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Wikipedia:Requests for permissions

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Requests for permissions
This page enables admeenistrators tae handle requests for permissions on the Scots Wikipaedia. Admeenistrators are able tae modify rowback, confirmed, an autopatrolled richts.
Editors wishin tae request a permission flag here should do so follaeing the procedure ablo. Editors requestin permissions are advised tae periodically reveesit the requests page, as notifications will nae always be gien efter a decision is made. Tae find oot whit permissions yer accoont haes, gang tae Special:Preferences, whaur yer permissions are leetit in the uiser profile tab unner "Member o groups".
Requests for permissions are archived regularly, please see Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Archive for an index o past requests.


[eedit soorce]

Handled here

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The follaein are requestit an handled here:

  • Autopatrolled (add request · view requests): The autopatrolled flag is grantit tae uisers who are active in the creation o new airticles. This tuil is grantit so thair creations are auto patrolled in Special:NewPages. Unlik ither requests, ony uiser mey nominate an editor for Autopatrolled, even wioot that uiser's consent. A uiser who wishes tae hae this flag generally should hae creatit at least 50 airticles an must be trustit, experienced, an must hae demonstratit thay are familiar wi Wikipaedia's policies an guidelines.
  • Flood flag (add request · view requests): The Flood flag mey be grantit temporary tae uisers who are plannin tae mak many smaa repetitive chynges in a short period o time.
  • Rowback (add request · view requests): Rowback enables uisers tae remove vandalism much mair quickly an efficiently nor bi undaein it. Uisers who dae nae demonstrate an unnerstanding o what constitutes capable vandalism fichtin, either acause thay hae no or little history o daein sae, or shaw a puir ability tae discern atween guid an bad faith eedits will nae be grantit this richt. For a mair detailed explanation o rowback an information aboot when it is appropriate tae uise the tuil, see Wikipedia:Rowback. For information aboot the technical details o the featur, see here.

Handled elsewhere

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Several permissions are requestit an handled elsewhaur:


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Tae mak a request for a permission, click "add request" next tae the appropriate heider an fill in the reason for wantin permission.

Ony editor mey comment on requests for permission.


[eedit soorce]

Admeenistrators are permittit tae grant Rowback, IP block exempt, Flood, an/or Autopatrolled flags tae ony uiser who meets the criteria explained abuin an can be trustit nae tae abuse the tuil(s). Thay should review the uiser's contributions an logs tae ensure the tuils will be uised appropriately an check for ony indication o potential misuise.

Ance an admeenistrator haes granted a permission or decided tae deny a request, thay should add {{duin}} or {{nae duin}} respectively unner the request wi thair comments. If a uiser already haes the requestit permission {{already duin}} should be uised.

Current requests

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(add requestview requests)

With respect, Sir I like to edit in Wikipedia, I think I will do my best to do this job with my elders, please give me this permission, I would be fortunate to edit Wikipedia.I will not make any mistake and whatever I will do after my administration I will do the tail. RocketFast (talk)

N Nae duin Globally blocked. --AmaryllisGardener talk 23:02, 20 October 2017 (UTC)[replie]

IP block exempt

[eedit soorce]
(add requestview requests)

With respect, Sir I like to edit in Wikipedia, I think I will do my best to do this job with my elders, please give me this permission, I would be fortunate to edit Wikipedia.I will not make any mistake and whatever I will do after my administration I will do the tail. RocketFast (talk)
N Nae duin Globally blocked. --AmaryllisGardener talk 23:04, 20 October 2017 (UTC)[replie]

With respect, Sir I like to edit in Wikipedia, I think I will do my best to do this job with my elders, please give me this permission, I would be fortunate to edit Wikipedia.I will not make any mistake and whatever I will do after my administration I will do the tail. RocketFast
@Vicente matimbaa: N Nae duin Globally locked. --AmaryllisGardener talk 06:52, 3 Mairch 2018 (UTC)[replie]

(add requestview requests)


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(add requestview requests)