

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

川勝 正治(かわかつ まさはる、1929年 - )は、日本の生物学者。学位は、理学博士北海道大学論文博士・1961年)。元藤女子大学教授。専門は、プラナリア類(扁形動物門 "ウズムシ類" 三岐腸目)の生態・分布・分類・系統に関する研究。京都府生まれ。



1929年、京都府南桑田郡旭村(現・亀岡市)で生まれた。1953年、京都学芸大学(現・京都教育大学)卒業。京都学芸大学助手となり、プラナリア類の研究を始めた。1961年、日本列島産淡水生三岐腸類の垂直分布現象の解析に関する論文で、北海道大学から理学博士学位を受けた。同年4月から藤女子大学に移り、藤女子大学教授となった(在職:1961年 - 1999年)。以降、三岐腸類の分類学的研究を世界的規模で行い、多数の論文を発表した。1979年、UNISINOS大学ブラジル連邦共和国リオ・グランデ・ド・スル州)客員研究員。1993年、日本生物地理学会賞(次席)を受賞した。2006年、川勝のプラナリア類標本(プレパラート液浸標本、計24,000点ほど)は、アムステルダム大学動物博物館に寄贈され、世界の本動物群研究者の利用に供されている。


  • Kawakatsu, M., 1960. Notes on the freshwater planarians found in the subterranean waters of the Akiyoshi district. Jap. Jour. Zool., 12: 609-620.
  • Ichikawa, A. & Kawakatsu, M., 1962. Phagocata albata, a new probably subterranean freshwater planarian, from Hokkaido. Annot. Zool. Japon., 35: 29-37.
  • Ichikawa, A. & Kawakatsu, M., 1964. A new freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica, commonly but erroneously known as Dugesia gonocephala (Dugès). Annot. Zool. Japon., 37: 185-194.
  • Kawakatsu, M., 1965. On the ecology and distribution of freshwater planarians in the Japanese Islands, with special references to their vertical distribution. Hydrobiologia, 26: 349-408.
  • Kawakatsu, M. & Kim, W.-J., 1967. Results of the speleological survey in South Korea 1966, VI. Freshwater planarians from limestone caves of South Korea. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tôkyô, 10: 247-258 + pls 1-3.
  • Kawakatsu, M., 1968. North American Triclad Turbellaria, 17: Freshwater planarians from Lake Tahoe. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 124 (3638): 1-21 + pls I-II.
  • Mitchell, R. W. & Kawakatsu, M., 1972. Freshwater cavernicole planarians from Mexico: New troglobitic and troglophilic Dugesia from caves of the Sierra de Guatemala. Ann. Speleol., 72 (4): 639-681.
  • Kawakatsu, M., 1974. Further studies on the vertical distribution of freshwater planarians in the Japanese Islands. In: Riser, N. W. & Morse, M. P. (eds), Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Volume – Biology of the Turbellaria, pp. 291-338. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
  • Kawakatsu, M., Hauser, J. & Friedrich, S. M. G., 1976 The freshwater planaria from South Brazil. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tôkyô, A (Zool.), 2: 205-223.
  • Kawakatsu, M. & Mitchell, R. W., 1981. Redescription of Kenkia rhynchida Hyman, 1937, a troglobitic planarian from Oregon, and a redescription of the family Kenkiidae and its genera (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paluidicola). Annot. Zool. Japon., 54: 125-141.
  • Ogren, R. E. & Kawakatsu, M., 1987. Index to the species of the genus Bipalium (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola). Bull. Fuji Women's College, (25), II: 79-119.
  • Hori, H., Muto, A., Osawa, S., Takai, M., Lue, K.-Y. & Kawakatsu, M., 1988. Evolution of Turbellaria as deduced from 5S ribosomal RNA sequences. Fortschrit. Zool., 36: 163-167.
  • Kawakatsu, M., 1991. History of the study of Turbellaria in Japan. Hydrobiologia, 227: 389-398.
  • Sluys, R., Kawakatsu, M. & Winsor, L., 1998. The genus Dugesia in Australia, with its phylogenetic analysis and historical biogeography (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae). Zool. Scripta, 27: 273-289.
  • Kawakatsu, M., Sluys, R., Timoshkin, O. A., Naumova, T. V., Nishino, M. & Takai, M., 2001. Redescription of Japanese Bdellocephala annandalei from Lake Biwa-ko with comparative redescription of the Far Eastern and Kamchatkan Bdellocephala species (Tricladida, Paludicola). Belg. Jour. Zool. 131 (Suppl. 1): 205-211.
  • Kawakatsu, M., Sluys, R. & Ogren, R. E., 2005. Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species. Belg. Jour. Zool., 135: 53-77.
  • Sluys, R., Kawakatsu, M., Riutort, M. & Baguñà, J., 2009. A new higher classification of planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida). Jour. Nat. Hist., 43: 1763-1777.


  • Ronald SLUYS, Masaharu KAWAKATSU & Joke BLEEKER, 2006. The Kawakatsu Collection incorporated within the collection of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam. Ber. Nat.-med, Verein Innsbruck, Suppl. 16: 89. Kawakatsu's Web Library on Planarians. http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button: 10th ISFB 2006.
  • Masaharu KAWAKATSU, 2008. Short reminiscences of a turbellariologist. Kawakatsu's Web Library on Planarians. http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button: Reminiscences.
  • Masaharu KAWAKATSU, 2009. A list of nominal taxa of planarians and nemertean described by Kawakatsu and his coauthors. Kawakatsu’s Web Library on Planarians. http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button: Nominal Taxa.
  • Masaharu KAWAKATSU, Hitoshi MURAYAMA, Miyuki KAWAKATSU & Tetsuya KAWAKATSU, 2009. A new list of Japanese freshwater planarians based upon a new  higher classification of planarian flatworms proposed by Sluys, Kawakatsu, Riutort & Baguna (2009). http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button:NewList FPsJAPAN .
  • Masaharu KAWAKATSU, Machiko NISHINO, Akifumi OHTAKA & Kiyohiko YAMAMOTO, 2011. Exotic planarians now known from Japan. http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button: Matsuyama Rev.
  • Masaharu KAWAKATSU, Machiko NISHINO, Ken OGATA+, Ryoichi B. KURANISHI, Norio KOBAYASHI & Akifumi OHTAKA, 2012. Two North American freshwater planarian species now naturalized in Japan: Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) and Girardia dorotocephala (Woodworth, 1897). http://www.riverwin.jp/pl/ Button: Girardia JP.                                  



