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Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus

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"Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus": sententia a Petro Paulo Rubens anno 1614 illustrata (in Pinacotheca Academia Artium Pictoriarum (Vindobona) Vindobonensi)

Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus est sententia Latina, primum (quantum scimus) a persona Terentiana citata in fabula cuius titulus est Eunuchus:

Chremes: Verbum hercle hoc verum erit, "sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus".[1]

Hac sententia multae tabulae pictae inspiratae sunt. Anglice convertit Byron poëta, qui in Don Juan sic scripsit:

... some good lessons
Are also learnt from Ceres and from Bacchus
Without whom Venus will not long attack us.
While Venus fills the heart (without heart really
Love, though good always, is not quite so good),
Ceres presents a plate of vermicelli, --
For love must be sustain'd like flesh and blood, --
While Bacchus pours out wine, or hands a jelly.[2]

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