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मिङ्ग राजवंश

विकिपिडिया नं
महान मिङ


1368 – 1644

Location of मिङ वंश
Location of मिङ वंश
Ming China at its greatest extent under the reign of the Yongle Emperor
राजधानी Nanjing (Yingtian prefecture)
Beijing (Shuntian prefecture)
39°54′N 116°23′E
भाषा(तः) Official language:
Guanhua Chinese
Other Chinese dialects:
Wu, Yue, Min, Xiang, Hakka, Gan
Other languages:
Uyghur, Tibetan, Mongolian, others
धर्म Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Islam
Government Value specified for "government_type" does not comply
Emperor (皇帝)
 - 1368–1398 The Hongwu Emperor
 - 1627–1644 The Chongzhen Emperor
Senior Grand Secretary
 - 1402–1407 Xie Jin
 - 1644 Wei Zaode
 - नान्जिङय् पलिस्थ ज्यानुवरी २३
 - Fall of Beijing to Li Zicheng अप्रिल २५
 - दक्षिण मिङया पतन ज्यानुवरी २२, सन् १६६२
 - 1415[] ६,५००,००० km2
२,५०९,६६४ sq mi
 - 1393 est. ६५,०००,००० 
 - 1403 est. ६६,५९८,३३७¹ 
 - 1500 est. १२५,०००,०००² 
 - 1600 est. १६०,०००,०००³ 
मुद्रा Bimetallic:
copper cashes (, wén) in strings of coin and paper
Silver taels (, liǎng) in sycees and by weight
Remnants of the Ming Dynasty ruled southern China until 1662, a dynastic period which is known as the Southern Ming.
¹The numbers are based on estimates made by CJ Peers in Late Imperial Chinese Armies: 1520–1840
²According to A. G. Frank, ReOrient: global economy in the Asian Age, 1998, p. 109
³According to A. Maddison, The World Economy Volume 1: A Millennial Perspective Volume 2, 2007, p. 238

मिङ शासन, वा महान मिङया साम्राज्य चीनया इतिहासय् सन् १३६८निसें सन् १६४४ तक्कयाना २७६ दँतक्क मिङ वंशंयाःगु शासन ख। थ्व वंशं चीनया शासन मंगोल युवान वंश्या पतन धुंका शुरु जुल। मिङकालयात छुं विज्ञतयेसँ मानव इतिहासया दकलय् स्थीर समाज व संरचना दूगु सरकारय् छगू (one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history) धका नं वर्णन याःगु दु। [] थ्व वंश चीन शासन याइगु अन्तिम हान जातिया वंश ख। थ्व वंशया राजधानी बेइजिङ सन् १६४४स लि जिचेङया विद्रोहं थःगु ल्हातय् लाका शुन वंश शुरु यात व म्हो इलय् हे थ्व वंशयात मञ्चु जातिया नेतृत्त्वया चिङ वंशं बुकल। अथेजुसां दक्षिणय् मिङ शासनया समर्थकतयेसं सन् १६६२तक्क दक्षिणी मिङ धागु शासन दयेकातल।


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  1. Primary capital after 1403; secondary capital after 1421.
  2. Secondary capital until 1421; primary capital afterwards.
  3. The capitals-in-exile of the Southern Ming were Nanjing (1644), Fuzhou (1645–6), Guangzhou (1646–7), Zhaoqing (1646–52).
  4. (December 2006) "East-West Orientation of Historical Empires". Journal of world-systems research 12 (2): 219–229. ISSN 1076–156x. Retrieved on 12 August 2010. 
  5. Edwin Oldfather Reischauer, John King Fairbank, Albert M. Craig (1960) A history of East Asian civilization, Volume 1. East Asia: The Great Tradition, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.


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