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Hagiography of Hazrat Pir Khwaja Habib Ali Shah Sahib (ra) of Hyderabad India

Habib Ali Shah Chisti ul Quadri Naqshbandi
BornSunday, 20 Jamadi ul Thani 1236H,
Hyderabad, India
DiedThursday, 6th Dhul Hijjah 1323H, Khanqah Habibia Dockyard Road, Bombay, India, Buried at Ahmed Bagh, Katalmandi, Hyderabad, India. On 10th Dhul Hijjah 1323H after Idd AL-Adha prayers.
Other namesBorn as Habib Yarkhan Siddiqui "Habib" (Pen Name)
TitleShah Deccan Qutub Konkan

Ka'bah for his lovers. Sultan amongst the saints, Qiblah for the seekers, Master of the Two Worlds, Mystic Knower of the Sacred Law, Incomparable Sprititual teacher and guide. The pivotal pole (Qutb) of Kokan. The King of Deccan, matchless, priceless, incomparable pearl of Hyderabad Deccan erstwhile Nizam State. His is the patriarch of the silsila Habibia Nizamia Chishti Silsila. He is the renowned Wali (sufi saint) of Hyderabad Deccan, India. His exalted Eminence - Shah Deccan Qutub Kokan Hazrat Khwaja Habib Ali Shah was born in a noble family, whose lineage is traced back to Hazrat Sayyiduna Abu bakr Siddiq (radiallahu anhu), sahabi Rasool (saw)- the 1st calipha of Islam.

His father Nawaab Ahmed Yar Khan (ra) was a well revered "Nawaab" and a famous philanthropist, he was Chief Royal Physician (Hakimul Hukama) in Nizam dynasty of Hyderabad Deccan and received the title of Mohi Ud Dowla III. His mother Bibi Amatul Fatima (ra), her lineage is from Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Ali sahabi Rasool (saw) and the 4th Calipha of Islam. His parents were pious and were mureed of Sheik-ul-Islam Hazrat Khwaja Hafiz Muhammad Ali Shah (ra) (as known as Hafiz Pir Dastagir) of Khairaabaad, India.

The birth of Khwaja Habib (rahmatullahi alaihi)) was foretold by the great Sheikh himself who remarked that "his" son would be born in the home of Nawaab Ahmad Yar Khan (Mohi ud dowla). At this stage the mother of Hazrat Khwaja Habib (ra) Bibi Amatul Fatima (ra) was beyond child bearing age, but since the grand sheikh had spoken, they knew that Allah willed otherwise.

In Diwan Habib, Hazrat Khwaja Habib (ra) exhibited his love for truth, about Sheikh and Prophet Mohammed (saw):

                                                “Kar Habib Apne Pidr aur na Madr pe Ghoooror
                                                Ishq mein falan ibn falan haach hai haach"

(English Translation of the above persian couplet: On your ancestry Habib be not proud aught. In the path of love So-and-So, is naught,is naught)

As predicted by Hafiz Pir Dastagir (ra)2 years later, a male-child was born as the fourth child of Nawaab Ahmad Yar Khan, as family tradition who was named Habib Yar Khan. In Hagiography "Tadhkiratul Habib" (memorial of the beloved) by Hafiz Muhammed Fuzail Soofie Al Habibi, Durban, South Africa reported that at the time of blessed birth of Khwaja Habib (ra) a majzub stood at the door of the home in Kuch-e-Nasim Sultan (located near Machli Kaman near Charminar, Hyderabad) the palace of Nawab Ahmed Yar Khan (Mohi ud dowla), and pacing the floor in ecstasy repeatedly uttered "Shaykh Paida Shud" (English Translation: Sheikh has born). It is to be noted according to the science of Abjad, the year of the birth of Hazrat Khwaja Habib Ali Shah (ra) is "Ya Sayyid Habib Ali Shah Chishti"

Four years later, the grand Sheikh Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Shah Kharaibadi (ra) visited Hyderabad. He knowlingly enquired from Nawab Ahmed Yar Khan, “Well, well was not my child born at your home. ? Nawaab Ahmed Yar Khan replied “YES”. Hafiz Pir Dastagir (ra) asked, “Well have you named him”? The Nawaab sahib replied in the affirmative. “What have you named him? “. asked the Sheikh. The Nawaab sahib replaied, “Habib Yar Khan Bahadur”. Hafiz Pir Dastagir (ra) was very pleased and said, “Ihave come to performe the Bismillah (Tasmi khani) ceremony of my son”. On 23 Shawal 1240 AH at the age of four years four months and four days, Hafiz Pir proceeded with the Bismillah of the child and thereafter put the child on test. A handful of gold coins and a handful of sweetmeats were placed in front of the child and he was asked by the Sheikh to choose that which he desired. This child (Khwaja Habib) with saintly future placed his hands on both and said, “I will take both !”. Upon this Hafiz Pir Dastagir (ra) smiled knowlingly and declared, “My child will choose spirituality over wealth, and will be a wealth of spirituality”!.

At this tender age Khwaja Habib (ra) formally began the process of acquiring external as well as internal knowledge. The spiritual magnetism and charisma of the Ka’bah of lovers and the divine wine of the love of Allah (swt) that flowed from the glance of his murshid was so great, that this young child - Khwaja Habib (ra) of less than 5 years of age became enamoured with this beloved of Allah (swt).

After the official Bismillah ceremony, Khwaja Habib (ra) in imitating the actions of his beloved Sheikh took to learning and memorizing the verses, meanings and ultimately the secrets of the Holy Quran. The first impact of the soul piercing glance of the Sheikh was the love for the Hoy Quran.

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