Arlon Orbitars

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Arlon Orbitars
Type: Orbitars
Specializes In: Ranged combat
Strengths: Long range
Weaknesses: Poor melee damage

The Arlon Orbitars are one of the twelve Orbitars in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Their design takes cues from both the Lunar Sanctum and Arlon himself. It has the longest range of any other orbitar.

Idol description

Inspired by Arlon the Serene. But unlike Arlon, this weapon is far from invisible in combat, featuring the longest range of any of the orbitars. Its continuous fire unleashes a stream of chakrams used by Arlon.

Base statistics

Weapon data is for weapons with zero ranged and melee stars with no mods to them. Distance refers to the maximum range a shot can travel, measured with non-homing shots. Damage (near) refers to the damage done when the target is as close as possible. Damage (far) refers to the damage given at maximum range. The symbol "—" means the corresponding stat is not applicable to that specific attack.

Air battles

Attack Distance Damage Shots
Continuous 117.6m 17.9
Charged 155.9m 43.3 2
Melee hit 1 58.8
Melee hit 2 29.4
Melee hit 3 58.8
Special attack 100.0m 19.6 6

Land battles

Attack Distance Damage (near) Damage (far) Shots
Standing continuous 42.0m 2.5 4.0
Forward-dash continuous 53.2m 3.4 5.4 5
Side-dash continuous 51.8m 5.4 8.6 4
Backward-dash continuous 36.0m 18.4 28.7 2
Standing charged 65.0m 11.0 17.1 2
Forward-dash charged 78.4m 17.2 27.0 2
Side-dash charged 71.4m 13.4 21.3 2
Backward-dash charged 26.8m 20.0 10.9 2
Melee hit 1 11.3
Melee hit 2 5.7
Melee hit 3 11.3
Melee dash 32.4

Weapon fusion

This weapon follows standard weapon fusion rules, with the following exceptions:

Samurai Blade + Earthmaul Club = Arlon Orbitars (rather than Thanatos Staff)
Knuckle Staff + End-All Arm = Gaol Blade (rather than Arlon Orbitars)
Ogre Club + Rail Cannon = Dark Pit Staff (rather than Arlon Orbitars)


  • This weapon has an air to land melee damage ratio of 5.2.