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Stephanus Gaselee

E Vicipaedia
Wikidata Stephanus Gaselee
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Nativitas: 9 Novembris 1882; Kensingtonia
Obitus: 16 Iunii 1943;
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum, Britanniarum Regnum

Stephanus Gaselee, vulgo Sir Stephen Gaselee (natus anno 1882; mortuus die 16 Iunii 1943) fuit legatus, eruditus, ganeo, amator librorum antiquorum Anglicus. Fuit bibliothecarius Collegii Magdalenae apud Cantabrigienses et amicus Alwini Scholfield qui eodem fere tempore bibliothecarius merebat universitarius.

Anno circiter 1902, annum vigesimum agaens, iam "character" vel "persona Cantabrigiensis" a Ronaldo Storrs delineatus est: membrum societatis "Decemvirorum" disputatorum philosophicorum una cum Ioannem Maynard Keynes et Lytton Strachey, eruditissimum litterarum classicarum, bibliophilum, liturgiologum, "qui tenilusor capillos reti retinebat, qui cattos suos Siamenses taetro pulmonis bovini frusto alebat (diu in patella prope cubile suum servato); qui quotidie per annum focum accendebat quippe Anglia sub climate frigido iacebat; qui societatem cenatoriam Deipnosophistarum condidit cuius socii purpuream synthesim gerentes serica syringea ornatam, vodca urbane praepotita, Oceanum sine chartis ciborum dialogorumque navigabant; qui Coptice legere scribere loqui potebat (id quod Copti ipsi iam trecentos annos non faciebant); qui calamo suo sacerdotali noctu fumebat dum Petronium vestimentaque ecclesiastica alasque squalorum(en) et problemata culinaria exponebat; princeps saecularis et miles Ecclesiae, gastronomus regius" cum quo per hortos collegiorum lintro permeabat cerasosque e magnis saccis rodebat dum fabulas Guidonis de Maupassant inter se viva voce recitabant.[1]

  • 1910 : "The Bibliography of Petronius" in Transactions of the Bibliographical Society vol. 10 (1910) pp. 141-233
  • 1910 (editor) : Petronius, Satyricon Latine et Anglice cum imaginibus Normanni Lindsay
  • 1913 : "The Common People of the Early Roman Empire" in Edinburgh Review vol. 218 (1913) pp. 82–101
  • 1913 : "Petronius, cap. LXXXI" in Notes and Queries series 7 vol. 7 (1913) p. 195
  • 1915 (editor) : A collotype reproduction of that portion of Cod. Paris. 7989, commonly called the Codex Traguriensis, which contains the Cena Trimalchionis of Petronius, together with four poems ascribed to Petronius in Cod. Leid. Voss. 111. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • 1915 (editor) : Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass, being the Metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius with an English translation by W. Adlington. Londinii: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library) (Latine, Anglice) Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1916 : The Greek manuscripts in the old Seraglio at Constantinople. Cantabrigiae Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1916 (editor) : "The Love Romances of Parthenius, and other fragments", in Daphnis & Chloe, by Longus ... The Love Romances of Parthenius ... Londinii: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library) (Graece, Anglice) Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1917 (interpres) : Achilles Tatius, Leucippe et Clitophon. Londinii: Heinemann (Loeb Classical Library) (Graece, Anglice) Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1918 : Stories from the Christian East. Londinii: Sidgwick & Jackson Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1921 (cum A. S. Duncan-Jones et E. G. P. Wyatt) : A Directory of Ceremonial. (Alcuin Club Tracts) Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1921 : The early printed books in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. A hand-list arranged in order of country, town & press, with short references to Proctor's Index and other bibliographical works. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1924 : "The Soul in the Kiss" in The Criterion vol. 2 (1924) pp. 349–359
  • 1925 (editor) : Nicolaus Monardes; Ioannes Frampton, interpres, Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde ex editionibus 1577 et 1580 refecta
  • 1925 (editor) : Anthology of Medieval Latin. Londinii: Macmillan Textus apud Internet Archive Recensio huius operis
  • 1927 (interpres, cum G. H. Box) : The Testament of Abraham, translated from the Greek text Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1928 (editor) : The Oxford Book of Medieval Latin Verse Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1931 : The transition from the late Latin lyric to the medieval love poem: being the substance of three lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge on the J.H. Gray foundation in the Michaelmas term, 1930. Cantabrigiae: Bowes & Bowes
  • 1942 : "Wine in Petronius" in Wine and Food vol. 36 (1942) pp. 171–172
  1. the Decemviri, a society ... which met every Wednesday night ... Charles Tennyson ... J. M. Keynes ... Lytton Strachey ... Stephen Gaselee was already at the age of twenty what he never ceased to be, a Cambridge Personality; Gaselee, with almost as many friends as interests, a first-class classical scholar, a bibliophile, a bibliographer, a liturgiologist; Gaselee, who when playing tennis wore his hair in a net; who kept Siamese cats, fed with a revolting portion of cow’s lung preserved on a plate above his bookshelf; who had a fire every day in the year because England has a cold climate; who founded the Deipnosophists’ dining club, where the members, robed in purple dinner-jackets lined with lilac silk and preluding dashingly on Vodka, would launch forth into an uncharted ocean of good food and even better talk; Gaselee, who read, wrote and spoke Ancient Coptic (which the Copts themselves had not done for 300 years); Gaselee, nightly puffing his long church-warden whilst he expatiated on Petronius, vestments, Shark’s Fin and cooking problems; a lay Prince of the Church, Ecclesiastic Militant and Gastronomer Royal ... afternoons spent with him in a canoe on the Backs with immense bags of cherries reading aloud to each other Guy de Maupassant: Ronald Storrs, Orientations (Londinii, 1937) pp. 15–16


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Barry Baldwin, "A. E. Housman and Petronius" in Petronius Society Newsletter no. 36 (2006) Textus
  • Barry Baldwin, "Gaseleen Alleys" in Petronius Society Newsletter no. 38 (2009) pp. 23-27 Textus
  • Andrew Dalby, "Gaseleiana" in Libraries Information Bulletin (Cambridge) no. 81 (1979) pp. 2-4
  • A. S. F. Gow, "Sir Stephen Gaselee, K.C.M.G." in Proceedings of the British Academy vol. 29 (1943) pp. 441-461
  • A. S. F. Gow, "Petroniana" in Classical Quarterly vol. 38 (1944) pp. 76-78 JSTOR
  • Harold Nicholson, Friday Mornings 1941–1944 (Londinii, 1944) pp. 172–175
  • A. B. Ramsay in Cambridge Review vol. 65 (1943) pp. 25–26
  • Ronald Storrs, David McKitterick, "Gaselee, Sir Stephen (1882-1943)" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis
  • Graham Whitaker in Robert B. Todd, ed., Dictionary of British Classicists vol. 2 (Londinii, 2004) pp. 358–359