Review criteria
In the review the referees are asked to take into account the evaluation criteria below.
Technical content
- originality/novelty/innovation/creativity/contribution
- scientific relevance/importance (research or engineering)
- methodology
- results, data analysis
- completeness
- technical soundness/plausibility
- free of commercialism
- prior publication found
- structure of the paper
- clarity of problem statement and objective
- discussion
- conclusion
- quality and size of illustrations
- clarity of writing, standard of language
- references (number and quality)
- title concise and informative
- abstract (objective, scope, results)
- adequate length
- suitability for the journal/of interest to the MS readers
- suggested type of article: research paper, review paper, short communication
- recommendation: accept as is, minor revisions, major revisions with rebuttal, reject
- overall quality rating