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John Keats

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Džon Kits

Džon Kits, rad Vilijama Hiltona

1795. oktobar 1795.
London LondonUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo
1821. februar 1821.
Rim RimItalija

1795. 1821. John Keats (London, 31. oktobar 1795. - Rim, 23. februar 1821.), engleski pjesnik, jedna od vodećih figura romantizma.

Rodio se u londonskoj ulici Mooregate br. 85, gdje mu je otac radio kao konjušar. Tu je živio do svoje sedme godine života. Otac mu je umro od frakture lobanje nastale padom sa konja. Majka mu se ubrzo preudala, ali i napustila novog supruga, te se sa svoje četvero djece preselila njegovoj baki. Ubrzo mu je majka umrla od tuberkuloze. Baki su na čuvanje ostala djeca. Ona je imenovala dva čuvara da čuvaju njene nove "dužnosti". Ti čuvari su mladog Keatsa ispisali iz škole koju je volio i koja mu je usadila ljubav za književnost, i poslali ga da bude šegrt liječnika. Njemu se ta zamisao nije svidjela pa je nakon tučnjave sa svojim gospodarom, napustio naukovanje da bi postao student u lokalnoj bolnici. Tada se posvećuje književnom radu. Njegova djela kritika nikad nije voljela, iako je takvo mišljenje bilo produkt politike, a ne estetike.

Brat Tom umire mu od TBC-a, a i sam Keats pokazuje znakove bolesti. Od septembra 1818. do septembra 1819. traje Keatsov najplodniji stvaralački period. U toj godini dana napisao je najveći dio svojih djela koja je kritika pohvalila.

Bio je u Škotskoj i Irskoj, ali se prerano vratio zbog narušenog zdravlja. Fanny Brawne je bila žena u koju se zaljubio, ali koja ga je unesrećila. Po savjetu doktora o promijeni klime, uz svog prijatelja ide u Rim. Uselio se u kuću kraj Španskih stuba, i tu su se o njemu brinuli prijatelj Joseph Severn i doktor John Clark. Iako je tuberkuloza tada bila neizlječiva bolest, Percy Shelley i George Gordon Byron vjerovali su da je Keatsa dotukla kritika objavljena u časopisu "Quarterly Review". Njemu u spomen i čast, Shelley je napisao i pjesmu Adonais.

Umro je sa samo 26 godina. Pokopan je na protestantskom groblju u Rimu. Na nadgrobnom spomeniku mu stoji natpis: "Ovdje leži onaj čije je ime zapisano u vodi". Ime mu nije na spomeniku. Oscar Wilde mu se divio smatravši ga kraljem.


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  • Bate, Walter Jackson (1964). John Keats. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • Bate, Walter Jackson (2012). Negative Capability: The Intuitive Approach in Keats (1965), reprinted with a new intro by Maura Del Serra. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2012.
  • Brown, Charles Armitage (1937). The Life of John Keats, ed. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Brown, Sue (2009). Joseph Severn, A Life: The Rewards of Friendship. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-956502-3
  • Chapman, D. (2012). What's in an Urn?, Concept, ISBN 978-1291143119.
  • Colvin, Sidney (1917). John Keats: His Life and Poetry, His Friends Critics and After-Fame. London: Macmillan.
  • Colvin, Sidney (1970). John Keats: His Life and Poetry, His Friends, Critics, and After-Fame. New York: Octagon Books.
  • Coote, Stephen (1995). John Keats. A Life. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
  • De Almeida, Hermione (1991). Romantic Medicine and John Keats. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-506307-4
  • Gittings, Robert (1954). John Keats: The Living Year. 21 September 1818 to 21 September 1819. London: Heinemann.
  • Gittings, Robert (1964). The Keats Inheritance. London: Heinemann.
  • Gittings, Robert (1968). John Keats. London: Heinemann.
  • Gittings, Robert (1987) Selected poems and letters of Keats London: Heinemann.
  • Goslee, Nancy (1985). Uriel's Eye: Miltonic Stationing and Statuary in Blake, Keats and Shelley. University of Alabama Press. ISBN 0-8173-0243-3
  • Hewlett, Dorothy (3rd rev. ed. 1970). A life of John Keats. London: Hutchinson.
  • Hirsch, Edward (Ed.) (2001). Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats. Random House Publishing. ISBN 0-375-75669-8
  • Houghton, Richard (Ed.) (2008). The Life and Letters of John Keats. Read Books. ISBN 978-1-4097-9103-4
  • Jones, Michael (1984). „Twilight of the Gods: The Greeks in Schiller and Lukacs”. Germanic Review 59 (2): 49–56. DOI:10.1080/00168890.1984.9935401. 
  • Lachman, Lilach (1988). "History and Temporalization of Space: Keats' Hyperion Poems". Proceedings of the XII Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, edited by Roger Bauer and Douwe Fokkema (Munich, Germany): 159–164.
  • G. M. Matthews (Ed). (1995). "John Keats: The Critical Heritage". London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-13447-1
  • Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton, ed. (Lord Houghton) (1848). Life, Letters and Literary Remains of John Keats. 2 vols. London: Edward Moxon.
  • Andrew Motion (1997). Keats. London: Faber.
  • O'Neill, Michael & Mahoney Charles (Eds.) (2007). Romantic Poetry: An Annotated Anthology. Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-21317-1
  • Ridley, M. and R. Clarendon (1933). Keats' craftsmanship: a study in poetic development ASIN: B00085UM2I (Out of Print in 2010).
  • Scott, Grant F. (1994). The Sculpted Word: Keats, Ekphrasis, and the Visual Arts. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. ISBN 0-87451-679-X
  • Stillinger, Jack (1982). Complete Poems. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-15430-4
  • Strachan, John (Ed.) (2003). A Routledge Literary Sourcebook on the Poems of John Keats. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-23478-6
  • Helen Vendler (1983). The Odes of John Keats. Belknap Press ISBN 0-674-63076-9
  • Walsh, John Evangelist (1999). Darkling I Listen: The Last Days and Death of John Keats. New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • Walsh, William (1957). "John Keats", in From Blake to Byron. Middlesex: Penguin.
  • Ward, Aileen (1963). John Keats: The Making of a Poet. London: Secker & Warburg.
  • Wolfson, Susan J. (1986). The Questioning Presence. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-1909-3
  • Bate, Walter Jackson. Negative Capability: The Intuitive Approach in Keats. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2012.
  • Cox, Jeffrey N. Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School: Keats, Shelley, Hunt and Their Circle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0521604239
  • Kirkland, John (2008). Love Letters of Great Men, Vol. 1. CreateSpace Publishing.
  • Amy Lowell (1925). John Keats. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Parson, Donald (1954). Portraits of Keats. Cleveland: World Publishing Co.
  • Plumly, Stanley (2008). Posthumous Keats. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
  • Richardson, Joanna (1963). The Everlasting Spell. A Study of Keats and His Friends. London: Cape
  • Richardson, Joanna (1980). Keats and His Circle. An Album of Portraits. London: Cassell.
  • William Michael Rossetti (1887). The Life and Writings of John Keats. London: Walter Scott.
  • Turley, Richard Marggraf (2004). Keats' Boyish Imagination. London: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-28882-8

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