Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Saga, Volume 1

Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan
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it was amazing
bookshelves: graphic-novels, vaughan-brian-k

Satiric science fantasy overkill (body) horroring its way to instant cult

Funny as heck
Not just the weird worlds, creatures, and antagonists are entertaining, but the protagonists themselves are a permanent guarantee for little, or even bigger, giggles in between. And there´s something for everyone, some deeper meta irony mixed with easygoing, primitive fun, although it´s mostly the second, hardcore category.

Freaking as hell
Such cool aliens and monsters, often just fully unleashing their potential and true form after some time, come to haunt and creep into one's nightmares or cause them. As disturbing as the whole setting, it perfectly adds more suspension to the mix.

Uncensored high quality
It´s sick, full of violence and sex, and definitively a masterpiece for exactly that reason, because such ideas are usually avoided in mainstream graphic novels to appeal to a broader readership and avoid censorship in backward countries. But it definitively

Isn´t appropriate for all audiences
Because it´s full frontal in your face with feces and everything, a more sophisticated adult animation Rick and Morty South Park hybrid. Some people may just find it wrong, sick, and disgusting and they should definitively avoid reading or stop reading it instead of, let's say, trolling about how terrible it is because it isn´t the stuff that gets them hard.

An amazing couple
Quite a clever trick to use young parents and their baby as main protagonists in a sci-fi world that´s usually mostly ruled by crews, fractions, and aliens. Thereby, also the more character focused readers get their kick while sci-fi heads like me drool because of the stylishness of the presentation and badassness of the aliens.

Subplot overkill
It´s a bit difficult to still follow this whole thing, because there are so many different expositions of freaking crazy characters and subplots that one can easily lose track of the whole thing. But astonishingly Vaughan manages to keep it understandable and ends with a load of cliffhangers for the future parts of the series.

It shows the sci-fi potential for comics
Just as in combinations with fantasy and horror, sci fi has so many both plot and character tropes that are all waiting to be performed in the fine arts, not just in all these amazing sci-fi novels. Letting these come to life is one of the most important missions for future graphic novel authors who will always name this milestone as one of their main inspirations.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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March 21, 2018 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by LiLi (new)

LiLi I see we have a similar taste in comic books. Are you able to get these from the library?

I disagree that the sick, sad series are not published by the mainstream (but perhaps I misinterpreted what you meant). DC Vertigo has published many of this type of "uncensored high quality".

Mario the lone bookwolf LiLi wrote: "I see we have a similar taste in comic books. Are you able to get these from the library?

I disagree that the sick, sad series are not published by the mainstream (but perhaps I misinterpreted wha..."

"I see we have a similar taste in comic books. Are you able to get these from the library?"
I´m trying to start an own library and borrow, steal, and illegally copy whatever I can get too.

"I disagree that the sick, sad series are not published by the mainstream (but perhaps I misinterpreted what you meant). DC Vertigo has published many of this type of "uncensored high quality""

I did mean that mainstream kills any kind of too hardcore stuff that may be controversial because of sexual content, because extreme violence is always perfectly fine.

message 3: by Bon Tom (new)

Bon Tom Glad you discovered this, it's one of the highest quality graphic novel I've ever seen. The imagination is out of this world. Literally.

Mario the lone bookwolf Bon Tom wrote: "Glad you discovered this, it's one of the highest quality graphic novel I've ever seen. The imagination is out of this world. Literally."

I´m already lost in this world and, as a bloody rookie, believe graphic novel veterans like you ( and multi k people rating it), because my subjective rating still isn´t subjective enough.

message 5: by Bon Tom (new)

Bon Tom Since your subjectivity can pass as quite acceptable objectivity, your synapses must be doing something right ;)

Mario the lone bookwolf Bon Tom wrote: "Since your subjectivity can pass as quite acceptable objectivity, your synapses must be doing something right ;)"

Thanks, although I´m quite sure that there are still some cognitive biases and blind spots hiding in my shattered soul.

Joe (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Krakovsky Good point about the young couple and kid. That is different.

Mario the lone bookwolf Joe wrote: "Good point about the young couple and kid. That is different."

Thanks! It also makes it kind of even weirder than usual for the genre.

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