Great Reaper Palm

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Reason: Needs description and base statistics
Great Reaper Palm
Type: Palm
Specializes In: Close combat
Strengths: Strong melee damage, charged shots have high shot cancellation, ability to weaken enemies
Weaknesses: Short range, Reapettes move slowly, long charge time, weaker damage at long distances, dash charged shots weaker than standing charged shot

The Great Reaper Palm is a Palm in Kid Icarus: Uprising that resembles the hand of the Great Reaper. It is unlocked after clearing Chapter 4 for the first time. The Great Reaper Palm is the only weapon in the game that can naturally cause weakening. Instead of firing projectiles, its charged shots summon Reapettes that home in on targets and hit multiple times.

Idol description

The Great Reaper Palm uses the power of the Great Reaper to summon Reapettes that hound targets. It takes a while to charge, but unique among weapons, its attacks have the power to halve the foe's maximum health.

Base statistics

Weapon data is for weapons with zero ranged and melee stars with no mods to them. Distance refers to the maximum range a shot can travel, measured with non-homing shots. Damage (near) refers to the damage done when the target is as close as possible. Damage (far) refers to the damage given at maximum range. The symbol "—" means the corresponding stat is not applicable to that specific attack.

Air battles

Attack Distance Damage Shots
Continuous 66.5m ?
Charged 72.8m ? 1
Melee hit 1 63.0
Melee hit 2 37.8
Melee hit 3 71.4
Special attack 70.0m 100.0 1

Land battles

Attack Distance Damage (near) Damage (far) Shots
Standing continuous 23.8m 7.2 3.6 6
Forward-dash continuous 27.3m 14.7 7.6 3
Side-dash continuous 25.5m 11.4 5.7 3
Backward-dash continuous 24.6m 13.9 7.2 3
Standing charged 30.3m 34.7 24.3 1
Forward-dash charged 33.0m 18.0 9.0 1
Side-dash charged 24.0m 12.0 6.0 1
Backward-dash charged 26.0m 15.0 7.5 1
Melee hit 1 21.3
Melee hit 2 13.8
Melee hit 3 20.9
Melee dash 52.8 40.7

Weapon fusion

This weapon follows standard weapon fusion rules, with the following exception:

First Blade + Centurion Orbitars = Palutena Bow (rather than Great Reaper Palm)
Hedgehog Claws + Ogre Club = Great Reaper Palm (rather than Phosphora Bow)