Before: EN color
After: EN colour
Summary: Changed English representation of Form 1: colour
Before: EN-GB colour, EN-US color
After: EN-GB-colour
Summary: Removed American English representation of Form 1: color
Fall back to [en-gb] if we can't get the language name the same way we do it for terms.
Before: EN-GB colour
After: EN-GB colour, EN-US color
Summary: Added American English representation of Form 1: color
Fall back to [en-gb] if we can't get the language name the same way we do it for terms.
Grammatical features
Before: Q666 (dative)
After: Q777 (accusative)
Summary: Changed grammatical feature of Form 1: accusative (Q777)
Before: Q666 (dative), Q888 (singular)
After: Q666 (dative)
Summary: Removed grammatical feature of Form 1: singular (Q888)
Before: Q666 (dative)
After: Q666 (dative), Q888 (singular)
Summary: Added grammatical feature of Form 1: singular (Q888)
Bonus question: It's been decided once that when the user changes both representation(s) and grammatical feature(s), and then clicks save, the changes she made are stored as a single edit, thus there is a single edit summary to consider. Question then: How would the summary look in such a case?
Hint: one couldn't refer to item/property changes AFAIK, as when e.g. changing the label, and the description, and then saving, there are two edits saved on the item/property, and each has an edit summary about the respective field.
Answer: Combine them and just add one after the other.