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That's me!! Pleased to meet you.

Hi Peeps,

I'm Pufferfyshe, a humble acolyte of the Wikipedia project since 1 June 2007, when I became an active editor. My professional life involves an element of research, mostly in language arts, and I try to bring these skills to bear here.

  • Je sais m'exprimer assez bien en français.
  • Mein deutsch ist ja gut.
  • I can hack (read only) Italian, Dutch, and Spanish OK I guess.

I'm a dual USA / UK national and was born in 1974. Having hatched from an egg in a pristine mangrove swamp, I have since travelled the world, living in sixteen towns and cities across four different nation-states to date. For the time being, I am (and will be) based in Scotland.

  • Please note: If you have a comment, correction or suggested improvement, please put it on my user discussion page, not here. Pointers about formatting, plagiarism, style, and resource databases are especially welcome.
This editor is a
Journeyman Editor
and is entitled to display this Service Badge.

Articles I've created


My edits are now too many, and mostly too petty, to mention. The following sampler of the very earliest should give an idea of my range.

MODIFIED (MAJOR) - Arioch, Hamza River

MODIFIED (MINOR) - Noronha skink, Hurricane Ike, James Purdy, André Gide, Violetta Villas, Lamnidae, Ghana International Airlines, Spanish slug, and a helluva lot of airports. I like airports. And geography. And critters.

Most cordial regards,

Pufferfyshe (talk)