Lectures (Hurst Press, 1955)
  • Introduction to Mistral (1956)
  • Frauds (1957)
  • Portrait of a Rebel: The Life and Work of Robert Louis Stevenson (1957)
  • The Viking Book of Poetry of the English-Speaking World, Volume II (1958) editor
  • Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (1960) [penerjemah bersama Delano Ames]
  • Switzerland (1960)
  • Famous Cities of the World: Rome (1960)
  • A Tourist's Rome
  • Richard Aldington: Selected Critical Writing, 1928–1960 (1970) edited karya Alister Kershaw
  • A Passionate Prodigality: Letters to Alan Bird from Richard Aldington, 1949–1962 (1975) edited karya Miriam J. Benkovitz
  • Literary Lifelines: The Richard Aldington and Lawrence Durrell Correspondence (1981)
  • In Winter: A Poem (Typographeum Press, 1987)
  • Austria
  • France
  • Italy
  • The Treason of the Intellectuals La Trahison des Clercs karya Julien Benda (1928) [penerjemah]

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