
大恐竜時代 タルボサウルス vs ティラノサウルス

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

8000 万年前、白亜紀に生まれた若いタルボサウルスは、彼のユニークな痣からスペックルズと名付けられ、兄のクイックス、双子の姉妹、母親と暮らしていました。

Speckles: The Tarbosaurus (점박이: 한반도의 공룡 3D: Jumbagi: Hanbandoui gongryong 3D; ENG: Speckles: Dinosaurs of the Korean Peninsula) は、2012 年の 3D 韓国のコンピューター生成の壮大なアドベンチャー ドラマ映画です。 Speckles: The Tarbosaurus (점박이: 한반도의 공룡 3D: Jumbagi: Hanbandoui gongryong 3D; ENG: Speckles: Dinosaurs of the Korean Peninsula) is a 2012 3D South Korean computer-generated epic adventure drama film directed by Han Sang-Ho. The film was released under the title Dino King: An Amazing Adventure in the United States. The Dino King was released 4 years after a documentary that serves as prequel, Tarbosaurus: The Mightiest Ever, and is followed by Dino King 3D: Journey to Fire Mountain, both also being directed by Han Sang-Ho .

大恐竜時代 タルボサウルス vs ティラノサウルス
점박이: 한반도의 공룡
監督 ハン・スンホ
配給 大韓民国の旗 CJエンタテインメント
日本の旗 CJエンタテインメント・ジャパン
公開 大韓民国の旗 2012年1月26日
日本の旗 2012年10月13日
上映時間 90分
製作国 大韓民国の旗 韓国
言語 朝鮮語
次作 ディノ・キング 恐竜王国と炎の山の冒険

大恐竜時代 タルボサウルス vs ティラノサウルス』(原題:점박이: 한반도의 공룡)は、2012年公開のアニメ映画


80 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, a young Tarbosaurus named Speckles, for his unique birthmark, lives with his older brother, Quicks, twin sisters, and mother. Speckles is left alone when a rogue Tyrannosaurus named One-Eye causes a massive stampede to kill Speckles' siblings, and personally kills his mother, in order to usurp their territory.

Four years later, Speckles has scraped by on his own, scavenging and raiding nests. One day while attempting to steal food from One-Eye, Speckles encounters a female Tarbosaurus named "Blue-Eyes" and the pair team up to hunt and survive together. Over the years, Speckles and Blue-Eyes attempt to maintain a hunting territory away from One-Eye. Eventually, however, One-Eye discovers their hunting grounds and again attempts to usurp their territory. After Blue-Eyes is hurt by One-Eye, Speckles fights him, and eventually defeats and drives away his old nemesis.

After defeating One-Eye, Speckles and Blue-Eyes reclaim Speckles' old family nest and hunting grounds. Now a mature adult pair with three young offspring, the family is happy until forced to flee from their territory due to a volcanic eruption. During the disaster, one of the children is killed and Blue-Eyes is wounded. After this, Speckles becomes the de facto alpha of a large migratory herd of dinosaurs fleeing the natural disaster. Two weeks into the journey, Blue-Eyes collapses from exhaustion. Seeing this, a pack of Velociraptors attacks the family, and though Speckles tries to hold them off, Blue-Eyes dies from her injury, forcing Speckles to leave her body behind in order to save their children.

After a long journey, the herd arrives at a new, fertile area in which to settle. However, Speckles once again encounters One-Eye, who has been driven out by the same natural disaster. Just as he did before, One-Eye causes the herbivores to stampede in order to ambush Speckles and his two babies. One-Eye kills one of Speckle's remaining children whilst the last, Speckles Jr., is knocked off a cliff into the ocean during the ensuing fight. Speckles dives into the sea to save him, but pursued by One-Eye. After a long fight in the ocean, One-Eye is attacked and eaten by a pair of Tylosaurus. Speckles eventually reaches Speckles Jr. and returns him safely to shore.

In the closing monologue, Speckles wishes a peaceful, happy life for his son.




