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About Me
This user is an idiot, and they are proud of that.
This user is an ageless immortal.
This user is genderless.
Editor info
This user has been on Wikipedia for 2 years.2Y
WTF?This user ALWAYS leaves
an edit summary.
This user would be a member of the AAW if they could be arsed about it.
This user advocates proletarian popular education.
AAThis user has an Associate of Arts degree.
This user is an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology.
PhDThis user aspires to be a doctoral student.
W&MThis user attends or attended the
College of William & Mary
This user is interested in psychology.
IWTF This user is skeptical of MBTI, regarding it as pseudoscience.
IQThis user thinks that IQ tests are overrated.
This user is interested in religion as a sociological and psychological phenomenon.
This user condemns all forms of antisemitism.
This user condemns all forms of
This user is interested in Judaism.
This user is interested in Islam.
This user is interested in Buddhism.
This user is interested in Taoism.
MUSThis user is an expert in Music.
This user plays the guitar.
This user is a drummer.
This user plays the piano.
This user plays the bass guitar.
This user is a bass.
PHILThis user is an expert in Philosophy.
This user loves the philosophy of
Immanuel Kant
This user likes Karl Marx.
This user is always-already interpellated by ideology.
This user is a Communist.
This user is Un-American.
This user opposes NATO
This user supports one democratic state in historic Palestine from the river to the sea.
This user recognizes the Palestinian right of return.
This user supports animal liberation.
This user has adopted 1 rescue dog.1
This user is a mutt lover.
This user loves
Labrador Retrievers.
This user likes sun bears.
Art & Architecture
This user is interested in architecture.
This user is interested in Islamic architecture.
This user loves espresso.
This user has never encountered a style of beer they don't like.
This user drinks Coors Banquet.
This user drinks Vinho do Porto.
This user drinks