User:Mike Peel/Telescopes

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?alias ?itemLabel WHERE { VALUES ?val {wd:Q4213 wd:Q35273 wd:Q35221 wd:Q148578 wd:Q184356 wd:Q216778 wd:Q349772 wd:Q3370723 wd:Q4851844 wd:Q17004698 wd:Q33093130 wd:Q1349167} ?item wdt:P31 ?val . OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?alias FILTER (LANG (?alias) = "en") } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,pt" . } } ORDER BY ?itemLabel

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q11236745 Ninja (望遠鏡) telescope
Q112596708 lunette de l'Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg Observatory of Strasbourg refracting telescope Strasbourg Observatory
Q117017725 Bamberg-Refraktor (Berlin) optical telescope
Q121189959 eVscope2 telescope
Q121189996 eQuinox2 telescope
Q65236566 Global mm-VLBI Array Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy radio telescope
Q109362704 6m Millimeter Radio Telescope radio telescope 6m Millimeter Radio Telescope (NAOJ)
Q14918 A Broadband Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey ABRIXAS space telescope
former entity
former space-based German X-ray telescope
Q18351557 AMBER Astronomical Multi-Beam Recombiner telescope very large telescope
Q113149640 AMPS space telescope acronym for Atmosphere, Magnetosphere, and Plasmas-in-Space, refers to a series of Shuttle/Spacelab modules currently under study.
Q977278 ARCADE Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission NASA program
radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
balloon-borne telescope
NASA space program ARCADE
Q50825481 ARIEL space telescope fourth medium mission of Cosmic Vision; optical telescope for surveys of known exoplanets ARIEL (spacecraft)
Q9161375 ASTRO-E space telescope
former entity
destroyed Japanese space observatory, lost in a launch failure Astro-E
Q112231430 Achromatic telescope - CnAM 12808 refracting telescope Folding achromatic telescope - CnAM 12808
Q113273860 Advanced OSO space telescope The objectives of this project were to develop and orbit advanced solar observatories and to develop and refine intrumentation for these observatories.
Q2825379 Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics ATHENA
Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
space telescope planned X-ray telescope of the European Space Agency, under development for launch around 2028
Q124547927 Advanced X-Ray Imaging Satellite AXIS space telescope NASA Telescope for X-Ray astronomy
Q22077908 Aerospace Data Facility-Southwest ground station Satellite ground station operated by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
Q97198147 Africa Millimeter Telescope radio telescope
Q298047 Akari (satellite) AKARI
Akari (Astro-F)
AKARI 500@399
space telescope infrared astronomy satellite developed by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Akari (satellite)
Q4771004 Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory AST/RO Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station radio telescope radio telescope
Q4771029 Antarctica Schmidt telescopes AST3
The Antarctic Schmidt/Survey Telescopes
Kunlun Station optical telescope
Q2858454 Apollo Telescope Mount Skylab optical telescope
solar telescope
space telescope
solar observatory on Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount
Q2860038 Archeops ARCHEOPS radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q2819041 Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
measure the anisotropy of the Cosmic microwave background
Q18539 Array of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors ALEXIS
space telescope
X-ray telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
decommissioned American X-ray telescope
Q22674 Astonomical Netherland Satellite ANS space telescope Dutch space-based X-ray and ultraviolet telescope Astronomische Nederlandse Satelliet
Q15912403 Astro Gaia space telescope two identical telescopes and imaging system mounted on the ESA Gaia spacecraft
Q2868552 Astro-1 UIT space telescope
space telescope flown on STS-35 ASTRO-1
Q2868554 Astro-2 UIT
Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
space telescope
space telescope flown on STS-67
Q2819483 Astro-G radio telescope Cancelled radio satellite
Q55604343 AstroSat-2 space telescope
proposed entity
proposed Indian space telescope
Q120236283 Astrograph for the Southern Hemisphere ASH
Leoncito Astronomical Complex telescope telescope
Q69824555 Astrohled 18x50 telescope
Q53952982 Astronomy telescope on azimutal mount-Secretan telescope Astronomy telescope made by Secrétan (formerly Lerebours & Secrétan) around 1920 Astronomy telescope on azimutal mount-Secretan
Q54060050 Astronomy telescope on equatorial mount-Carl Zeiss-MHS Geneva telescope Telescope probably by Carl Zeiss of Jena, mount by Welharticky & Pachner Astronomy telescope on equatorial mount-Carl Zeiss-MHS Geneva
Q4835636 BICEP Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
cosmic microwave background experiment BICEP
Q787361 BLAST Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
telescope BLAST (telescope)
Q796870 BOOMERanG experiment Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
sub-orbital experiment which studied the properties of cosmic microwave background radiation BOOMERanG experiment
Q27929562 BOPPS Planetary Science Balloon Mission balloon-borne telescope BOPPS Planetary Science Balloon Mission
Q5391699 BRITE-Austria BRITE-A
Can X-3B
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3B
Bright Target Explorer - Austria
Bright-star Target Explorer - Austria
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Austrian nanosatellite observatory
Q18164984 BRITE-Heweliusz Heweliusz
Bright Target Explorer - Heweliusz
Bright-star Target Explorer - Heweliusz
Can X-3D
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3D
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Polish nanosatellite observatory
Q11754062 BRITE-Lem Lem
Bright Target Explorer - Lem
Bright-star Target Explorer - Lem
Can X-3C
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3C
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Polish nanosatellite observatory
Q124096011 BRITE-Montréal Montréal
Bright Target Explorer - Montréal
Bright-star Target Explorer - Montréal
Can X-3F
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3F
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
former entity
Canadian nanosatellite observatory, failed to separate from launch vehicle
Q111471714 BRITE-Toronto Toronto
Bright Target Explorer - Toronto
Bright-star Target Explorer - Toronto
Can X-3E
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3E
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Canadian nanosatellite observatory
Q23770 BeppoSAX BeppoSAX X-ray satellite space telescope
former entity
former Italian-Dutch satellite used for X-ray astronomy BeppoSAX
Q376628 CHEOPS Characterising Exoplanets Satellite Cosmic Vision space telescope 2019 European space telescope CHEOPS (spacecraft)
Q5737410 CORONAS-F space telescope
Q5737413 CORONAS-I Intercosmos 26 space telescope
Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers & Telescopes for the Atmosphere - Shuttle Palette Satellite 1
space telescope
free-flying observatory carried on Space Shuttle mission STS-66
Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers & Telescopes for the Atmosphere - Shuttle Palette Satellite 2
space telescope
free-flying observatory carried on Space Shuttle mission STS-85
Q22084838 Calorimetric Electron Telescope CALET space telescope 2015 Japanese space observatory
Q117820403 Carl Sagan Observatory CSO
Carl Sagan Space Telescope
Carl Sagan Telescope
space telescope
proposed entity
proposed space observatory
Q49002 Chandra X-ray Observatory CXO
Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility
Great Observatories program space telescope NASA space observatory Chandra X-ray Observatory
Q112229160 Chérubin's binocular telescope - CnAM 14608 refracting telescope Chérubin binocular telescope - CnAM 14608
Q41519 Compton Gamma Ray Observatory CGRO
Compton Observatory
Gammy Ray Observatory
Great Observatories program space telescope
former entity
former NASA space observatory Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
Q12129338 Copernicus OAO-3
Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3
artificial satellite
space telescope
artificial satellite OAO-3
Q48711 Cos-B Cos-B Satellite Mission space telescope satellite COS-B
Q49445 Cosmic Background Explorer COBE
Explorer 66
Explorers Program space telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
NASA space observatory COBE
Q48611 Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer CHIPS
Explorer 82
space telescope NASA satellite CHIPSat
Q19580553 Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment CIBER space telescope
optical astrophysics payload for the California Institute of Technology
Q105439398 Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain reflecting telescope of folding design telescope
reflecting telescope
Q16973274 Dark Ages Radio Explorer radio telescope
artificial satellite
proposed concept lunar orbiter
Q21775017 Dark Matter Particle Explorer Wukong
artificial satellite
space telescope
Chinese scientific satellite
Q1627109 Degree Angular Scale Interferometer Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
telescope installed at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica
Q111474101 Dollond achromatic telescope - CnAM 1843 refracting telescope Achromatic telescope - CnAM 1843
Q3062047 EChO Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory Cosmic Vision space telescope
abandoned entity
proposed space telescope
Q112958881 EOS-ALT1 space telescope The Earth Observing System is a science and observation program that will provide long-term (15-year) data sets for Earth system science in order to gain an understanding of the interactions between Earth's land, atmosphere, oceans, and biology.
X-ray Observatory satellite
space telescope space observatory Exosat
Q105094962 Early Flea microscope (handle forms telescope) Flea microscope refracting telescope
Q5336605 Eddington space telescope
abandoned project
cancelled ESA mission to search for extrasolar planets
Q1426842 Einstein Observatory space telescope space observatory HEAO 2
Q30765887 Einstein Probe EP
Einstein Tanzhen
Aiyinsitan Tanzhen
space telescope Chinese X-ray astronomy satellite Einstein Probe
Q578497 Euclid Euclid (spacecraft)
Dark Universe Explorer
Spectroscopic All Sky Cosmic Explorer
Euclid ESA
Euclid telescope
Cosmic Vision space telescope
Korsch telescope
ESA space telescope aimed at mapping the distribution of dark matter Euclid (spacecraft)
Q49684 European Retrievable Carrier EURECA 1 research satellite
space telescope
space observatory and research satellite EURECA
Q1053281 European VLBI Network EVN radio interferometer
very-long-baseline interferometry
network of radio telescopes located primarily in Europe and Asia linked together for radio interferometry European VLBI Network
Q3944788 Event Horizon Telescope EHT astronomical observatory
astronomical interferometer
research collaboration
international collaboration
project to create a global interferometric telescope array Event Horizon Telescope
Q49695 Explorer 11 space telescope space observatory Explorer 11
Q49904 Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer EUVE
Explorer 67
Explorers Program space telescope
former entity
NASA space telescope for ultraviolet astronomy EUVE
Q726648 Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Fermi
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
space telescope for gamma-ray astronomy launched in 2008 Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Q105439354 Folding pocket spyglass by Fraser monocular
Q105439421 Franks Telescope telescope Six draw refracting telescope by Jacob Franks.
Q105439236 Free standing telescope on mahogany stand telescope
Q124388042 GOTO Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
Siding Spring Observatory
telescope Optical telescope array
Q124388707 GOTO-N GOTO N
GOTO North
GOTO telescope north site of the GOTO telescope network
Q58486391 GROWTH-India telescope Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) optical telescope
robotic telescope
Q85762447 GUSTO Explorers Program infrared telescope
balloon-borne telescope
American space balloon science mission GUSTO (telescope)
Q767805 Gaia Gaia mission
Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics
European Space Agency space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
European Space Agency astrometric mission Gaia (spacecraft)
Q114074988 Gaia space telescope space observatory
Q49944 Galaxy Evolution Explorer GALEX
Explorer 83
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
NASA ultraviolet space telescope GALEX
Q49947 Gamma observatory Gamma
Gamma-ray observatory
space telescope
former entity
former Soviet gamma ray telescope Gamma (satellite)
Q1524954 Ginga space telescope satellite
Q49975 Granat 1AS No. 420
Astron 2
International Astrophysical Observatory "GRANAT"
International Astrophysical Observatory Granat X-ray Satellite Mission
space telescope Soviet/Russian space observatory Granat (space observatory)
Q1544005 Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer GEMS
Gravity and Extreme Magnetism SMEX
Small Explorer program space telescope
abandoned project
cancelled NASA mission GEMS (space telescope)
Q125796833 Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope Green Bank Observatory radio telescope Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope
Q105094965 Gregorian reflecting telescope Gregorian telescope reflecting telescope Gregorian reflecting telescope of 6 inch aperture and 30 inch focal length by Thomas Morton, Kilmarnock, on an altazimuth mounting with a table top stand.
Q105439217 Gregorian reflecting telescope telescope
reflecting telescope
Q106311380 Gregorian reflecting telescope physical object
reflecting telescope
Gregorian reflecting telescope of 2 1/2 inch aperture and 18 inch focal length by Benjamin Martin, London, on an altazimuth stand with a folding claw foot tripod
Q106311472 Gregorian reflecting telescope physical object
reflecting telescope
Gregorian reflecting telescope of 2 1/2 inch aperture and 17 inch focal length, unsigned, on an altazimuth mounting with a folding claw tripod stand.
Q106975287 Gregorian reflecting telescope, 1734-1772 telescope
Q1617995 HALCA Haruka
VLBI Space Observatory Programme
Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy
space telescope
radio telescope
Japanese space observatory HALCA
Q914576 HATNet Project Hungarian Automated Telescope Network telescope
network of 6 small automated telescopes, aiming to find and explore extrasolar planets and variable stars, maintained by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Q43449526 Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission HabEx space telescope proposed space observatory to characterize exoplanets' atmospheres and their discovery.
Q1570051 Hakucho space telescope space observatory Hakuchō (satellite)
Q209630 Herschel Space Observatory Herschel space telescope
former entity
artificial satellite of the Sun
ESA space observatory Herschel (space telescope)
Q60788597 Hibari space telescope
small satellite
Japanese microsatellite
Q18612209 High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope HEAT infrared telescope High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope
Q265594 High Energy Astronomy Observatory 1 HEAO-1
1st High Energy Astrophysics Observatory
space telescope space observatory HEAO 1
Q1190799 High Energy Astronomy Observatory 3 space telescope space observatory HEAO 3
Q51061464 High-Energy Replicated Optics balloon-borne telescope
X-ray telescope
ballon-born telescope
Q570562 Hinode Solar Terrestrial Probe 2
Solar Terrestrial Probes program space telescope JAXA space observatory SOLAR-B
Q555846 Hipparcos HIPPARCOS space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
scientific satellite of the European Space Agency Hipparcos
Q3459972 Hisaki EXCEED
Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscope for Exospheric Dynamics
space telescope decommissioned Japanese ultraviolet astronomy satellite Hisaki
Q1627672 Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope HUT space telescope space telescope
Q2513 Hubble Space Telescope HST
Large Space Telescope
Great Observatories program space telescope NASA and ESA space telescope (launched 1990) Hubble Space Telescope
Q50021 INTEGRAL International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory Goddard Space Flight Center space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
currently operational space telescope for observing gamma rays INTEGRAL (satellite)
Q724913 IRAS Infrared Astronomical Satellite
IR Astronomy Satellite
space telescope space observatory Infrared Astronomical Satellite
Q30750693 Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer Explorer 97
Small Explorers 14
Small Explorer program space telescope
X-ray telescope
space observatory to study cosmic X-rays Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
Q779547 Infrared Space Observatory ISO space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
ESA space observatory satellite Infrared Space Observatory
Q1662658 Infrared Telescope in Space IRTS space telescope space observatory
Q588628 Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph Explorer 94
Small Explorer 12
Small Explorer program space telescope
solar observatory
NASA solar observation satellite IRIS (satellite)
Q51509 International Ultraviolet Explorer IUE
Explorer 57
space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
derelict satellite
astronomical observatory satellite International Ultraviolet Explorer
Q1671644 Inuvik Satellite Station Facility ISSF ground station Satellite ground station in Northwest Territories, Canada
Q105439232 Italian draw-tube refracting telescope with stand, 1701-1730 telescope
refracting telescope
Q186447 James Webb Space Telescope JWST
Next Generation Space Telescope
Webb Space Telescope
Webb Telescope
space telescope NASA/ESA/CSA space telescope launched in 2021 James Webb Space Telescope
Q119573020 Jorge Sahade Telescope CASLEO:JST Leoncito Astronomical Complex telescope The Jorge Sahade (JS) telescope is located in the El Leoncito Astronomical Complex (CASLEO)
Q47272 Kepler Space Telescope Discovery Program space telescope defunct NASA space telescope Kepler (spacecraft)
Q1107147 Kepler's telescope telescope
Q24897420 Keplerian telescope refracting telescope Keplerian telescope
Q124251124 Khabarovsk teleport Khabarovsk Center
Khabarovsk SCC
ground station satellite ground station in Russia
Q377849 Koronas-Foton Coronas
Complex Orbital Observations Near-Earth of Activity of the Sun-Photon
space telescope russo Research Satellite
Q3816563 Kosmos 1066 space telescope satellite
Q51563 Kosmos 215 DS-U1-A No.1 space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
Soviet artificial satellite
Q6444858 Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope KDUST Kunlun Station infrared telescope
proposed building or structure
Q1637653 Kvant-1 Mir space telescope
space station module
module of the Mir space station Kvant-1
High-Definition Space Telescope
Large Ultraviolet Optical Infrared Surveyor space telescope
proposed entity
concept study of a space observatory that would be located at the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrangian point High Definition Space Telescope
Q3935024 LUVOIR-B Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope
Large Ultraviolet Optical Infrared Surveyor space telescope
proposed entity
proposed UV-optical-NIR space telescope Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope
Q57337136 Large-Scale Polarization Explorer cosmic microwave background experiment
radio telescope
Q57385960 LiteBIRD artificial satellite
space telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
planned Japanese small space observatory
Q89864671 Lunar Crater Radio Telescope LCRT radio telescope radio telescope
Q111602144 MASTER network optical telescope
robotic telescope
global network
global robotic telescope network MASTER network
Q60600938 Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer optical telescope Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer
Q121604922 Meade ETX-125 telescope Meade ETX-125
Q24626 Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars MOST
Humble space telescope
Microvariability and Oscillations of STars
Microvariability and Oscillations of STars telescope
MOST space telescope
space telescope smallsat space telescope
Q970807 Midcourse Space Experiment space telescope space observatory Midcourse Space Experiment
Q18786081 Mikhailo Lomonosov MVL-300 space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
Russian artificial satellite launched in 2016
Q60515646 Millimetron Spektr-M radio telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
scientific satellite
Q127298805 NASA Bermuda tracking station ground station
Q7998593 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope JDEM
Joint Dark Energy Mission
NGR Space Telescope
Roman Observatory
Roman Space Telescope
Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope
space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
planned NASA infrared space observatory Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
Q105439387 Naval telescope, British, 1850-1899 telescope
refracting telescope
Q840936 Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite NEOSSAT
space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
asteroid monitoring microsatellite from Canada
Q837488 Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Swift
Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission investigation
Goddard Space Flight Center space telescope mission concerning a space observatory in low earth orbit measuring gamma ray radiation Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission
Q56516294 Netherlands-China Low-Frequency Explorer NCLE Chang'e 4 radio telescope
Q114234115 New Horizons KBO Search space telescope mission extension of New Horizon through 2021 to explore additional Kuiper belt objects (KBOs)
Q29043281 OAO 1 space telescope
Q111499233 ORFEUS-SPAS I Orbiting & Retrievable Far & Extreme UV Spectrometer - Shuttle Palette Satellite 1
space telescope
free-flying observatory carried on Space Shuttle mission STS-51
Q2007875 ORFEUS-SPAS II Orbiting & Retrievable Far & Extreme UV Spectrometer - Shuttle Palette Satellite 2
space telescope
free-flying observatory carried on Space Shuttle mission STS-80
Q113137520 OSL Orbiting Solar Laborator space telescope The main objective of the Orbiting Solar Laboratory (OSL) is to acquire images of the solar surface with the high spatial resolution
Q2014573 Odin space telescope satellite
Q107255481 Optical cabinet or compendium in wooden mahogany case refracting telescope
Q15261041 Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 2 space telescope space telescope launched on December 7, 1968 OAO-2
Q43449530 Origins Space Telescope space telescope concept study for a Far-Infrared Surveyor space telescope mission Origins Space Telescope
Q59489567 Orion SkyQuest Orion Skyquest telescope
final good
Dobsonian telescope
brand of dobsonian telescopes
Q59489541 Orion StarBlast Orion Starblast telescope
final good
reflecting telescope
brand of reflector telescopes
Q1049389 Overwhelmingly Large Telescope OWL
optical telescope
Cassegrain reflecting telescope
conceptual design by the European Southern Observatory for giant telescope, intended to have a single aperture of 100 m in diameter Overwhelmingly Large Telescope
Q841727 PLATO PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars space telescope space telescope PLATO (spacecraft)
Q56100273 PRIZM Probing Radio Intensity at high-Z from Marion telescope
Q456063 Periscope binoculars periscope
Periscope binoculars
Q123182929 Peters Automated Infrared Imaging Telescope PAIRITEL infrared telescope the first meter-class telescope operating as a fully robotic IR imaging system
Q106778553 Pillar Point Air Force Station ground station US Air Force Station in California
Q725309 Planck COBRAS/SAMBA
Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite/Satellite for Measurement of Background Anisotropies
space telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
former entity
ESA space observatory Planck (spacecraft)
Q7206086 PoGOLite X-ray telescope
balloon-borne telescope
Q107255480 Prospect glass (or opera or spyglass), with brass sliding caps and lignum vitae tube, c. 1750, possibly English telescope
Q3412328 QMAP radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q3375121 QUaD Q and U Extragalactic Sub-mm Telescope
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
ground-based cosmic microwave background polarization experiment QUaD
Q3928255 RELIKT-1 Prognoz 9 cosmic microwave background experiment
artificial satellite of the Earth
soviet cosmic microwave background experiment on the Prognoz 9 satellite
Q54284 ROSAT ROentgen Satellite space telescope
X-ray telescope
German space observatory ROSAT
Q105439225 Refracting telescope on portable stand, 1800-1825 telescope
refracting telescope
Q105094964 Refracting telescope, c 1840 Refracting telescope refracting telescope Refracting telescope, three-draw tube, with position micrometer and lens cap, mahogany and brass, British, c. 1840.
Q105439271 Refracting terrestrial telescope telescope
refracting telescope
Q112229335 Reproduction of a Galilean telescope - CnAM 8606 telescope
Galilean telescope - CnAM 8606
Q54359 Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager HESSI
Explorer 81
High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
solar observatory
space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
former entity
space observatory which reentered in 2023 RHESSI
Q105439228 Ribright's Patent Spyglass and Tools, 1775-1825 telescope
Q766426 Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer RXTE
Explorer 69
Explorers Program space telescope NASA space observatory RXTE
Q5938757 SARA space telescope satellite
Q124293788 SATech-01 Kongjian Xinjishu Shiyan 01
Space Advanced Technology demonstration satellite
space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Chinese technology demonstration and X-ray astronomy satellite
Q224960 SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory SIM
SIM PlanetQuest
Space Interferometry Mission
space telescope
cancelled NASA space telescope Space Interferometry Mission
Q111798751 SOFIA Telescope infrared telescope
Cassegrain reflecting telescope
infrared telescope carried by the SOFIA aircraft Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
Q113148802 SPARTAN 201-05 SPARTAN 201-5
SPARTAN space telescope American solar observatory flown during STS-95
Q55316514 SPHEREx MIDEX-9
Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer
Medium Explorer program space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
planned NASA near-infrared space observatory SPHEREx
Q905854 SPICA Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics space telescope proposed infrared space telescope
Q28473065 STEREO-A Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory A
Solar Terrestrial Probe 3A
STEREO solar probe
space telescope
NASA heliophysics space probe
Q28473073 STEREO-B Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory B
Solar Terrestrial Probe 3B
STEREO solar probe
space telescope
former entity
former NASA heliophysics space probe
Q105439233 Sectioned (longitudinal) terrestrial achromatic refracting telescope refracting telescope
Q15727871 Sentinel (space telescope) space telescope killer asteroid detector canceled as of 2017 Sentinel Space Telescope
Q24941136 Settore equatoriale Sisson refracting telescope Settore equatoriale Sisson
Q105439367 Shagreen on parchment telescope, non-achromat, c1750 refracting telescope
Q6128813 Simplesat space telescope
small satellite
former entity
failed American small satellite deployed by STS-105
Q511405 Sky Polarization Observatory SPOrt cosmic microwave background experiment cancelled Italian observatory for the International Space Station
Q490351 Small Astronomy Satellite 3 SAS3
Explorer 53
space telescope NASA space observatory Explorer 53
Q54367 Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer SAMPEX
Explorer 68
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
space telescope NASA space observatory SAMPEX
Q1188874 Solar Maximum Mission SMM
Solar Maximum Mission Satellite
space telescope
solar observatory
artificial satellite of the Earth
space observatory Solar Maximum Mission
Q113148649 Solar Optical Telescope SOT space telescope The main objective of SOT is to achieve the high spatial resolution required for the determination of density, temperature, magnetic field, and non-thermal velocity field in solar features on the scale at which many basic physical processes occur.
Q109370369 Solar Planetary Atmosphere Research Telescope radio telescope
Q122197952 Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope SUIT
Solar Ultra-violet Imaging Telescope
Aditya-L1 space telescope
ultraviolet telescope
ultraviolet telescope on the Aditya-L1 spacecraft
Q320638 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO
Solar Heliospheric Observatory
1995-065A SoHO
Horizon 2020
International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Science Initiative
solar probe
space telescope
space observatory SOHO (spacecraft)
Q98113986 Solar gravitational lens SGL telescope
concept of using the Sun as a large lens
Q1513315 South Pole Telescope SPT
The South Pole Telescope
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station
Event Horizon Telescope
Gregorian telescope
radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
telescope at the South Pole South Pole Telescope
Q7572501 Space Solar Telescope SST space telescope
optical telescope
proposed telescope
planned Chinese 1 metre optical space solar telescope
Q113148669 Spacelab Solar space telescope The European Space Agency is developing Spacelab, an array of interchangeable components for mounting in the Space Shuttle payload bay.
Q113291050 Spectrum-X-Gamma space telescope
Q837749 Spektr-R SRT
space telescope
radio telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
Russian radio astronomy satellite Spektr-R
Q2060715 Spektr-RG SXG
Spectrum + Röntgen + Gamma
space telescope
X-ray telescope
gamma-ray telescope
Russian–German X-ray observatory Spektr-RG
Q3966705 Spider radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
balloon-borne experiment
Q201953 Spitzer Space Telescope SIRTF
Space Infrared Telescope Facility
Great Observatories program space telescope decommissioned NASA infrared space observatory Spitzer Space Telescope
Q105439409 Spy Glass (c.1730) ivory with screw focus telescope
refracting telescope
Q105439238 Spyglass by Edward Nairne, 1749-1775 telescope
Q105439350 Spyglass or Galilean telescope telescope
Q60769671 Stars-AO Aoi
Stars - Astronomical Observations
space telescope
Japanese scientific micro satellite
Q368749 Stratoscope optical telescope
balloon-borne telescope
pair of telescopes connected to high altitude balloons Stratoscope
Q54374 Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite SWAS
Explorer 74
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
space telescope NASA space observatory SWAS
Q7638316 Sun Gun Telescope telescope telescope
Q114851204 Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment SunRISE experiment
radio telescope
spacecraft constellation
orbiting radio telescope
Q2196668 Sun Watcher using Active Pixel System Detector and Image Processing SWAP PROBA-2 space telescope
ultraviolet telescope
space instrument aboard the PROBA2 satellite SWAP (telescope)
Q1418763 Sunrise balloon-borne telescope
solar observatory
balloon-borne solar observatory
Q58622664 SuperBIT Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope
Super-pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope
balloon-borne telescope
Q1412607 Supernova/Acceleration Probe space telescope
Q54375 Suzaku ASTRO-EII
space telescope decommissioned Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite Suzaku (satellite)
Q2383826 TD-1A TD-1A Satellite Mission
Thor-Delta 1A
space telescope European astrophysical research satellite TD-1A
Q18549906 TSUBAME (satellite) space telescope
Q124663468 Telescope by John Marshall John Marshall's telescope telescope
refracting telescope
refracting telescope
Q80380390 Telescope which may have been owned by Captain James Cook Captain Cook's telescope, James Cook's telescope scientific instrument
manufactured product
Telescope made by Edward Nairne and James Blunt which may have been owned by Captain James Cook
Q105439388 Telescope, 'Walking stick' type, 1850-1899 telescope
Q105439241 Telescope, non-achromatic, 1-draw; mahogany and br telescope
refracting telescope
Q54376 Tenma ASTRO-B
Tenma X-ray Satellite Mission
space telescope space observatory
Q835228 Terrestrial Planet Finder TPF space telescope proposed project by NASA to construct a system of space telescopes for detecting extrasolar terrestrial planets; postponed several times and finally cancelled in 2011 Terrestrial Planet Finder
Q105439205 Terrestrial hand telescope, 3-draw, green vellum, telescope Terrestrial hand telescope, 3-draw, green vellum, hand tooled, signed Jo: HOWE LONDINI FECIT, Object Glass.4/5-inch diam, c.1695. grey shagreen covered case with two end caps, ivory mounts to eyepiece and Object Glass. (1881-80 V & A M.Reg)
Q107249144 Terrestrial refracting telescope by Dolland telescope
refracting telescope
Q105439244 Terrestrial refracting telescope, 5-draw telescope
refracting telescope
Q956468 The E and B Experiment balloon-borne telescope
radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q106301603 Three draw telescope with vellum body refracting telescope
Three draw telescope with vellum body stamped "Leonardo Semitecolo", length when closed: 24cm., early 18th century (Wellcome B860)
Q105439389 Three-draw leather covered terrestrial telescope telescope
Q7824381 TopHat radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
balloon-borne experiment to measure the cosmic microwave background
Q85810467 Transient Array Radio Telescope TART radio telescope An open-source imaging radio telescope Transient Array Radio Telescope
Q1323537 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite TESS
Explorer 95
Explorers Program
Medium Explorer program
space telescope NASA satellite of the Explorer program Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
Q1333568 Transition Region And Coronal Explorer TRACE
Explorer 73
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
space telescope NASA space observatory TRACE
Q7845173 Troll Satellite Station TrollSat ground station satellite ground station located at Troll in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica
Q105439419 Two lens doublets in drawtube inside another tube telescope
refracting telescope
Two lens doublets in drawtube inside another tube, part of erector for a telescope, English, 19th century
Q580043 Uhuru Explorer 42
X-ray Small Astronomical Satellite 1
space telescope first satellite launched specifically for the purpose of X-ray astronomy Uhuru (satellite)
Can X-3A
Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 3A
Bright Target Explorer - University
Bright-star Target Explorer - University
BRITE-Constellation space telescope
technology demonstration spacecraft
Austrian nanosatellite observatory
Q7902244 Usuda Deep Space Center UDSC network of spacecraft communication facilities
ground station
spacecraft ground station in Japan Usuda Deep Space Center
Q7933462 Viper telescope Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
antarctic telescope to view cosmic background radiation
Q22084849 Whipple space telescope
abandoned project
proposed space observatory in the NASA Discovery Program 2014
Q274106 Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Explorer 80
Microwave Anisotropy Probe
space telescope NASA Cosmic Microwave Background probe launched in 2001 WMAP
Q268447 XEUS space telescope european X-ray space observatory
Q693861 XMM-Newton XMM
High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy Mission
X-ray Multi-Mirror Newton
Horizon 2000 space telescope
X-ray telescope
ESA space observatory XMM-Newton
Q63992302 XPoSat space telescope Indian space telescope XPoSat
Q116159826 Yangwang-1 space telescope space observatory
Q48780248 eVscope telescope
Q106975286 pocket achromatic refracting telescope, two-draw tube telescope pocket achromatic refracting telescope, two-draw tube, with 2-powers eyepiece, silver gilt and ivory tube, by Dollond, London, England, 19th century
Q105439224 refracting achromatic telescope with mahogany body telescope
refracting telescope
Q124388665 system GOTO telescope one system of the GOTO telescope array
Q124388672 unit telescope system telescope unit telescope of a system of the GOTO telescope array
Q4454111 Т-170М Telescope World Space Observatory telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q5845105 Balcarce ground station ground station Ground station in Argentina
Q18327264 Benavidez ground station Estación Terrena Benavidez ground station Ground station in Argentina Benavídez Ground Station
Q5845108 Bosque Alegre ground station Argentine National Observatory ground station
Ground station in Argentina
Q5845110 Córdoba ground station Teófilo Tabanera Space Center ground station Ground station in the Teófilo Tabanera Space Center
Q20014921 Espacio Lejano Station CLTC - CONAE - NEUQUÉN Station
Deep Space Ground Station
Neuquén Ground Station
Chinese Deep Space Network
People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force
ground station ground station of the Chinese Deep Space Network Neuquén Ground Station
Q30973477 IAR 30m telescopes Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy radio telescope IAR 30m telescopes
Q5015078 Large Latin American Millimeter Array LLAMA radio telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
astronomical radio observatory Large Latin American Millimeter Array
Q108790261 Mailhat equatorial telescope San José Observatory refracting telescope Mailhat equatorial telescope
Q6741341 Malargüe Station Deep Space Antenna 3
ESTRACK ground station ESA tracking station Malargüe Station
Q18385771 POlarization Emission of Millimeter Activity at the Sun POEMAS Leoncito Astronomical Complex radio telescope
solar telescope
Polarization Emission of Millimeter Activity at the Sun
Q3413898 Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology Qubic
Qubic experiment
radio interferometer
cosmology project Qubic Observatory
Q18379108 Solar Submillimeter Telescope SST
Leoncito Astronomical Complex radio telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
Solar Submillimeter Telescope
Q42373251 Tierra del Fuego Ground Station ETTdF ground station Ground station of CONAE in Tierra del Fuego Tierra del Fuego Ground Station


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Q120237668 Horacio Ghielmetti Telescope THG
Leoncito Astronomical Complex telescope telescope


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Q49706208 Orgov Radio-Optical Telescope Radio Optical Observatory ROT54 radio telescope
optical telescope
telescope in Armenia Orgov Radio-Optical Telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q124247902 74-inch Reflector at Mount Stromlo Observatory 74-inch Reflector - Mount Stromlo Observatory
Mount Stromlo Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q2632045 Anglo-Australian Telescope Australian Astronomical Observatory
Siding Spring Observatory
optical telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
Australian Astronomical Observatory telescope Anglo-Australian Telescope
Q32049295 AuScope Hobart Antenna Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory radio telescope AuScope Hobart Antenna
Q781318 Australia Telescope Compact Array ATCA Paul Wild Observatory radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
Radio telescope at the Paul Wild Observatory, near the town of Narrabri in New South Wales, Australia Australia Telescope Compact Array
Q4824079 Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station ADSCS
Kojarena Station
ECHELON ground station
listening station
signals intelligence listening station in Western Australia
Q3917556 Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Square Kilometre Array
Australia Telescope National Facility
Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory
radio interferometer Radio telescope in Western Australia Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
Q24190601 Bruny Island Radio Spectrometer radio telescope
Log-periodic antenna
Q5043794 Carnarvon Tracking Station ground station A former earth tracking station in Western Australia Carnarvon Tracking Station
Q118976564 DSS 34 DSN:DSS-34
The Deep Space Network: DSS-34
Deep Space Station 34
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex
Q41804273 DSS 35 The Deep Space Network: DSS-35
Deep Space Station 35
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 35
Q41907742 DSS 36 DSN:DSS-36
The Deep Space Network: DSS-36
Deep Space Station 36
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 36
Q42296996 DSS 43 DSN:DSS-43
The Deep Space Network: DSS-43
Deep Space Station 43
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 43
Q42296999 DSS 46 DSS 44
Deep Space Station 44
Deep Space Station 46
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope decommissioned radio telescope at Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 46
Q1225100 Digitized Sky Survey DSS
astronomical survey
space telescope
digitization of several astronomical surveys by the Space Telescope Science Institute Digitized Sky Survey
Q50315594 Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature EDGES Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory radio telescope experimental telescope in Australia EDGES
Q5599558 Great Melbourne Telescope Melbourne Observatory
Mount Stromlo Observatory
optical telescope in Dublin, Ireland Great Melbourne Telescope
Q31375995 H127 telescope Greenhill Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Q5893941 Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station ground station former NASA earth station in Australia
Q14935727 Island Lagoon Tracking Station Deep Space Station 41
Deep Space Network radio telescope Island Lagoon Tracking Station
Q6269179 Joint Defense Facility Nurrungar JDFN ground station former earth station in South Australia
Q17425482 Long Baseline Array radio telescope
Q14934900 Mills Cross Telescope radio telescope radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia Mills Cross Telescope
Q3348377 Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope radio telescope radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope
Q6908813 Mopra Telescope Australia Telescope National Facility radio telescope 22-metre radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia Mopra Telescope
Q32049239 Mount Pleasant Antenna Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory radio telescope Mount Pleasant Antenna
Q6931021 Muchea Tracking Station ground station
Q1485963 Murchison Widefield Array Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory radio interferometer Radio telescope in Western Australia Murchison Widefield Array
Q6966156 Narrabri Stellar Intensity Interferometer NSII optical telescope
astronomical interferometer
astronomical instrument in New South Wales, Australia
Q4302461 New Norcia Station DSA1
ESTRACK ground station Australian ground station operated by the European Space Agency New Norcia Station
Q7104105 Orroral Valley Tracking Station ground station Orroral Valley Tracking Station
Q101440387 Parkes 12-metre telescope Parkes Observatory radio telescope
Q41804193 Parkes 18-metre telescope Parkes Observatory radio telescope Parkes 18-metre telescope
Q41804148 Parkes Radio Telescope DSS-49
Deep Space Station 49
Parkes Observatory
Deep Space Network
Australia Telescope National Facility
radio telescope radio telescope at Parkes Observatory and part of the Deep Space Network Parkes Radio Telescope
Q4303156 Perth Station ESTRACK ground station old ESA tracking station
Q1754535 Pine Gap Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap
Joint Defence Space Research Facility
ground station
listening station
Earth station in Australia Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap
Q7508847 Siding Spring 2.3 m Telescope Advanced Technology Telescope
Siding Spring Observatory 2.3-m Telescope
ANU 2.3m Advanced Technology Telescope
ANU 2,3m
Siding Spring Observatory optical telescope telescope at Siding Spring Observatory Siding Spring 2.3 m Telescope
Q3486419 SkyMapper Siding Spring Observatory optical telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
Q1418160 Space Surveillance Telescope SST optical telescope Military telescope located in Exmouth, Western Australia Space Surveillance Telescope
Q53679298 Square Kilometre Array - Australia SKA
Square Kilometre Array radio interferometer
phased array
Australian component of SKA
Q1784637 Sydney University Stellar Interferometer SUSI Paul Wild Observatory optical telescope
astronomical interferometer
Q3547219 UK Schmidt Telescope United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope Siding Spring Observatory
Australian Astronomical Observatory
optical telescope
Schmidt camera
optical telescope in Australia
Q3552098 Uppsala Southern Schmidt Telescope Siding Spring Observatory optical telescope
Schmidt camera
Q32049279 Vela Antenna Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory radio telescope


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Q38052904 The Big Refractor Vienna Observatory optical telescope
refracting telescope
The Big Refractor


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Q31213981 Humain Radioastronomy Station Royal Observatory of Belgium radio telescope
solar telescope
Humain Radioastronomy Station
Q3497409 Redu Station ESTRACK ground station Radiocommunication station Redu station
Q123193793 Visual White-Light Telescope White-Light Visual Telescope Uccle Solar Equatorial Table optical telescope
solar telescope
telescope at the Uccle Solar Equatorial Table


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Q16564394 Estación Terrena de Amachuma ground station
Q16941736 Estación Terrena de La Guardia ground station


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Q130613188 Galileo Solar Space Telescope space telescope Galileo Solar Space Telescope
Q62539660 0.6m Boller & Chivens Pico dos Dias Observatory optical telescope
Q62540954 0.6m Zeiss Jena Pico dos Dias Observatory optical telescope
Q62538116 1.6m Perkin-Elmer Pico dos Dias Observatory optical telescope
Q26914760 BINGO Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in Neutral Gas Observations radio telescope Radio telescope located in Brazil BINGO (telescope)
Q4958724 Brazilian Decimetric Array radio interferometer
solar telescope
radio telescope interferometer based in Brazil Brazilian Decimetric Array
Q61756738 Frei Rosário Astronomical Observatory 60cm telescope Frei Rosário Astronomical Observatory optical telescope
Q41989977 GEM Radio Telescope in Brasil radio telescope GEM Radio Telescope
Q41273317 Itapetinga Radio Telescope Pierre Kauffman Radio Observatory radio telescope Itapetinga Radio Telescope
Q7058059 Northeastern Space Radio Observatory radio telescope space radio dish antenna
Q41274425 Solar Patrol Equipment radio telescope
solar telescope
Q41362170 Solar Radio Polarimeter Pierre Kauffman Radio Observatory radio telescope
solar telescope


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Q33151692 Grubb 6 Inch Telescope Borisova gradina Observatory optical telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q26306594 Algonquin 11m telescope Algonquin Radio Observatory radio telescope Algonquin 11m telescope
Q22676378 Algonquin 46m radio telescope Algonquin Radio Observatory radio telescope
Gregorian telescope
parabolic reflector
radio telescope and deep-space radar in Ontario, Canada Algonquin Radio Telescope
Q21070676 Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope
Zenith telescope
Canadian radio telescope Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
Q26307727 DRAO Solar-flux monitor Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope DRAO Solar-flux monitor
Q26307657 DRAO Synthesis telescope Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory radio interferometer DRAO Synthesis telescope
Q120233919 Helen Sawyer Hogg Telescope CASLEO:HSHT
Leoncito Astronomical Complex telescope telescope
Q26307567 John A. Galt Telescope Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope John A. Galt Telescope
Q1805929 Large Zenith Telescope LZT optical telescope
liquid mirror telescope
Zenith telescope
decommissioned liquid mirror telescope in British Columbia Large Zenith Telescope
Q3733120 Saskatoon experiment radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
experiment to measure anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q18132140 Atacama B-Mode Search radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Atacama B-Mode Search Atacama B-Mode Search
Q753067 Atacama Cosmology Telescope ACTpol Llano de Chajnantor Observatory radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
telescope in Chile Atacama Cosmology Telescope
Q725364 Atacama Large Millimeter Array ALMA SMEGO
ALMA telescope
Atacama Large Millimeter and Submillimeter Array
Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
Event Horizon Telescope
radio interferometer 66 radio telescopes in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile Atacama Large Millimeter Array
Q753076 Atacama Pathfinder Experiment APEX Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
Event Horizon Telescope
radio telescope radio telescope Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
Q742486 Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment ASTE Llano de Chajnantor Observatory radio telescope Radio astronomy telescope Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
Q17019648 BlackGEM La Silla Observatory optical telescope BlackGEM
Q5135871 Clover radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q3982934 Cosmic Background Imager radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
microwave interferometer Cosmic Background Imager
Q15978777 Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor CLASS radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
array of microwave telescopes Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor
Q42127464 Du Pont Telescope Las Campanas Observatory du Pont telescope
Las Campanas Observatory optical telescope Du Pont Telescope
Q124248046 ESO 1-m Schmidt telescope ESO-1m La Silla Observatory optical telescope optical telescope ESO 1-metre Schmidt telescope
Q74784 ESO 3.6 m Telescope The ESO 3.6m at La Silla
La Silla Observatory reflecting telescope
infrared telescope
optical reflecting telescope in Chile ESO 3.6-m Telescope
Q114232967 European Southern Observatory, La Silla-DSS European Southern Observatory space telescope
astronomical survey
The Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) is a digitized version of several photographic astronomical surveys of the night sky, produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute between 1983 and 2006.
Q635105 Extremely Large Telescope ELT European Southern Observatory Nasmyth telescope
infrared telescope
extremely large telescope
major astronomical facility being constructed by the European Southern Observatory Extremely Large Telescope
Q1055792 Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope
Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope
radio telescope proposed radio telescope in Antofagasta Region, Chile Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope
Q1616676 Hexapod-Telescope OCA:Hexapod Cerro Murphy Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
telescope Hexapod-Telescope
Q120316723 Infra Red Imaging Survey Telescope (IRIS) IRIS
Cerro Murphy Observatory telescope telescope
Q124247567 Landon T. Clay Magellan 6.5-m telescope Magellan-Clay Magellan Telescopes optical telescope optical telescope located at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile
Q3830598 Leonhard Euler Telescope Swiss 1.2-m Leonhard Euler Telescope La Silla Observatory reflecting telescope reflecting telescope in Chile Leonhard Euler Telescope
Q1541020 Magellan Telescopes Magellan-Baade
Walter Baade Magellan 6.5-m telescope (LCO)
Las Campanas Observatory optical telescope
Gregorian telescope
a pair of optical telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile Magellan Telescopes
Q3859719 Mobile Anisotropy Telescope radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Astronomic experiment
Q1959725 NANTEN2 Observatory radio telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
Radio telescope installed at the Las Campanas Observatory by Nagoya University NANTEN2 Observatory
Q21044390 Next-Generation Transit Survey NGTS Paranal Observatory optical telescope ground-based robotic search for exoplanets Next-Generation Transit Survey
Q7119931 POLARBEAR Simons Array radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Cosmic microwave background polarization experiment located in Chile POLARBEAR
Q7120401 PROMPT Telescopes Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory optical telescope array of telescopes located at CTIO which are designed to rapidly observe gamma-ray burst afterglows simultaneously in multiple filters PROMPT
Q7265603 Q/U Imaging ExperimenT QUIET Llano de Chajnantor Observatory radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Radio telescope observing the Cosmic Microwave Background QUIET
Q7276355 Rapid Eye Mount telescope REM Telescope La Silla Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
robotic telescope
Robotic telescope installed at La Silla observatory Rapid Eye Mount telescope
Q114074436 Roving observer space telescope space observatory
Q116985646 SARA-CT SARA CT
SARA Cerro Tololo Telescope
SARA South
Lowell 24"
SARA telescope
astronomical observatory
telescope in Chile SARA-CT
Q124247289 SMARTS Consortium 0.9 meter telescope CTIO 0.9 Meter (SMARTS Consortium)
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory optical telescope The Small and Moderate Aperture Research Telescope System (SMARTS) Consortium operates four small telescopes on Cerro Tololo in Chile
Q124247281 SMARTS Consortium 1.5-meter Telescope CTIO - 1.5-Meter Telescope (SMARTS Consortium)
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory optical telescope The Small and Moderate Aperture Research Telescope System (SMARTS) Consortium operates four small telescopes on Cerro Tololo in Chile.
Q25248071 Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars SPECULOOS infrared telescope
astronomical survey
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
astronomical observatory SPECULOOS
Q30339529 Simons Array radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Simons Array
Q30339492 Simons Observatory Observatorio Simons radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
observatory in Chile Simons Observatory
Q787525 Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope SOAR
Southern Astrophysical Research
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory optical telescope
segmented mirror
observatory Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope
Q119512707 Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey Telescope S-PLUS Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory telescope
Q3506473 Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope Africa Millimetre Telescope La Silla Observatory radio telescope
parabolic reflector
radio telescope located in South America SEST Radio Telescope
Q42128239 Swope Telescope Las Campanas Observatory optical telescope
Q17090293 TAROT-South robotic observatory Rapid Action Telescope for Transient Objects
Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires
La Silla Observatory optical telescope
robotic telescope
Newton telescope
TAROT telescope
Q10852903 TRAPPIST La Silla Observatory
Oukaïmden Observatory
robotic telescope
optical telescope
pair of Belgian optic robotic telescopes TRAPPIST telescope
Q672021 Vera C. Rubin Observatory VRO
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
LSST camera
NSF Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Rubin Observatory
Vera Rubin Observatory
reflecting telescope
astronomical observatory
astronomical observatory under construction in Chile Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Q3556304 Very Large Telescope Interferometer VLTI Very Large Telescope astronomical interferometer
optical telescope
coherent operations of either the four Unit Telescopes or four Auxiliary Telescopes at the Very Large Telescope facility Very Large Telescope Interferometer
Q42127852 Warsaw Telescope Las Campanas Observatory
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment
optical telescope Warsaw Telescope
Q30622109 Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper WHAM Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory optical telescope
astronomical survey
telescope in northern Chile


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Q111914227 Wide Field Survey Telescope optical telescope
reflecting telescope
Chinese telescope

Czech Republic

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q61892399 Ondřejov 0.65-m telescope Ondřejov Observatory optical telescope Ondřejov 0.65-m telescope
Q11836847 Ondřejov 2-m telescope Perek's telescope Ondřejov Observatory optical telescope Optical telescope in the Czech Republic Ondřejov 2-m telescope
Q30334246 Ondřejov radio telescope Ondřejov Observatory radio telescope Ondřejov radio telescope
Q26936139 Radiocommunications Center Sedlec Intersputnik communications service provider
ground station
satellite ground station Radiocommunication centre in Sedlec-Prčice


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Q28080967 Brorfelde Schmidt Telescope optical telescope
Schmidt camera
Brorfelde Schmidt Telescope


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Q24685664 KAIRA HBA Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array radio telescope radio telescope
Q24685795 KAIRA LBA Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array radio telescope radio telescope
Q11870584 Kauppi observatory observatory
optical telescope
Kauppi observatory
Q30303476 Metsahovi 14m radio telescope Metsähovi Radio Observatory radio telescope Metsahovi 14m radio telescope
Q109830442 Metsähovi Compact Array Metsähovi Radio Observatory radio telescope
radio interferometer
Q11890683 Rihlaperä Observatory optical telescope
Rihlaperä Observatory


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Q29121078 lunette astronomique avec micromètre P. Gautier à Hendaye refracting telescope
Q29121110 lunette astronomique-instrument astrométrique refracting telescope
Q29162452 lunette astronomique à Châteauroux refracting telescope
Q29210972 télescope grégorien dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris optical telescope
Q29212987 lunette astronomique dans le 8e arrondissement de Paris refracting telescope
Q29218061 télescope grégorien de Passement à Versailles optical telescope
Q29220497 télescope de Gregory à Palaiseau optical telescope
Q29234125 télescope de Foucault à Montpellier optical telescope
Q29234128 lunette astronomique à Montpellier groupe d'objets à Montpellier refracting telescope
Q29234149 télescope à Montpellier optical telescope
Q29318480 lunette méridienne dite de Gambey à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29318508 lunette astronomique achromatique dite de Lerebours à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29318510 tube de lunette à section polygonale à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319455 grand télescope Gregory ou grand télescope de Short à Marseille optical telescope
Q29319458 télescope à Marseille groupe d'objets à Marseille optical telescope
Q29319460 lunette astronomique dite d'Eichens à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319461 lunette astronomique dite de Bellet à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319462 lunette astronomique dite lunette à l'italienne à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319463 lunette astronomique dite lunette de Pons à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319707 lunette astronomique (lunette méridienne d'Eichens) à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319744 lunette astronomique dite cercle méridien de Gambey à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29319747 télescope dit de Foucault à Marseille optical telescope
Q29319748 lunette méridienne dite de Lennel à Marseille refracting telescope
Q29330433 télescope type Cassegrain à Tournon-sur-Rhône optical telescope
Q29334406 grand méridien d'Eichens à Saint-Genis-Laval refracting telescope
Q124252111 2-Telescopes Large Interferometer GI2T REGAIN Nice Observatory optical telescope two telescopes Large Interferometer at Nice observatory
Q78478594 Arago telescope Paris Observatory, PSL University optical telescope telescope at Paris Observatory, installed in 1857 Lunette Arago
Q2743686 Bernard Lyot Telescope optical telescope
reflector Telescope Bernard Lyot Telescope
Q41456407 Bordeaux observatory würzburg radar Bordeaux Observatory radio telescope
Bordeaux observatory würzburg radar
Q48633 COROT CoRoT
Convection Rotation and Planetary Transits
COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits
space telescope European Space Agency space observatory COROT
Q2981399 Codalema radio telescope Radio frequency cosmic ray air shower detector
Q18388941 EMBRACE Square Kilometre Array radio telescope Electronic MultiBeam Radio Astronomy ConcEpt radiotelescope
Q4454110 Great Paris Exhibition Telescope of 1900 optical telescope
destroyed building or structure
former monumental telescope in Paris Great Ex Telescope
Q3155726 Issus Aussaguel ground station satellite ground station in France
Q18126941 Kourou Station Kourou 93
Diane Station
Diane tracking station
ESTRACK ground station satellite communication's support station
Q35155796 Large equatorial coudé of Paris Paris Observatory, PSL University optical telescope Grand equatorial coudé de Paris
Q85785096 Meudon Great Refractor Grande Lunette Meudon Observatory refracting telescope
double telescope
twin refracting telescope at Meudon Observatory
Q111149596 Nançay Decameter Array NDA
Nançay Radio Observatory radio telescope
phased array
Decameter wavelengths radio telescope in Nançay
Q60946301 Nançay Radio Heliograph Nançay Radio Observatory radio telescope
Q1671656 Nançay Radio Telescope NRT Nançay Radio Observatory radio telescope 1.1-3.5 GHz Meridian telescope located at the Nançay Radioastronomy Observatory Nançay Radio Telescope
Q60846054 NenuFAR New Extension in Nançay Upgrading LOFAR Nançay Radio Observatory
radio telescope
phased array
astronomical observatory
Q18123899 Northern Extended Millimeter Array NOEMA
NOEMA observatory
radio interferometer observatory in France
Q6151482 Plateau de Bure Interferometer PdBI Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique radio interferometer former astronomical observatory Interféromètre du plateau de Bure
Q2945516 Pleumeur-Bodou satellite telecommunication centre ground station historical ground station in France Centre de télécommunication spatiale de Pleumeur-Bodou
Q109042547 Radio telescope de la Villette radio telescope Radio telescope located in the Parc de la Villette in Paris.
Q29234117 Sardinia telescope N.1 in Montpellier optical telescope
Q29234116 Sardinia telescope N.2 in Montpellier optical telescope
Q29234113 Sardinia telescope N.3 in Montpellier optical telescope
Q35993927 station Galliot Guiana Space Centre venue
ground station
tracking station for the Centre Spatial Guyanais


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Q1275925 ESOC-Bodenstation Michelstadt ground station
Q113025742 Bamberg-Refraktor Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte (Berlin, Germany)
optical telescope
achromatic lens
refracting telescope
large telescope Bamberg-Refraktor (Berlin)
Q120318368 Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II BEST II
Cerro Murphy Observatory telescope telescope
Q120317142 Bochum Monitoring Telescope BMT
Cerro Murphy Observatory telescope telescope
Q705139 Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope European VLBI Network radio telescope radio telescope in Germany Radiotelescope Effelsberg
Q324125 Erdfunkstelle Raisting ground station Erdfunkstelle Raisting
Q1349157 Fuchsstadt Teleport Erdfunkstelle Fuchsstadt architectural structure
ground station
satellite ground station Erdfunkstelle Fuchsstadt
Q2013033 Observatory for Solar Radio Astronomy radio telescope
Q1548928 Potsdam Great Refractor Großer Refraktor Albert Einstein Science Park refracting telescope
double telescope
historic astronomical telescope in an observatory in Potsdam, Germany Großer Refraktor (Potsdam)
Q2132702 Rathenower Refraktor refracting telescope Rathenower Refraktor
Q120318013 Robotic Bochum Twin Telescopes OCA:RoBoTT
Cerro Murphy Observatory telescope telescopes are two 0.15-metre (5.9 in) refractors made by Takahashi Seisakusho on a common German equatorial mount.
Q16338343 Stockert Radio Telescope Astropeiler Stockert radio telescope Radio telescope in North-Rhine Westfalia, Germany Astropeiler Stockert
Q30303532 Wettzell 20m radio telescope Geodetic Observatory Wettzell radio telescope
Fundamental station
Wettzell 20m radio telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q41513441 AVN-Ghana 32m telescope Ghana Satellite Earth Station
African VLBI network
radio telescope
Q20854973 Ghana Satellite Earth Station ground station
astronomical observatory
Ghana Satellite Earth Station


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q16833663 Aristarchos 2.3 m Telescope Chelmos Observatory optical telescope telescope of the Chelmos Observatory in Greece Aristarchos telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q57338619 GreenPol radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q28415915 Greenland Telescope GLT Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
radio telescope radio telescope located in Greenland Greenland Telescope
Q7560910 Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility radio telescope
Incoherent scatter
research facility in western Greenland Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q42296971 1.3m Devasthal Optical Telescope Devasthal Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Q24949537 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope Devasthal Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Devasthal Optical Telescope
Q298058 Astrosat space telescope Indian space observatory Astrosat-1
Q26307854 Gauribidanur Radio Heliograph Gauribidanur Radio Observatory radio telescope Gauribidanur Radio Heliograph
Q30835022 Gauribidanur Telescope Gauribidanur Radio Observatory radio telescope
Q1522736 Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope GMRT
radio interferometer radio telescope center GMRT
Q13115251 Himalayan Chandra Telescope HCT-2m
The 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope
Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Himalayan Chandra Telescope
Q6021612 ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network Indian Space Research Organisation Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network
Indian Deep Space Network ground station ground station network operated by ISRO
Q3523149 Ooty Radio Telescope ORT radio telescope
cylindrical parabolic reflector
radio telescope near Ooty, India Ooty Radio Telescope
Q127294667 TTC Ground Station, Lucknow ISTRAC Lucknow ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network ground station satellite ground station


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Q33082783 INO340 Iranian National Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Q59651354 INOLA INOLA-Lens Array telescope INO Lens Array Observing Facility Iranian National Observatory


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q116856156 3-foot Telescope Birr Castle optical telescope 3-foot Telescope
Q112612782 I-LOFAR i-lofar
LOFAR radio telescope Irish LOFAR station located in Birr


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q123914670 The Centurion 18 telescope of the Wise Observatory Wise 18 inch
Wise Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q123914612 Wise telescope 1m of the Wise observatory Wise 1m
Wise Observatory optical telescope optical telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q111948281 Base militare di Lughezzano military base
ground station
Q57183089 telescopio Ruths di Merate Brera Astronomical Observatory reflecting telescope
Q14951 Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero AGILE space telescope
former entity
former gamma-ray astronomy satellite AGILE (satellite)
Q124247484 Copernico telescope copernico
Copernico 1.82m
Astronomical Observatory of Padova optical telescope optical telescope in Italy
Q31841443 Max Valier Sat artificial satellite
space telescope
Q30303376 Medicina 32-m radio telescope Medicina Radio Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope
Q3982942 Merate Astronomical Observatory Brera Astronomical Observatory astronomical observatory
Merate telescope
Q30303368 Northern Cross Radio Telescope Medicina Radio Observatory radio telescope Radio telescope at Medicina, Italy Northern Cross Radio Telescope
Q30303412 Noto 32-m radio telescope Noto Radio Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope
Q1161670 Sardinia Radio Telescope Cagliari Observatory radio telescope Radio telescope Sardinia Radio Telescope
Q109376750 Scanzano Space Centre ground station teleport in Italy


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Q11455999 富士山頂サブミリ波望遠鏡 radio telescope
Q40703841 10m Mizusawa radio telescope Mizusawa VERA Observatory radio telescope
very-long-baseline interferometry
Q40703455 20m VERA antenna Mizusawa VERA Observatory radio telescope
very-long-baseline interferometry
20m VERA antenna
Q5327099 Earth Observation Center ground station observation facility of JAXA
Q50017 Hinotori ASTRO-A space telescope Japanese artificial satellite
Q116447629 Iitate Planetary Radio Telescope IPRT
Iitate Observatory
radio telescope
astronomical observatory
Q61223419 Japanese VLBI network JVN radio interferometer
Q124247944 KANATA 1.5-m Optical and Near-Infrared telescope Kanata Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q11429311 Masuda Tracking and Communications Station ground station
Q3342522 Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope Nobeyama radio observatory radio telescope Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope
Q3342520 Nobeyama Millimetre Array Nobeyama radio observatory radio interferometer Nobeyama Millimetre Array
Q30633974 Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters radio telescope Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters
Q30631050 Nobeyama Radioheliograph Nobeyama radio observatory radio interferometer
solar telescope
Nobeyama Radioheliograph
Q11369843 Norikura Solar Observatory solar observatory
radio telescope
Norikura Solar Observatory
Q11463405 Ogasawara Downrange Station ground station
Q11552678 Okinawa Tracking and Communications Station ground station
Q123851847 Tohoku University's 0.6m telescope TU:0.6m Haleakalā Observatory optical telescope optical telescope at Haleakala Observatory
Q40707763 Tsukuba VLBI Station radio telescope
very-long-baseline interferometry
Tsukuba VLBI Station
Q586893 Yohkoh Gamma and X-ray solar satellite Yohkoh
formerly known as Solar-A
space telescope
artificial satellite
Solar observatory spacecraft Yohkoh


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Q125951093 Radio-telescope "Orbita" Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory radio telescope


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Q19687225 Irbene RT32 radio telescope radio telescope
Q2038810 Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center radio telescope
scientific institute
astronomical observatory
radio astronomy observatory
radio astronomy installation in Latvia Irbene RT32 radiotelescope


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Q6793791 Mauritius Radio Telescope radio telescope


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Q1805920 Large Millimeter Telescope LMT
Gran Telescopio Milimétrico
Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano
Event Horizon Telescope radio telescope
Cassegrain reflecting telescope
world's largest millimetric telescope, located in Mexico Large Millimeter Telescope
Q28132285 Mexican Array Radio Telescope MEXART radio telescope Radio telescope in Michoacan, Mexico
Q56100182 SCI-HI telescope
Q124247874 SPM 1.5-meter Johnson telescope 1.5-meter Harold Johnson telescope
OAN/SPM 1.5-meter Johnson telescope
National Astronomical Observatory of San Pedro Mártir optical telescope telescope of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional on the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico.


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Q1617774 High Energy Stereoscopic System H.E.S.S.
gamma Ray Telescope System in Namibia HESS


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Q2719207 Dwingeloo Radio Observatory Top 100 of Dutch monuments 1940-1958 radio telescope
Dutch radio observatory Radiotelescoop Dwingeloo
Q2233113 It Grutte Ear The Large Ear Satellietgrondstation NSO ground station Dutch ground station for satellite communications It Greate Ear
Q1192324 LOFAR Low-Frequency Array
PL610 LOFAR, Borowiec Poland, SRC PAS
radio telescope
radio interferometer
phased array
large radio telescope network between Ireland and Poland, located mainly in the Netherlands LOFAR
Q124477480 Viasat + Inmarsat ground station ground station Dutch ground station for satellite communications Viasat + Inmarsat Grondstation (Burum)
Q2556501 Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope European VLBI Network radio telescope aperture synthesis interferometer in the Netherlands Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope

New Zealand

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q4829919 Awarua Tracking Station ground station Earth station at Awarua Plain
Q14372830 Waihopai Station ECHELON listening station
ground station
satellite communications interception station in New Zealand GCSB Waihopai
Q7969484 Warkworth 12m Radio Telescope Warkworth Radio Observatory radio telescope Warkworth 12m Radio Telescope
Q7969476 Warkworth 30m Radio Telescope Warkworth Radio Observatory radio telescope Warkworth 2 dish
Q7969482 Warkworth Radio Observatory radio telescope Warkworth Radio Observatory


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Q116256318 Forsvarets Satellittstasjon Eggemoen ground station
Q50300067 Forsvarets stasjon Ringerike ground station
Q6429241 Kongsfjord Telemetry Station ground station Earth station in Svalbard, Norway
Q40705275 Ny-Ålesund Radio Telescope radio telescope
very-long-baseline interferometry
Ny-Ålesund Radio Telescope
Q1796135 Svalbard Satellite Station SvalSat ground station satellite ground station located on Platåberget near Longyearbyen in Svalbard, Norway SvalSat
Q7845399 Tromsø Satellite Station ground station satellite earth station located in Tromsø, Norway Tromsø Satellite Station

People's Republic of China

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q124247421 0.85m Beijing astronomical observatory telescope BAO-0.85m Beijing Astronomical Observatory optical telescope optical telescope at Beijing astronomical observatory
Q17001743 Chinese Future Giant Telescope optical telescope
proposed building or structure
Q5100466 Chinese Giant Solar Telescope solar telescope
proposed building or structure
optical telescope
proposed Sun observatory
Q121009894 Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope DSRT radio telescope solar radio telescope in Daocheng, Garze, Sichuan, China Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope
Q1827255 Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope FAST
Eye of Heaven
Heavenly Eye
radio telescope radio telescope located in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, China Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope
Q67206105 Haoping radio telescope radio telescope
Q3125220 Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope HXMT
X-ray telescope
space telescope
X-ray space observatory
Q6325275 KARST Kilometer-square Area Radio Synthesis Telescope radio telescope Chinese Radio Telescope
Q1513326 LAMOST Xinglong Station optical telescope
Schmidt camera
Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope LAMOST
Q57642048 Lijiang 2.4m Telescope Lijiang 2.4m telescope - Yunnan Obsvervatories
Yunnan Astronomical Observatory optical telescope
Q25840350 Nanshan Radio Telescope European VLBI Network radio telescope Nanshan Radio Telescope
Q7243527 Primeval Structure Telescope radio telescope Chinese radio telescope Primeval Structure Telescope
Q15270314 Qitai Radio Telescope QTT
Xingjiang Qitai 110m Radio Telescope
radio telescope planned Chinese radiotelescope
Q11133478 Shantou Satellite Communication Earth Station ground station
Q30303481 Sheshan 25m radio telescope European VLBI Network radio telescope
Q16677669 Space Variable Objects Monitor SVOM space telescope
X-ray telescope
small X-ray telescope satellite SVOM
Q22695597 TianQin space telescope
gravitational-wave detector
proposed entity
proposed gravity-wave space observatory
Q56102751 Tianlai Tianlai Project
Tianlai Telescope
radio telescope
Q72863096 Tianma Radio Telescope radio telescope
Q57626364 Xinglong 1-m Telescope Xinglong Station telescope
Q57625817 Xinglong 1.26-m Telescope Xinglong Station infrared telescope
Q57625624 Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope 2.16m Beijing Astronomical Observatory Telescope
Xinglong Station optical telescope
Q57627914 Xinglong 50-cm Telescope telescope
Q57626887 Xinglong 60-cm Telescope Xinglong Station telescope
Q57626980 Xinglong 60/90-cm Schmidt Telescope Xinglong Station telescope
Q57626791 Xinglong 80-cm Telescope Xinglong Station telescope
Q57626537 Xinglong 85-cm Telescope Xinglong Station telescope
Q26270214 Xuntian XT
Chinese Survey Space Telescope
space telescope
optical telescope
proposed entity
planned Chinese space telescope Xuntian Space Telescope
Q57661973 Yunnan 1m Telescope Yunnan Astronomical Observatory telescope
Q57642210 Yunnan 40m Radio Telescope Yunnan Astronomical Observatory radio telescope Yunnan 40m Radio Telescope


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Q9065640 Jicamarca Radio Observatory radio telescope Jicamarca Radio Observatory


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Q108304571 Subic Bay Space Center SCC
Subic Bay Teleport
ground station ground station


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q114355756 Henry Draper's telescope Institute of Astronomy optical telescope telescope founded by Mary Anna Draper, which was used to prepare Henry Draper Catalog of stellar spectra Henry Draper's telescope
Q130262225 Silesian Planetarium Telescope refracting telescope Silesian Planetarium Telescope
Q29919105 Toruń RT3 RT15 very-long-baseline interferometry
Institute of Astronomy
radio telescope Radio telescope in Piwnice (near Toruń), Poland Toruń RT3
Q29909502 Toruń RT4 European VLBI Network
Institute of Astronomy
radio telescope Toruń RT4


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q76005198 Centro de Satélites de Sintra media
parabolic antenna
ground station
Centro de Satélites de Sintra
Q41990447 GEM Radio Telescope in Portugal Galactic Emission Mapping radio telescope
Q112152326 Pampilhosa da Serra Observatory space telescope space observatory in Portugal
Q18354889 Santa Maria Island Station ESTRACK ground station ESA tracking station in Azores, PT
Q60537510 São Gião Radio Telescope radio telescope São Gião Radio Telescope

Puerto Rico

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q44547 Arecibo Radio Telescope Arecibo Telescope
William E. Gordon Telescope
Arecibo Observatory radio telescope
Gregorian telescope
former radio telescope in the municipality of Arecibo, Puerto Rico Arecibo Telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q4387669 Радиотелескоп МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана radio telescope
Q19764 Astron space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
Soviet spacecraft Astron (spacecraft)
Q8876084 BLITS space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
Russian satellite
Q4387479 Badary RTF-32 radio telescope Badary RTF-32
Q4843248 Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope Baikal-GVD
neutrino detector
underwater telescope in Russia
Q4126652 Galenki RT-70 radio telescope Yevpatoria, Galenki, and Suffa RT-70 radio telescopes
radio telescope
observatory in Russian Far East Galenki RT-70 radio telescope
Q4210655 Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory Kalyazin RT-64 radio telescope Satellite Communications Center, Medvezh'i Ozyora
radio astronomy observatory
radio telescope
Russian radio astronomy observatory TNA-1500 radio telescope in Kalyazin
Q4387543 Krona space object recognition station Main Space Intelligence Centre radio telescope Russian space surveillance station
Q4315139 National Space Facilities Control and Test Center NIP-16 astronomical observatory
ground station
National Space Facilities Control and Test Center
Q1590725 RATAN-600 Academy of Sciences Radio Telescope – 600 radio telescope radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, Karachay–Cherkess Republic, Russia RATAN 600
Q56501441 RT 22 Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope RT 22
Q4387485 Radioastrophysical Observatory Badary radio telescope Radioastrophysical Observatory Badary
Q123592278 Siberian Radioheliograph radio telescope
Q4418313 Siberian Solar Radio Telescope radio telescope radio telescope Siberian Solar Radio Telescope
Q124251114 Skolkovo teleport Skolkovo Center
Skolkovo Satellite Communications Centre
ground station satellite ground station in Russia
Q4387482 Svetloje Radio Telescope radio telescope Svetloje radiotelescope
Q124251160 Vladimir teleport Satellite Communications Station Vladimir
SCS Vladimir
Vladimir Satellite Communications Station
ground station satellite ground station in Russia
Q2569316 World Space Observatory Spektr-UV
World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet
space telescope proposed Russian ultraviolet space telescope Spektr-UV
Q4387478 Zelenchukskaya RT-32 radio telescope Zelenchukskaya RT-32
Q124251134 Zheleznogorsk teleport Zheleznogorsk Center
Zheleznogorsk Satellite Communications Centre
ground station satellite ground station in Russia
Q4387476 Zimyonki Radio Astronomy Station radio telescope Zimenki Radio Astronomy Station


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Q4986972 Bukit Timah Satellite Earth Station ground station Satellite Earth Station in Bukit Timah, Singapore
Q7447927 Seletar Teleport ground station
Q7451374 Sentosa Satellite Earth Station ground station Satellite Earth Station in Sentosa, Singapore

South Africa

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q41513078 African VLBI network radio interferometer
very-long-baseline interferometry
Q124247966 Boyden refractor Alvan Clark Telescope Boyden Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q41716622 C-BASS South radio telescope C-BASS South at Klerefontein
Q33093080 HartRAO 26m Radio Telescope DSS 51 Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
Deep Space Network
radio telescope DSS 51
Q40035308 Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array HERA radio telescope low frequency radio telescope in South Africa Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array
Q56085323 Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment HIRAX radio telescope
parabolic reflector
interferometric radio telescope array in South Africa
Q6325355 KAT-7 South African Radio Astronomy Observatory radio interferometer Radio telescope in South Africa KAT-7
Q6807657 MeerKAT Karoo Array Telescope South African Radio Astronomy Observatory
Square Kilometre Array
radio interferometer radio telescope consisting of 64 antennas in South Africa MeerKAT
Q41756344 MeerKAT prototype dish Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope MeerKAT prototype dish
Q7239515 Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization PAPER radio interferometer radio telescope
Q114684888 SANSA Hartebeesthoek station ground station SANSA Hartebeesthoek station
Q833639 Southern African Large telescope SALT
Southern African Large Telescope,SALT
South African Astronomical Observatory reflecting telescope
optical telescope
segmented mirror
architectural structure Southern African Large Telescope
Q123850928 Square kilometer array mid telescope SKA-Mid Square Kilometre Array radio telescope radiotelescope

South Korea

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q626090 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Satellite 4 space telescope space observatory STSat-1
Q12623480 Korean VLBI Network radio interferometer korean observatory Korean VLBI Network
Q30828506 Taeduk 14m radio telescope Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope
Q104700612 Tanma Radio Telescope Korean VLBI Network radio telescope Tanma Radio Telescope
Q104700196 Ulsan Radio Telescope KVNUS Korean VLBI Network radio telescope
Q40708523 Yonsei radio telescope Korean VLBI Network radio telescope Yonsei radio telescope

Soviet Union

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q24936661 KRT-10 Salyut 6 radio telescope the world's first space radio telescope
Q4448999 THA-400 radio telescope first Soviet precision radio telescope THA-400


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Q111602322 Bordeaux Telescope optical telescope Bordeaux Telescope
Q3648864 COSMOlogical Structures On Medium Angular Scales COSMOSOMAS Teide Observatory radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q123915625 Calar Alto 2.2m Telescope CA-2.2m Calar Alto Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q123915746 Calar Alto 3.5m Telescope CA-3.5m Calar Alto Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q5042884 Carlsberg Meridian Telescope Roque de los Muchachos Observatory optical telescope
refracting telescope
meridian circle
formerly known as the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle
Q2889659 Cebreros Station DSA 2
ESTRACK ground station ES spacecraft communication station, Spain Cebreros Station
Q118976477 DSS 53 DSN:DSS-53
The Deep Space Network: DSS-53
Deep Space Station 53
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex
Q42297005 DSS 54 DSN:DSS-54
The Deep Space Network: DSS-54
Deep Space Station 54
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 54
Q118974871 DSS 55 DSN:DSS-55
The Deep Space Network: DSS-55
Deep Space Station 55
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex
Q118974450 DSS 56 DSN:DSS-56
The Deep Space Network: DSS-56
Deep Space Station 56
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex
Q42297008 DSS 63 DSN:DSS-63
The Deep Space Network: DSS-63
Deep Space Station 63
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 63
Q118972459 DSS 65 The Deep Space Network: DSS-65
Deep Space Station 65
Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex radio telescope decommissioned radio telescope at Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex
Q2194056 Dutch Open Telescope Roque de los Muchachos Observatory optical telescope
solar telescope
reflecting telescope
Dutch Open Telescope
Q115661693 ESA IZN-1 Teide Observatory optical telescope
laser rangefinder
Q5154962 ESA Optical Ground Station ESA Space Debris Telescope
OGS Telescope
Teide Observatory optical telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Optical Ground Station
Q3060809 European Solar Telescope EST Roque de los Muchachos Observatory solar telescope
optical telescope
4-meter solar observatory built in the Canary Islands for the European Association for Solar Telescopes European Solar Telescope
Q23014089 FACT FACT (telescope)
First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory optical telescope optical telescope at La Palma FACT
Q24568323 Fresnedillas- Navalagamella Space Tracking Station building
ground station
building in Community of Madrid, Spain
Q57337386 GroundBIRD Teide Observatory radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q845962 High-Energy-Gamma-Ray Astronomy HEGRA Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope
optical telescope
former entity
former gamma-ray telescope HEGRA
Q57416126 IAC80 IAC-80 Teide Observatory optical telescope IAC80
Q139994 IRAM 30-meter telescope Pico Veleta observatory
Sierra Nevada Radiotelescope
Event Horizon Telescope radio telescope radio telescope in Spain Sierra Nevada Radiotelescope
Q6119881 Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope SARA RM
SARA Roque de los Muchachos
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
reflecting telescope
astronomical observatory
telescope in the Canary Islands Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
Q33129404 MASCARA Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
La Silla Observatory
optical telescope planet-hunting instrument MASCARA
Q111601775 MASTER telescope Mobile Astronomical System of theTElescope-Robots Teide Observatory
MASTER network
optical telescope
robotic telescope
MASTER telescope
Q45732 Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes MAGIC
MAGIC Florian Goebel Telescopes
MAGIC telescope
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope
reflecting telescope
gamma-ray telescope
two-telescope system in the Canary Islands MAGIC
Q4302441 Maspalomas Station ESTRACK ground station satellite tracking station in Gran Canaria, Spain
Q2386049 Mercator Telescope Roque de los Muchachos Observatory optical telescope telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands; focused on exoplanet research Mercator Telescope
Q7098827 Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy OSIRIS Gran Telescopio Canarias telescope optical spectrometer in the Canaries, Spain
Q28032440 QUIJOTE Experiment QUIJOTE CMB Experiment Teide Observatory radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
QUIJOTE Experiment
Q57415862 STELLA Telescopes STELLar Activity Teide Observatory telescope STELLA
Q28733142 Satellite communications station of Buitrago del Lozoya architectural ensemble
ground station
Estación de comunicaciones por satélite de Buitrago del Lozoya
Q925534 Swedish Solar Telescope S. S. M. R.T
Swedish 1-m Refractive Telescope
Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory refracting telescope
solar telescope
telescope on La Plama, Canary Islands Swedish Solar Telescope
Q3546485 THEMIS solar telescope Teide Observatory optical telescope
solar telescope
THEMIS solar telescope
Q7696819 Telescopio Carlos Sánchez Telescopio Carlos Sanchez Teide Observatory telescope Telescopio Carlos Sánchez
Q3733121 Tenerife Experiment Teide Observatory radio telescope
Dicke radiometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
1984–2000 astronomical experiment Tenerife Experiment
Q3553152 Vacuum Tower Telescope Teide Observatory solar telescope
optical telescope
evacuated-optics solar telescope located at the Teide Observatory on Tenerife in the Canary Islands Vacuum Tower Telescope
Q2348698 Very Small Array Teide Observatory radio interferometer radio telescope in the Canary Islands Very Small Array
Q18167242 Villafranca Station VILSPA ESTRACK
European Space Astronomy Centre
ground station ESTRACK satellite ground station
Q117456165 Wilhelm Hersche's telescope, Madrid telescope telescope Wilhelm Herschel's telescope, Madrid
Q541505 William Herschel Telescope WHT
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory reflecting telescope telescope in La Palma, Spain William Herschel Telescope
Q30303516 Yebes 14m radio telescope Yebes Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope
Q5653888 Yebes Observatory RT40m Yebes Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
Nasmyth telescope
radio telescope at Yebes, Spain Yebes Observatory RT40m


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q1368518 Esrange European Space and Sounding Rocket Range
Esrange Space Center
ground station
rocket range
spaceport Esrange
Q4349991 Kiruna Station ESTRACK ground station ESA tracking station
Q26308509 Onsala Space Observatory 20 m telescope Onsala Space Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope Onsala Space Observatory 20 m telescope
Q26308553 Onsala Space Observatory 25 m telescope Onsala Space Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope Onsala Space Observatory 25 m telescope
Q26308607 Onsala Space Observatory LOFAR station Onsala Space Observatory
radio telescope Onsala Space Observatory LOFAR station
Q10690711 Tanum Teleport ground station former satellite ground station in Sweden Tanum Teleport
Q18378879 Westerlund telescope Uppsala University optical telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
training telescope inaugurated in 2004 Westerlund telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q89212667 Astronomy telescope-SOM telescope astronomy telescope built by Société optique et mécanique de Paris de haute précision, probably the 14 cm aperture refractor used by du Martheray from 1924 Astronomy telescope-SOM
Q30145256 Bleien 5m radio telescope Bleien Radio Observatory radio telescope
Q26307429 Bleien 7m radio telescope Bleien Radio Observatory radio telescope Bleien 7m radio telescope
Q3982936 Gornergrat Infrared Telescope infrared telescope infrared telescope in Switzerland TIRGO
Q1269051 Kölner Observatorium für SubMillimeter Astronomie KOSMA radio telescope observatory KOSMA


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q58049078 Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection GRAND radio telescope
neutrino detector


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q60943780 0.5-meter robotic telescope of the Thai National Observatory Thai National Observatory optical telescope
robotic telescope
Q65281608 Thai National Radio Telescope radio telescope radio telescope in Thailand
Q60943226 Thai National Telescope Thai National Observatory optical telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q13385030 Evpatoria Observatory Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope Yevpatoria, Galenki, and Suffa RT-70 radio telescopes radio telescope
Yevpatoria, Galenki, and Suffa RT-70 radio telescopes
astronomical observatory
radio telescope in Crimea Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope
Q12098684 Giant Ukrainian Radio Telescope GURT radio telescope
phased array
Low frequency radio telescope which is being built and operated at IRA NASU in Ukraine Giant Ukrainian Radio Telescope
Q4340946 P-400 radio telescope P-400
Q4053951 Pluton radio telescope early system of deep space communications and planetary radar built at several locations near Yevpatoria (Crimea) in 1960 ADU-1000
Q42290993 Simeiz RT-22 Simeiz Observatory radio telescope Simeiz RT-22
Q12168346 Space Research and Communication Center radio telescope
ground station
Zolochiv Space Communication Centre
Q12164336 Ukrainian Radio Interferometer of NASU URAN radio interferometer
very-long-baseline interferometry
Ukrainian Radio Interferometer of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Q16720888 Ukrainian Radio Interferometer of NASU-2 URAN-2 radio interferometer
very-long-baseline interferometry
Q637740 Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope, second modification UTR-2 Ukrainian Radio Interferometer of NASU
Giant Ukrainian Radio Telescope
phased array
radio telescope
radio telescope with large antenna array UTR-2 radio telescope

United Kingdom

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q3661135 40-foot telescope Great Forty-Foot telescope
Herschel 40-foot telescope
reflecting telescope
altazimuth mount
reflecting telescope constructed between 1785 and 1789 at Observatory House in Slough, England 40-foot telescope
Q22639246 42ft radio telescope of Jodrell Bank Observatory Jodrell Bank Observatory radio telescope 42ft telescope, Jodrell Bank Observatory
Q4638873 4C Array Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope 4C Array
Q22639237 7m radio telescope of Jodrell Bank Observatory Jodrell Bank Observatory radio telescope 7m telescope, Jodrell Bank Observatory
Q4713736 Aldershot Observatory The Alexander Observatory refracting telescope
equatorial mount
astronomical observatory
grade II listed refracting telescope in Aldershot, United kingdom Aldershot Observatory
Q4787411 Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
Q5025464 Cambridge Interferometer radio interferometer
radio telescope
a radio telescope interferometer built in the early 1950s to the west of Cambridge, UK
Q5025472 Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope
Q26700510 Cambridge MERLIN telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope The Cambridge element of the MERLIN Radio Telescope Array Cambridge MERLIN Telescope
Q912398 Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope COAST Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory optical telescope
astronomical interferometer
astronomical optical interferometer Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope
Q40033652 Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar Chilbolton Observatory radio telescope
Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar
Q3695158 Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
astronomical telescope Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope
Q5181632 Craig telescope optical telescope
refracting telescope
1850stelescope near London, England Craig telescope
Q30191851 Darnhall telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory
radio telescope The Darnhall element of the MERLIN Radio Telescope Array Darnhall MERLIN Telescope
Q30190935 Defford telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory
radio telescope Radio telescope in the UK Defford MERLIN telescope
Q5512985 GCHQ Bude ground station Government Communications Headquarters installation in Bude, Cornwall, UK GCHQ Bude
Q1537712 Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station ground station radio communication site on Goonhilly Downs, Cornwall, UK Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station
Q98686834 Greenwich 28-inch refractor optical telescope telescope in Greenwich, London, United Kingdom 28-inch telescope, Royal Observatory, Greenwich
Q5641573 Half-Mile Telescope Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio interferometer Half-Mile Telescope
Q6056341 Interplanetary Scintillation Array Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio telescope phased array radio telescope built in 1967 Interplanetary Scintillation Array
Q949790 James Gregory Telescope optical telescope
Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope
Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope in Fife, Scotland, UK James Gregory Telescope
Q25930660 Kensington Telescope Norman Lockyer Observatory optical telescope
Q30191476 Knockin telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory
radio telescope The Knockin element of the MERLIN Radio Telescope Array in the UK Knockin MERLIN Telescope
Q25930510 Lockyer Telescope Norman Lockyer Observatory optical telescope
Q555130 Lovell Telescope 250 ft telescope
Mark I telescope
Radio Telescope at Jodrell Bank
Jodrell Bank Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope radio telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire in the north-west of England Lovell Telescope
Q3417035 Mark II Jodrell Bank Observatory
European VLBI Network
radio telescope radio telescope of Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, North West England Mark II
Q15248045 Mark III Jodrell Bank Observatory
radio telescope radio telescope of Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, North West England
Q25930710 McClean Telescope Norman Lockyer Observatory optical telescope
Q1960708 One-Mile Telescope Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory radio interferometer British array of radio telescopes One-Mile Telescope
Q30190314 Pickmere telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory
radio telescope The Pickmere element of the MERLIN Radio Telescope Array in the UK Pickmere MERLIN Telescope
Q126120394 Polar Axis telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory radio telescope Polar Axis telescope
Q41803446 R.W. Forrest telescope Bayfordbury Observatory radio telescope R.W. Forrest telescope
Q40034261 Rawlings Array UK608 LOFAR
Chilbolton Observatory
radio interferometer
Q7385171 Ryle Telescope 5-km Array Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
radio interferometer former radio telescope array at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory Ryle Telescope
Q58824438 Searchlight Telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory radio telescope Searchlight Telescope
Q17093028 Shuckburgh telescope Shuckburgh equatorial refracting telescope optical telescope astronomical instrument built for the 6th baronet Shuckburgh telescope
Q3546483 Transit Telescope Jodrell Bank Observatory radio telescope
Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network
Jodrell Bank Observatory radio interferometer radiotelescope network in the United Kingdom MERLIN

United States of America

image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q123914718 1.5-meter Tillinghast (60-inch) Telescope FLWO 1.5m
FLWO 1.5m Tillinghast
Whipple Observatory optical telescope optical telescope
Q32179189 12-inch Alvan Clark & Sons telescope Jewett Observatory optical telescope
Q50819710 15.6-inch Clark refractor Washburn Observatory optical telescope
Q26966080 150-foot solar tower Mount Wilson Observatory solar observatory
optical telescope
150-foot solar tower
Q30322707 18-inch Schmidt camera Palomar Mountain Observatory optical telescope
Schmidt camera
18-inch Schmidt camera
Q4634267 3.67 m Advanced Electro Optical System Telescope Advanced Electro-Optical System
Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing observatory optical telescope U.S. Air Force optical telescope in Hawaii Advanced Electro Optical System Telescope
Q50415007 300 foot Radio Telescope GBO:300ft
The NRAO 300-foot Green Bank Telescope
Green Bank Observatory radio telescope former radio telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, United States 300 foot Radio Telescope
Q110111888 40-foot telescope Green Bank Observatory radio telescope American radio telescope Green Bank 40 Foot Telescope
Q26965824 60-inch telescope 60-inch Hale telescope Mount Wilson Observatory optical telescope
reflecting telescope
telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory 60-inch Hale telescope
Q1094807 AMiBA radio telescope
radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
radio telescope AMiBA
Q2819381 ARO 12m Radio Telescope ARO12m
ARO12m Radio Telescope
Kitt Peak National Observatory radio telescope 12-meter dish located on Kitt Peak ARO 12m Radio Telescope
Q46259364 ASTERIA Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research In Astrophysics ELaNa-22 CubeSat
space telescope
CubeSat testing technologies for the detection of exoplanets ASTERIA (spacecraft)
Q2463 Advanced Composition Explorer ACE
Explorer 71
Explorers Program space telescope NASA scientific satellite ACE (spacecraft)
Q16960925 Aerospace Data Facility, East Area 58
Defense Communications Electronics Evaluation and Testing Activity (DCEETA)
ground station Reconnaissance satellite ground station on the US East Coast
Q22906215 Aerospace Data Facility-Colorado ground station satellite ground station operated by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office Aerospace Data Facility
Q1200061 Allen Telescope Array ATA
Hat Creek Radio Observatory radio interferometer
Gregorian telescope
radio telescope Allen Telescope Array
Q4754607 Andover Earth Station ground station Radio horn antenna in Maine, US
Q4767191 Anna L. Nickel telescope Lick 1m Nickel Reflector
Lick Observatory optical telescope telescope in California, United States Nickel Telescope
Q102326958 Arecibo 12m radio telescope Arecibo Observatory radio telescope
Gregorian telescope
radio telescope located at Arecibo Observatory, 12 meters in size Arecibo 12m radio telescope
Q48840758 Arkansas Research and Test Station ARTS ground station United States historic place
Q1748180 Automated Planet Finder APF Lick Observatory robotic telescope
optical telescope
automated telescope searching exoplanets currently under construction Automated Planet Finder
Q19874209 BRRISON optical telescope
balloon-borne telescope
2013 NASA project to study comet ISON BRRISON
Q2897188 Berkeley Illinois Maryland Array Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy
Hat Creek Radio Observatory
radio interferometer
research institute
collaboration that built and operated a radio telescope array
Q4938704 Bok Telescope the 90-inch Kitt Peak National Observatory optical telescope
infrared telescope
the largest telescope operated solely by Steward Observatory Bok Telescope
Q41714242 Brewster VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope Brewster VLBI station
Q40797693 Broome County Telescope Kopernik Space Center optical telescope
Q41716258 C-BASS North Owens Valley Radio Observatory radio telescope C-BASS North
Q5006395 C. Donald Shane Telescope C. Donald Shane telescope
Shane Reflector
Shane telescope
3m Lick Shane Reflector
Lick 3m
Lick Observatory optical telescope 120-inch reflecting telescope C. Donald Shane telescope
Q1023601 CHARA array Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy astronomical interferometer optical interferometer at Mount Wilson, California CHARA array
Q57333205 CMB-S4 cosmic microwave background experiment proposed 4th generation cosmic microwave background project
Q1027482 Caltech Submillimeter Observatory radio telescope
decommissioned radio telescope in Hawaii, USA Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
Q1031946 Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope,縮寫:CFHT
CFHT,Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope
Mauna Kea Observatories optical telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
astronomical observatory
observatory Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
Q5043985 Carnegie telescope Carnegie Double Astrograph
Double Astrograph
Lick Observatory reflecting telescope
double telescope
carnegie telescope, US California Carnegie telescope
Q5065853 CfA 1.2 m Millimeter-Wave Telescope Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics radio telescope
Q787802 Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy Owens Valley Radio Observatory radio interferometer astronomical instrument Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy
Q5174039 Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper radio telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Q5175990 Coudé Auxiliary Telescope Coude Auxiliary Telescope Lick Observatory optical telescope
reflecting telescope
telescope near San Jose, California, US
Q104816694 Crocker telescope Lick Observatory telescope
Q774840 Crossley telescope Crossley Reflector Lick Observatory reflecting telescope reflecting telescope located at Lick Observatory in California Crossley telescope
Q47540080 DSS 11 Pioneer Deep Space Station
Deep Space Station 11
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope decommissioned radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 11
Q114074589 DSS 13 DSS 13, Fort Irwin
Goldstone DSS 13
The Deep Space Network: DSS-13
Deep Space Station 13
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope
test facility
radio telescope test facility at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Q41803965 DSS 14 DSS 14, fort Irwin
Goldstone DSS 14
The Deep Space Network: DSS-14
Deep Space Station 14
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope
astronomical observatory
radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex DSS 14
Q119092243 DSS 23 DSN:DSS-23
The Deep Space Network: DSS-23
Deep Space Station 23
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope
proposed entity
planned radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Q119086208 DSS 24 DSN:DSS-24
The Deep Space Network: DSS-24
Deep Space Station 24
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Q114245273 DSS 25 DSS 25, Fort Irwin
The Deep Space Network: DSS-25
Goldstone DSS 25
Deep Space Station 25
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Q118976698 DSS 26 DSN:DSS-26
The Deep Space Network: DSS-26
Deep Space Station 26
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope radio telescope at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Q2825377 Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope Advanced Technology Solar Telescope
Haleakalā Observatory optical telescope
solar telescope
Gregorian telescope
scientific facility at Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii, US Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Q3546488 Dunn Solar Telescope Vacuum Tower Telescope at Sacramento Peak, Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope Sunspot Solar Observatory optical telescope
solar telescope
research structure
Optical telescope dedicated to observing the Sun Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope
Q40797475 E. Jay Sarton Telescope Kopernik Space Center optical telescope
Q49909 Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer FUSE
Explorer 77
Explorers Program
Medium Explorer program
space telescope
artificial satellite of the Earth
derelict satellite
decommissioned NASA space observatory FUSE
Q41713712 Fort Davis VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope radio telescope in Texas, USA
Q5502838 Frequency-Agile Solar Radiotelescope Owens Valley Radio Observatory radio telescope
Q21593060 Goldstone Solar System Radar GSSR
Goldstone radar
DSS 14 radio telescope
space instrument
astronomical radar facility in California
Q30674265 Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope GAVRT
Deep Space Station 28
DSS 28
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex radio telescope decommissioned deep space radio telescope used for science experiments and education Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope
Q33272727 Goode Solar Telescope GST
New Solar Telescope
Big Bear Solar Observatory optical telescope
solar telescope
Gregorian telescope
off-axis optical system
telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory in California, United States Goode Solar Telescope
Q26308003 Green Bank 45ft telescope Green Bank Interferometer radio telescope radio telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, United States Green Bank 45ft telescope
Q50414689 Green Bank 85-2 telescope Green Bank Interferometer radio telescope radio telescope
Q50414649 Green Bank 85-3 telescope Green Bank Interferometer radio telescope radio telescope Green Bank 85-3 telescope
Q5602307 Green Bank Interferometer Green Bank Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
radio interferometer formerly operational radio interferometer in Green Bank, West Virginia, United States Green Bank Interferometer
Q50414807 Green Bank Jansky Antenna Green Bank Observatory radio telescope radio telescope Green Bank Jansky Antenna
Q1544579 Green Bank Telescope 100m Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope
Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope
Green Bank Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
radio telescope
Gregorian telescope
Off-axis illumination
radio telescope Green Bank Telescope
Q2471197 Hale Telescope P200
Palomar 5.1m Hale
Palomar Mountain Observatory reflecting telescope
optical telescope
telescope at Palomar Observatory in California, US Hale Telescope
Q41713379 Hancock VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope
Q5658357 Harlan J. Smith Telescope 2.7m Harlan J Smith Telescope
Harlan J Smith
McDonald Observatory optical telescope Harlan J. Smith Telescope
Q41033467 Harvard Great Refractor Harvard College Observatory refracting telescope
optical telescope
Harvard Great Refractor
Q1043942 Hat Creek Radio Observatory HCRO radio astronomy observatory
radio telescope
Q30524292 Haystack Radio Telescope Haystack Long-Range Imaging Radar Haystack Observatory radio telescope Haystack Radio Telescope
Q1596453 Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope SMT of University of Arizona
Submillimeter Telescope
Mount Graham International Observatory
Event Horizon Telescope
radio telescope submillimeter wavelength radio telescope Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope
Q41796381 Hiltner 2.4m Telescope MDM 2.4m Hiltner
Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT Observatory optical telescope Hiltner 2.4m Telescope
Q139605 Hobby–Eberly Telescope HET McDonald Observatory optical telescope
segmented mirror
Texan astronomy instrument Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Q5883312 Holmdel Horn Antenna radio telescope
horn antenna
cosmic microwave background experiment
microwave horn antenna in New Jersey, US Holmdel Horn Antenna
Q2885335 Hooker Telescope telescope
Q24686777 Hooker telescope Mount Wilson Observatory optical telescope The 100-inch (2.5 m) telescope located at Mount Wilson Observatory Hooker telescope
Q26308404 Howard E. Tatel Radio Telescope 85-1 Green Bank Interferometer radio telescope radio telescope Howard E. Tatel Radio Telescope
Q105998327 Illinois 120-foot telescope Vermilion River Observatory radio telescope
Q105998126 Illinois 400-foot radio telescope Vermilion River Observatory radio telescope
Q1005275 Infrared Optical Telescope Array Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory long baseline optical interferometer
optical telescope
Former observatory in Santa Cruz County, Arizona Infrared Optical Telescope Array
Q155466 James Clerk Maxwell Telescope JCMT Event Horizon Telescope radio telescope radio telescope in Hawaii, US James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
Q6138045 James Lick telescope Lick Observatory optical telescope
refracting telescope
telescope in California, United States James Lick telescope
Q6146100 Jamesburg Earth Station ground station Jamesburg Earth Station
Q461382 Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array KGJ VLA
Very Large Array
NRAO VLA Sky Survey radio interferometer
radio telescope
combined facility
geographic location
radio astronomy observatory located on the Plains of San Agustin Very Large Array
Q2680765 Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope KAIT Lick Observatory optical telescope automated telescope Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope
Q123182796 Keck I 10m Keck1 W. M. Keck Observatory optical telescope Optical telescope at Maunakea in Hawaii,
Q123182833 Keck II 10m Keck2 W. M. Keck Observatory optical telescope optical telescope at Maunakea in Hawaii, U.S.
Q17088615 Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope KELT astronomical observatory
astronomical survey
robotic telescope
optical telescope
astronomical observation system
Q41714160 Kitt Peak VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope
Q6489035 Large Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Ages radio telescope
dipole antenna
radio interferometer
Q845304 Large Binocular Telescope First Light
Mount Graham International Observatory
Steward Observatory
optical telescope
double telescope
telescope for optical astronomy on Mount Graham, Arizona, USA Large Binocular Telescope
Q6658251 Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System LOTIS optical telescope
robotic telescope
Q6673371 Long Wavelength Array radio telescope
phased array
Radio telescope in central New Mexico
Q41713824 Los Alamos VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope Los Alamos VLBA station
Q779895 MMT Observatory MMT
Multiple Mirror Telescope
Whipple Observatory
Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
Steward Observatory
optical telescope astronomical observatory MMT Observatory
Q32427199 MRO Optical Interferometer Magdalena Ridge Observatory optical telescope
Q32426750 MRO fast-tracking Telescope Magdalena Ridge Observatory optical telescope
Q41571671 Mauna Kea VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array
Mauna Kea Observatories
radio telescope very-long-baseline interferometry receiver on the summit of Mauna Kea Mauna Kea VLBI station
Q41796402 McGraw-Hill Telescope Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT Observatory optical telescope McGraw-Hill Telescope
Q56901 McMath–Pierce Solar Telescope McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope
McMath–Pierce Telescope
Kitt Peak National Observatory reflecting telescope
solar telescope
solar telescope in Arizona McMath–Pierce solar telescope
Q3272733 Millimeter Anisotropy eXperiment IMaging Array radio telescope
balloon-borne telescope
cosmic microwave background experiment
Cosmic Microwave Background experiment Millimeter Anisotropy eXperiment IMaging Array
Q56046904 Mills Cross Array radio telescope
Q6860044 Millstone Hill Antenna Millstone Hill
Millstone Hill Observatory radio telescope Millstone Hill Antenna
Q25101578 Miniature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array MINERVA
MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array
Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory optical telescope
astronomical survey
astronomical observational instrument Miniature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array
Q1662664 NASA Infrared Telescope Facility infrared telescope
Cassegrain mirror system
astronomical observatory
infrared telescope in Hawaii Infrared Telescope Facility
Q6984358 NEO Surveyor Near-Earth Object Camera
Near-Earth Object Surveillance Mission
Near-Earth Object Surveyor Mission
NEO Surveillance Mission
Discovery Program space telescope
infrared telescope
proposed entity
proposed space-based infrared telescope designed to survey the Solar System for potentially hazardous asteroids NEO Surveyor
Q3337336 Navy Precision Optical Interferometer NPOI
The Kenneth J. Johnston Navy Precision Optical Interferometer
United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station astronomical interferometer
Michelson interferometer
major astronomical interferometer Navy Precision Optical Interferometer
Q3546489 Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope Mayall
Mayall 4-meter Telescope
Mayall Telescope
4m Ncholas U. Mayall Telescope
Kitt Peak National Observatory Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
optical telescope
four-meter reflector telescope Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope
Q41713622 North Liberty VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope
Q163922 Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array NUStar
Explorer 93
Small Explorer program space telescope NASA X-ray space observatory NuSTAR
Q7073155 OVRO 40 meter Telescope Owens Valley Radio Observatory telescope radio telescope in California OVRO 40-m
Q41543180 OVRO VLBA station Owens Valley Radio Observatory
Very Long Baseline Array
radio telescope OVRO VLBI station
Q1138406 Ohio State University Radio Observatory The Big Ear
Big Ear
radio telescope radio telescope that received the "Wow!" signal
Q2091147 Otto Struve Telescope Otto Struve
2.1m-Otto Struve Telescope
McDonald Observatory optical telescope Otto Struve Telescope
Q7114747 Owens Valley Solar Array EOVSA
Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array
Owens Valley Radio Observatory radio telescope
solar telescope
radio telescope array Owens Valley Solar Array
Q50323868 PARI 26m radio telescope Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute radio telescope PARI 26m radio telescope
Q114232805 Palomar Mountain-DSS Palomar Mountain Observatory space telescope
astronomical survey
The Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) is a digitized version of several photographic astronomical surveys of the night sky, produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute between 1983 and 2006.
Q14683604 Palomar Testbed Interferometer optical telescope
astronomical interferometer
long-baseline interferometer at the American Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, US
Q41713963 Pie Town VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope
Q30692886 Polarized Light from Atmospheres of Nearby ExtraTerrestrial Systems PLANETS telescope optical telescope
Q31805089 Project BETA Telescope Oak Ridge Observatory radio telescope
Q7302126 Reber Radio Telescope Grote Reber Radio Telescope Green Bank Observatory radio telescope historic radio telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, United States Grote Reber Radio Telescope
Q16899399 Roaring Creek Station ground station satellite ground station near Catawissa, Pennsylvania, United States
Q7398979 Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory radio telescope
Q16899693 Salt Creek Station Salt Creek Earth Station ground station
Q2428910 Samuel Oschin telescope P48
Oschin Schmidt
Palomar 1.2m Oschin
Palomar Mountain Observatory Schmidt camera
optical telescope
48-inch-aperture (1.22 m) Schmidt camera at the Palomar Observatory in northern San Diego County, California Samuel Oschin telescope
Q1242087 Small Astronomy Satellite 2 SAS2
Explorer 48
space telescope NASA space observatory launched on 1972 Small Astronomy Satellite 2
Q54368 Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment SORCE space telescope NASA space observatory SORCE
Q41603757 St. Croix VLBA station Very Long Baseline Array radio telescope St. Croix VLBI station
Q7730330 Stanford Dish The Dish radio telescope radio telescope in California The Dish (Stanford University)
Q841079 Subaru Telescope Mauna Kea Observatories
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
optical telescope
reflecting telescope
Ritchey–Chrétien telescope
Japanese telescope and observatory Subaru Telescope
Q1205241 Submillimeter Array Mauna Kea Observatories
Event Horizon Telescope
radio interferometer array of radio telescopes in Hawaii Submillimeter Array
Q7641768 Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Array Owens Valley Radio Observatory
Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy
radio interferometer
cosmic microwave background experiment
array of telescopes Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Array
Q7641938 Super-LOTIS Steward Observatory robotic telescope
optical telescope
Telescope at Kitt Peak in Pima County, Arizona
Q7688656 Tauchmann telescope Lick Observatory reflecting telescope Tauchmann telescope
Q51748020 The Evryscope Evryscope Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Mount Laguna Observatory
optical telescope telescope Evryscope
Q7831479 Track Imaging Cherenkov Experiment Argonne National Laboratory optical telescope
Q32183684 Trubeck Telescope Adolphson Observatory optical telescope
reflecting telescope
Q4052125 UH88 Mauna Kea Observatories optical telescope telescope at Hawaii UH88
Q124539644 Ultraviolet Explorer UVEX Medium Explorer program space telescope
proposed entity
planned NASA ultraviolet space telescope UVEX
Q848021 United Kingdom Infrared Telescope UKIRT infrared telescope infrared reflecting telescope in Hawaii United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
Q1818791 Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope Alice P. Lennon Telescope
Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility
Vatican Telescope
Mount Graham International Observatory optical telescope
Gregorian telescope
Gregorian telescope Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope
Q1147559 Very Long Baseline Array VLBA Long Baseline Observatory radio interferometer
radio telescope
radio interferometer / radio telescope VLBA
Q210997 W. M. Keck Observatory Keck
Keck Observatory
Keck telescope
Mauna Kea Observatories astronomical observatory
reflecting telescope
astronomical observatory located in Hawaii W. M. Keck Observatory
Q7951025 WIYN Telescope Kitt Peak National Observatory optical telescope observatory in Arizona WIYN Observatory
Q30572272 Westford Radio Telescope Haystack Observatory radio telescope Westford Radio Telescope
Q1891259 Wide-Field Infrared Explorer WIRE
Explorer 75
Explorers Program
Small Explorer program
space telescope
former entity
former NASA space observatory WIRE
Q693552 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer NGSS
Explorer 92
Medium Explorer 6
Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
Next Generation Sky Survey
Wide-field Infrared Telescope
Wide-field Telescope
WISE 500@-163
Explorers Program
Medium Explorer program
space telescope
infrared telescope
decommissioned American infrared space telescope Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
Q10340083 Wilcox Solar Observatory WSO
Stanford Solar Observatory
Stanford University optical telescope
solar telescope
A synoptic solar telescope located on the Stanford University campus
Q31805130 Wyeth 61-inch reflector Oak Ridge Observatory optical telescope
reflecting telescope
Q2610009 XO Telescope telescope
astronomical telescope on the summit of Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii
Q113558940 Zeiss telescope Griffith Observatory optical telescope Zeiss telescope


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q4288239 Suffa RT-70 radio telescope radio telescope
Yevpatoria, Galenki, and Suffa RT-70 radio telescopes
White elephant


image item label ?alias part of instance of description Commons category
Q22045788 Baemari ground station El Sombrero ground station ground station
End of automatically generated list.