Artemy's Reviews > Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel

Star Wars by Kieron Gillen
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did not like it
bookshelves: comics, marvel, star-wars, 1-star

Wow, this was truly terrible. Like, I don't even care about these books' setting not making any sense — it's all basically glorified fan fiction at this point, because none of these events could have logically happened between films IV and V. Fuck all that. The worst thing about Screaming Citadel is that it's just painfully dumb. It's an attempt to mash up Star Wars with Alien and Marvel's symbiotes. And that's the whole idea — Aphra shows up and tells Luke she can hook him up with a Jedi master, so they go to the Screaming Citadel where a prequel-esque nameless queen lives, and of course she's evil and she has all these symbiotes, and then Aphra tripple-crosses everybody and that's basically it. The symbiotes are said to be the most dangerous parasites in the galaxy, but then both Luke and Han get fucked up by them without any meaningful repercussions, so that's a pretty safe galaxy they have there, I'd say. It was a mildly entertaining read on a very superficial level, but nothing beyond that. To those who were excited by a new crossover between Jason Aaron's and Kieron Gillen's Star Wars books after the superb Vader Down, don't get your hopes up — Screaming Citadel is pure, unadulterated bullshit, and is not worth anybody's effort.
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Reading Progress

February 11, 2018 – Shelved
February 11, 2018 – Shelved as: marvel
February 11, 2018 – Shelved as: comics
February 11, 2018 – Shelved as: star-wars
February 12, 2018 – Started Reading
February 12, 2018 – Shelved as: 1-star
February 12, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Sr3yas (new)

Sr3yas Wow, that sounds really terrible. I've been reading some old Dark Horse comics and they deserve to be in canon, rather than this!

Artemy Y'know, I'm generally all for the new canon, and I love the new movies maybe even slightly more than the original trilogy (gasp!) — but I completely agree, there was so much great stuff in that Dark Horse era of comics, it's really a shame that they got the axe. Marvel SW comics tend to be underwhelming, and I think it's mostly because of how limited they are — only a handful of unexciting time periods are available for the writers, and they try to squeeze the most out of it, but it just doesn't compare to the vastness of the old Extended Universe.

message 3: by Sr3yas (new)

Sr3yas I'm not a fan of Force Awakens because I felt the story played too safe, but The Last Jedi was too fantastic that I won't even consider replacing it with any other extended universe stories. I don't understand why Marvel is cramming and overdoing classic timelines right now and trying to tie everything to the movies :/ It's not just comics, but all the new novels too. A phasma Novel and a comic book? That's definition of overkill.

Artemy Yay! I'm always happy to see some love for The Last Jedi on the internet :) Fantastic movie.

And I assume Marvel are overdoing these time periods because Disney won't let them use any others, or invent any new significant events and characters. There are so many new SW movies in the works (right now at least seven, not counting Solo?!), and they don't want comics and books potentially conflicting or overlapping with the movies.

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