Reproductive justice and safe access to abortion, like so many other aspects of managing our healthcare, is fundamentally tied to our digital lives. With the decision of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization to overturn the protections that Roe v. Wade offered for people seeking abortion healthcare, what was benign data before is now potentially criminal evidence. This expanded threat to digital rights is especially dangerous for BIPOC, lower-income, immigrant, LGBTQ+ people and other traditionally marginalized communities, and the healthcare providers serving these communities.

On this page we have assembled data privacy guides for anyone potentially affected: those seeking abortion healthcare, clinics and health professionals, as well as those involved in the abortion access advocacy movements. This page also links to EFF's advocacy and recommendations to legislatures and companies to better protect the digital rights of people seeking and providing reproductive healthcare.

Watch this short video on digital security for the abortion access movement:

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Protect digital privacy and free expression. EFF's public interest legal work, activism, and software development preserve fundamental rights.
Protect digital privacy and free expression. EFF's public interest legal work, activism, and software development preserve fundamental rights. DONATE TO EFF