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Razgovor s korisnikom:Vipz

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Izvor: Wikipedija

Pitanje korisnika Dzon Karlson (12:43, 15 juli 2024)

[uredi kod]

zeleo bih da postavim nesto na vikipediju --Dzon Karlson (razgovor) 12:43, 15 juli 2024 (CEST)

Zdravo @Dzon Karlson, o čemu se radi tvoj upit? – Vipz (razgovor) 12:49, 15 juli 2024 (CEST)
Molim za smernice kako da postavim novim clanak. – Dzon Karlson (razgovor) 13:05, 15 juli 2024 (CEST)
@Dzon Karlson naše stranice pomoći ti vjerojatno mogu poslužiti: Pomoć:Sadržaj. Ako imaš neku konkretnu nedoumicu ili pitanje, objasni mi pa ću ti pokušati pružiti ruku oko toga. Radi li se npr. o tome kako započeti pisanje, stiliziranju, kategoriziranju, formatizovanju (podnaslovi, podebljanje/kosa slova, tabele, itd.)...? – Vipz (razgovor) 13:26, 15 juli 2024 (CEST)


[uredi kod]

Ovo je sve što sam našao, mada za ovakve stvari postoje pravni akti i novinarski izvještaji. Trebalo bi se pretražiti arhive.– Inokosni organ (razgovor) 02:43, 24 juli 2024 (CEST)

Research about the tools on Wikimedia projects by the CEE Hub

[uredi kod]

Hi everyone,

We would like to invite you to submit your responses to the survey dedicated to the tools that are used currently across the Wikimedia projects and the tools that you want to have.

This survey was made by the working group of the CEE Hub, and your responses will be reviewed afterwards, as we want to continue supporting the communities. That support can be documentation for certain most used tools by other communities across the region per specific topics, finding solutions for new tools to be created in the future, creating most needed tools in the region (so called "regional wishlist list"), and many other options.

Deadline to fill in the survey is 20th of August, 2024.

Submit your answers here

Thank you in advance for your time that you will dedicate in filling in this survey --MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 15:07, 26 juli 2024 (CEST)

Pitanje korisnika Crazy tailor (00:27, 7 august 2024)

[uredi kod]

i want to create a page of me? --Crazy tailor (razgovor) 00:27, 7 august 2024 (CEST)

Hello @Crazy tailor. Are you seeking to create your userpage or an article about yourself? If former, just click your username and create the page. If latter, have in mind that we don't accept articles written in a language that is not Serbo-Croatian, and the policies regarding autobiography articles (we won't accept such articles in most cases). – Vipz (razgovor) 00:44, 7 august 2024 (CEST)

Results from the survey about the tools on Wikimedia projects by the CEE Hub

[uredi kod]

Hi everyone,

During August 2024, we sent you a survey about the tools, so now we would like to bring to your attention the conclusions and results from the survey, which you can explore on this Meta page.

I hope you will enjoy exploring the mentioned tools on the page, along with other conclusions from the survey. Thanks for your time, and we will continue working on this important topic. --MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 7. oktobra 2024. u 14:10 (CEST)[odgovori]

Pitanje korisnika DanašnjiDan (11. oktobra 2024. u 08:51)

[uredi kod]

Dobro jutro! Kako mogu napraviti stranicu za svoju ulicu? --DanašnjiDan (razgovor) 11. oktobra 2024. u 08:51 (CEST)[odgovori]

Ćao @DanašnjiDan, hvala ti na upitu! Ovako, prvo se uvjeriš da tvoj budući članak prelazi prag značaja i sakupiš nekoliko pouzdanih izvora kojima ćeš potkrijepiti tvrdnje u članku. Pogledaj nekoliko članaka o drugim ulicama koje već imamo, primjerice Kategorija:Ulice u Rimu, da dobiješ generalnu ideju kako napisati i organizirati članak o nekoj ulici. Kad si spreman ili spremna započeti pisanje svoga članka, odrediš naslov članka, npr. "Splavarska ulica" ili "Ulica Mirka Bogovića (Zagreb)" (zagrade u naslovljavanju služe za razvrstavanje). Ja bih osobno preporučio započinjanje članka na svom igralištu prije nego bude spreman za premještaj u glavni imenski prostor pod tim naslovom. I potom počneš pisati! :) Ako negdje zapne, ja ili netko od iskusnih kolega Wikipedista će ti uskočiti pomoći prvom prilikom. Lijep pozdrav! – Vipz (razgovor) 12. oktobra 2024. u 07:19 (CEST)[odgovori]

Join the Wikipedia Asian Month Campaign 2024

[uredi kod]

Dear 2022 & 2023 WAM Organizers,

Greetings from Wikipedia Asian Month User Group!

The Wikipedia Asian Month Campaign 2024 is just around the corner. We invite you to register your language for the event on the "Join an event" page and once again become an organizer for your language's Wikipedia. Additionally, this year we have selected ambassadors for various regions in Asia. If you encounter any issues and need support, feel free to reach out to the ambassador responsible for your area or contact me for further communication. We look forward to seeing you again this year. Thank you!

Betty2407 (talk) 11:00, 20 October 2024 (UTC) on behalf of Wikipedia Asian Month 2024 Team

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