Vinyl Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vinyl" Showing 1-13 of 13
Yvonne Prinz
“Should I have taken him by the hand and led him over to the Zappa? No. I won't spoon-feed the customers. If you don't know your alphabet, you have no business leaving your house, let alone shopping for premium music.”
Yvonne Prinz, The Vinyl Princess

“When people would ask me what I’m addicted to, I always said ‘music.’ And while they’d laugh it off like it’s a cliché, I’m actually a complete shopaholic when it comes to records. I’d literally buy 10 albums a week for years, so when I went to that Virgin Records and it said ‘going out of business,’ my heart stopped.”
Blake Lewis

Sophia Elaine Hanson
“May your song guide you home.”
Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl

Sophia Elaine Hanson
“Be happy. Be free. You have a universe inside you.”
Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl

Sophia Elaine Hanson
“Freedom is a state of mind.”
Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl

Yvonne Prinz
“Music has gone the way of food. People want it fast and cheap and they don’t care what it tastes like or where it comes from.”
Yvonne Prinz, The Vinyl Princess

“I'm fairly tired of hipsters. They have terrible taste in music. These kids come in and say, 'You don't have anything that was released this year?' That makes me crazy. We don't need anything from this year! (Bob Diener, owner of Record Swap in Champaign, IL)”
Eric Spitznagel, Old Records Never Die: One Man's Quest for His Vinyl and His Past

Rob  Rufus
“Just tell her the B side's the sad one, and that the sad ones are the truth.”
Rob Rufus, The Vinyl Underground

Carlo Lucarelli
“Il suono del disco che cade sul piatto è un sospiro veloce, che sa appena un po' di polvere. Quello del braccio che si stacca dalla forcella è un singhiozzo trattenuto, come uno schioccare di lingua, ma non umido, secco. Una lingua di plastica. La puntina strisciando nel solco, sibila pianissimo e scricchiola, una o due volte. Poi arriva il piano e sembrano gocce di un rubinetto chiuso male e il contrabbasso, come il ronzio di una moscone contro il vetro chiuso di una finestra, e dopo la voce velata di Chet Baker, che inizia a cantare "Almost Blue".”
Carlo Lucarelli

Curtis White
“Everybody of my generation has the same memory. We were twelve or thirteen or we were twenty-one, for that matter, and we were going to be veterinarians or we were, like Ringo, going to own a hairdresser’s parlor. We walked into the record store and saw the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. We thought together, 'Life can be other than it has been.”
Curtis White, Idea of Home

Ivo Victoria
“Die ochtend kwam de verdelger. In de woonkamer, op de eerste verdieping van ons huis, bleef hij staan voor de platenkast. Een gele bidon in de ene en een lange metalen sproeier in de andere hand. Hij floot tussen zijn tanden.
“Hoeveel elpees zijn dat?”
“Tweeduizend”, zei ik.
Hij hield zijn hoofd schuin en begon de platenruggen te lezen.
“Allemaal jazz”, zei ik.
Er viel een stilte. Hij bleef zijn hoofd schuinhouden. Dat doen ze allemaal. Ik dacht aan zijn nieuwsgierigheid, misschien was het zelfs een prille vorm van enthousiasme geweest, die langzaam uit zijn lichaam wegsijpelde en langs armen en benen de vloer op stroomde. Nog even, een paar seconden, en ik zou het kunnen zien liggen aan zijn voeten: een plasje onbegrip.
Hij bleef kijken. De pezen in zijn nek spanden zich op. Lang kon het niet meer duren. Door de smalle, hoge ramen aan de voorzijde brak de zon door – een weifelende glimlach. En allemaal zeggen ze nog iets, ter afsluiting van wat geen gesprek meer kan worden.
“Mmm. Jazz, hé? Daar ken ik niks van.”
Ik knikte even en zei: “Ik ook niet.”
Het hoofd van de verdelger kantelde, en zette zich opgelucht weer recht op diens romp.”
Ivo Victoria , Dieven van vuur

Daniel Ruczko
“In the sea of her guests, I feel like an old man, a vintage vinyl in a world of Spotify playlists.”
Daniel Ruczko, Pieces of a Broken Mind

“I don’t get the rare vinyl collector. For me, it’s all about the music in the grooves, not which grooves the music is in.”
Andy Morling