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John Maynard Keynes

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The Laird Keynes

File:Lord Keynes.jpg
Born5 Juin 1883(1883-06-05)
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Ingland
Dee'd21 Apryle 1946(1946-04-21) (aged 62)
Tilton, near Firle, Sussex, Ingland
Poleetical pairty
Hauf-marrae(s)Lydia Lopokova
Academic career
InstitutionKing's College, Cambridge
Schuil or
Keynesian economics
Alma mater
InfluencesJeremy Bentham, Thomas Malthus, Alfred Marshall, Nicholas Johannsen, Knut Wicksell, Piero Sraffa, John Neville Keynes, Bertrand Russell[1]
InfluencedJohn Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Samuelson, John Hicks, Nicholas Kaldor, Joan Robinson, Hyman Minsky, Amartya Sen, Abba Lerner, Franco Modigliani, James Tobin Robert Solow, Ha Joon Chang, Joseph Stiglitz, Steve Keen, Paul Krugman, Robert Shiller, George Akerlof, Brad DeLong, Thomas Piketty, Yanis Varoufakis, Robert Reich, Zhou Xiaochuan, Wolfgang Stützel, Mariana Mazzucato, Robin Hahnel, Axel Leijonhufvud, Manmohan Singh, New Keynesian economics, Post-Keynesian economics

John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes of Tilton (pronoonced kānz / kAnze) (5 Juin, 188321 Aprile, 1946) wis an Inglish economist that's conceits haed a muckle impact on modren economic an poleitical theory as weel as on Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. He is minded in particlar for advocatin interventionist government policy, for ti lat governments uise fiscal an monetary measures for ti try an lessen the effecks o economic recessions, depressions an booms. He is conseidered bi monie ti be the foonder o modren macroeconomics.


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  1. Bradley W. Bateman; Toshiaki Hirai; Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, eds. (2010). The Return to Keynes. Harvard University Press. p. 146. ISBN 9780674053540.


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