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A historical play about the Gupta emperor of northern India.

120 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1964

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About the author

Jaishankar Prasad, a most celebrated personality related to the modern Hindi literature and Hindi theatre, was born at 30th January in the year 1889 and died at 14th January in the year 1937. He was a great Indian poet, novelist and dramatist, born in the simple madheshiya Teli Vaisya family of the Varanasi, UP, India. His father (named Babu Devki Prasad, also called as the Sunghani Sahu) has his own business related to the tobacco dealing.

Jaishankar Prasad had to face some financial problems in his family as he has lost his father in his young age. Because of such financial problems, he could not study further than 8th class. However, he was so keen to know many languages, past histories and Hindi literature, that’s why he continued his study at home. As he continued his study, he was influenced much from the Vedas which imitated him in the deep philosophical rival.

He has started writing poetry from his very early age. He was also fond of playing chess and doing gardening work at his home. He was interested in the Vedas to a great extent which influenced him extremely for writing his own poetry, plays, stories and novels. He has written his first book of poem collections known as the Chitraadhar in the Braj vernacular of Hindi which was widely used in Uttar Pradesh state at that time. His poems were liked too much by the people as they were heart touching, soft, simple language and emotional.

He had paid much attention towards the language of poems as well as the philosophic content. That’s why he is known as a world-class Hindi litterateur, philosopher and great writer. He wrote his poetry in a range of varieties from the romantic to the patriotic. His most prominent patriotic poem of his career is known as the ‘Himadri Tung Shring Se’ which he had written before the independence of country from the British.

He spent his middle career of his life by writing the novels, plays and poetries. He got himself exceedingly influenced by the Sanskrit and other languages related to the Sanskrit. He had written his some of the dramas in the Persian and Bengali languages.


He has written his first poetry (known as the Chitradhar collection) into Braj language but soon after he has changed writing language to the Khadi and Sanskrit. He has started writing dramas into the Sanskrit language but later he has started writing dramas into the Bengali as well as Persian languages. Some of the famous dramas written by him are Chandragupta, Skandagupta and Dhruvaswamini.

He is the famous personality in the field of Hindi literature and Hindi theatre. He was the one who make the world romantic with his great and heart touching writings. He had mixed up the art and philosophy in his writings. He has chosen the title of his writings of different names which ranges from the romantic to the nationalistic. Through his great writings, he had described the essence of the classical Hindi poetry. ‘Himadri Tung Shring Se’ is the nationalistic poem written by him, became famous in the market which lead him to won so many awards in the period of Indian independence movement. Kamayani is another written poem by him which was also the best creation of him.

He has shown the life history of many great personalities and stories of the ancient India through his Dramas and other writings. His written dramas were proved to be the most pioneering ones in the Hindi. Around 1960s, his plays were selected by the ancient Indian Drama’s Professor, Shanta Gandhi for the modern Indian theatre. He has written the Skandagupta, his most important writing in the year 1928.

He also has written the many interesting short stories, titles of which are ranges from the historical to the mythological related to both contemporary and social. One of his short stories named, Mamta described the motherly love and the story of the Mughal Badshah. Another short story is the Chhota jadugar tells the life history of the child who has learned to earn the money

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Profile Image for Ayush Kothifora.
47 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2018
इतिहास एक चक्र है, ये कृति इस बात को पूर्ण रूप से सिद्ध करती है। गुप्त काल में जो मनुष्य की महत्वाकांशए थी वो आज के समाज मे भी पाई जाती हैं। धर्म , सत्ता व अनेक विषयों पर प्रसाद जी द्वारा किये गए कटाक्ष आज के दौर में भी प्रासंगिक हैं। भाषा थोड़ी सी कठिन है, परंतु भाव स्पष्ठ रूप से उभर कर आता है।
Profile Image for Arpit Shukla.
19 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2017
The book is an amazing work by Prasad. Trying to arouse consciousness in people by means of evoking past. Language is little tough( संस्कृतनिष्ठ तत्सम ). It takes little time to understand the dialoges. Also the portrayal of lady characters is very strong.
45 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2019
Phli bar kuch is trh ka pdha.
Kuch rochak sa lga kuch alag sa.
Profile Image for Divya Pal.
601 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2023
स्कंदगुप्त के समय भारत में वर्ण व्यवस्था आधारित समाज में बड़ी उपेक्षा थी। वर्ण व्यवस्था के अंतर्गत ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र जातियों के बीच विभिन्न अंतर थे और यह अंतरफलक उनके आर्थिक, सामाजिक और राजनीतिक अधिकारों को संबोधित करते थे।
इस अंतर को कम करने के लिए धर्मीय आंदोलन भी चल रहे थे, जिसमें बौद्ध धर्म अपनी चर्चा कर रहा ���ा। बौद्ध धर्म ने वर्ण व्यवस्था को खत्म करने का प्रयास किया था और इस लिए वह ब्राह्मण वर्ग से टकराता था।
इस समय भारत में हिंदू और बौद्ध धर्म के बीच विवाद थे। स्कंदगुप्त के समय में उन्होंने अपनी सामर्थ्यशाली राजनीति द्वारा इस विवाद को समाप्त किया था। उन्होंने बौद्ध धर्म को समर्थन देते हुए वर्ण व्यवस्था को संरक्षित रखा था।
कुछ स्मरणीय उदहारण
अमृत के सरोवर में स्वर्ण-कमल खिल रहा था, भ्रमर बंसी बजा रहा था, सौरभ और पराग की हलचल थी। सूर्य के किरणें उसे चूमने को लौटती थीं, संध्या में शीतल चांदनी उसे अपनी चादर से ढँक देती थी। उस मधुर सौंदर्य - उस अतींद्रय जगत के साकार कल्पना की और मैंने हाथ बढ़ाया ही कि था वहीं सपना टूट गया।…
युद्ध क्या ज्ञान नहीं? रुद्र का शृंगीनाद, भैरवी का तांडव नृत्य और शास्त्रों का वाद्य मिलकर एक भैरव-संगीत की सृष्टि होती है। जीवन के अंतिम दृश्य को जानते हुए, अपनी आँखों से देखना, केवल-रहस्य के चरम सौंदर्य की नग्न और भयानक वास्तविकता के अनुभव-केवल सच्चे वीर-हृदय को होता है, ध्वंसमयी महामाया प्रकृति का वह निरंतर संगीत है। उसे सुनने के लिए हृदय में साहस और बल एकत्र करो। अत्याचार के श्मशान में ही मंगल का शिव-का, सत्य-सुन्दर संगीत का समारम्भ होता है…
देवसेना: पवित्रता का माप है, मलिनता, सुख का आलोचक है दुःख, पुण्य की कसौटी है पाप। विजया !आकाश के सुन्दर नक्षत्र आँखों से केवल देखे ही जाते हैं, वे कुसुम-कोमल हैं कि वज्र-कठोर-कौन कह सकता है। आकाश में खेलती हुई कोकिल के करुणामयी तान का कोई रूप है या नहीं, उसे देख नहीं पाते। शतदल और पारिजात का सौरभ बिठा रखने की वास्तु नहीं। परन्तु इस संसार मैं नक्षत्र से उज्जवल-किन्तु कोमल-स्वर्गीय संगीत की प्रतिमा तथा स्थायी कीर्ति-सौरभवाले प्राणी देखे जाते हैं। उन्हीं से स्वर्ग के अनुमान कर लिया जा सकता है। …
धातुसेन: भारत समग्र विश्व का है, और सम्पूर्ण वसुंधरा इसके प्रेम-पाश में आबद्ध है। अनादि काल से ज्ञान की, मानवता की ज्योति वह विकीर्ण कर रहा है। वसुंधरा का ह्रदय भारत किस मूर्ख को प्यारा नहीं है ? तुम देखते नहीं की विश्व का सबसे ऊंचा श्रृंग इसके सिरहाने, और गंभीर तथा विशाल समुद्र इसके चरणों के नीचे है ? एक-से-एक दृश्य प्रकृति ने अपने घर में चित्रित कर रखा है ।…
मुद्गल: राजा से रंक और ऊपर से नीचे, अभी दुर्वृत्त दानव, स्नेह संवलित मानव, कहीं वीणा की झंकार, कहीं दीनता का तिररस्कर।…
देवसेना: संगीत सभा का अंतिम लहरदार और आश्रयहीन तान, धूपदान की एक क्षीण गंध-रेखा, कुचले हुए फूलों का म्लान सौरभ और उत्सव के पीछे का अवसाद, इन सबों के प्रतिकृति मेरा क्षुद्र नारी-जीवन!
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