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User:Hotfeba/logic dictionary stubs

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This non-article page is a tracking area to collect links to logic articles consisting of one to three sentences, or otherwise likely to be considered not Wikipedia-suitable as dictionary definitions. Those pages are candidates for expansion as articles with references, in-line citations, and all of those other goodies that, when absent, cause warning boxes to eventually appear on them. For the curious, see WP:NOT#Wikipedia is not a dictionary.

STALE-BREAD WARNING: I compiled this list hastily on seeing a request for renaming/deletion of the logic stub category in mid-July 2007, before I was aware of Gregbard's request for bot categorization of possible {{Logic2}} candidate articles. Over time, mold will overtake this list. (It is amazing what one can do in a automaton-like state with cut-&-paste between two tabbed pages while on caffeine, a trait I attribute to hours of piano practice in my youth.)

Abacus logic

Abductive validation

Affine logic

Affirming the consequent

Analytic proof

Antecedent (logic)

Argument form

Automath theorem prover


Backward chaining

Barcan formula

Biconditional elimination

Biconditional introduction

Bunched logic

Calculus of structures

Categorical logic


Combinational logic

Computability logic

Conditional proof

Conjunction elimination

Conjunction introduction

Conjunctive normal form


Constructive dilemma


Control logic

Converse implication

Converse nonimplication

Conversion (logic)

Cotolerant sequence

Cut-elimination theorem

Degree of truth

Denying the antecedent

Dependent type

Deviant logic

Disjunction elimination

Disjunction introduction

Disjunctive normal form

Disjunctive syllogism

Don't-care (logic)

Double negative elimination

Doxastic logic

End term

Existential fallacy

Existential quantification

Fallacy of distribution

Fallacy of four terms

Finite model theory

First-order predicate

Fluent calculus

Gricean maxims

HOL theorem prover

Higher-order logic

Horn clause

Hybrid logic

Hypothetical syllogism

Independence-friendly logic

Inverse (logic)

LCF theorem prover

LF (logical framework)

Logic in computer science

Logic redundancy

Logical form

Löb's theorem

Material nonimplication

Maximal consistent set

Modus ponens

Monadic Boolean algebra

Monadic predicate calculus

Multimodal logic



Port-Royal Logic

Predicate logic

Principles of Theoretical Logic

Problem of multiple generality

Proof net

Proof-theoretic semantics

Prototype Verification System

Provability logic

Relevance logic

Semantics of logic


Substructural logic

Syllogistic fallacy

Takeuti conjecture

Third-cause fallacy


Truth-conditional semantics

Typed lambda calculus


Vampire theorem prover

All articles have been tagged with {{Logic2}} and will get a stub rating on next visit; others may follow up and remove if appropriate. After that, shortest articles on this list with no citations and references will be re-visited first. A reference will be found, and a note section will be added for at least one in-line citation to show. Anyone finding a better reference should feel free to add/replace. The goal is to remove the stub tag once the article has more meat on its bones. Nobody is required to do things in this order, least of all by me.