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Leslie Scalapino

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Leslie Scalapino (nata Sanctae Barbarae Californiae 25 Iulii 1944; mortua Berkeleiae 28 Maii 2010) fuit poetria, scriptor orationis solutae experimentalis, scriptor scaenicus, commentator, et editor Americana, quae aliquando cum poetis linguae consociatur, quamquam se inter poetas prostratos numerare solebat.[1]

Opera selecta

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  • O and Other Poems, Sand Dollar Press, 1976
  • The Woman who Could Read the Minds of Dogs, Sand Dollar Press, 1976
  • Instead of an Animal, Cloud Marauder Press, 1978
  • This eating and walking is associated all right, Tombouctou, 1979
  • Considering how exaggerated music is, North Point Press, 1982
  • that they were at the beach — aeolotropic series, North Point Press, 1985
  • way, North Point Press, 1988
  • Crowd and not evening or light, O Books, 1992
  • Sight (cum Lyn Hejinian), Edge Books, 1999
  • New Time, Wesleyan University Press, 1999
  • The Tango, (cum Marina Adams), Granary Press, 2001
  • Day Ocean State of Stars' Night: Poems & Writings 1989 & 1999-2006, Green Integer (E-L-E-PHANT Series), 2007
  • It's go in horizontal, Selected Poems 1974-2006, UC Press, Berkeliae, 2008
  • The Return of Painting, DIA Foundation, 1990
  • The Return of Painting, The Pearl, and Orion : A Trilogy, North Point, 1991; Talisman, 1997
  • Defoe, Sun & Moon Press, 1995
  • The Front Matter, Dead Souls, Wesleyan University Press, 1996
  • Orchid Jetsam, Tuumba, 2001
  • Dahlia's Iris — Secret Autobiography and Fiction, FC2, November 2003

Scripta intergenerica

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  • The Public World / Syntactically Impermanence, Wesleyan University Press, 1999
  • How Phenomena Appear To Unfold , Potes & Poets Press, 1991
  • Objects in the Terrifying Tense / Longing from Taking Place, Roof Books, 1994
  • Green and Black, Selected Writings , Talisman Publishers, 1996
  • R-hu, Atelos Press, 2000
  • Zither and Autobiography, Wesleyan, 2003
  • Floats Horse-Floats or Horse-Flows, Starcherone Books, 2010
  • The Dihedrons Gazelle-Dihedrals Zoom, The Post-Apollo Press / O Books, 2010

Ludi scaenici

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  • Goya's L.A., a play, Potes & Poets Press, 1994 (musica Larry Ochs)
  • Stone Marmalade (the Dreamed Title), (cum Kevin Killian) Singing Horse Press, 1996
  • The Weatherman Turns Himself In, Zasterle Press, Spain 1999
  1. Lyn Hejinian, "Leslie Scalapino Remembered," Academia Poetarum Americanorum, Poet.org.

Nexus externi

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