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  1. thing
  2. object
  3. spirit, being
    lit. Fire being (a myth from the ancient Brazilian indigenous peoples.)

Mbyá Guaraní




Cognate with Guaraní mba'e.




  1. thing
  2. object

Old Tupi


Alternative forms




Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *maʔe. The euphemistc use for the penis is a semantic loan from Portuguese membro.

Cognate with Guaraní and Mbyá Guaraní mba'e.


  • IPA(key): [ᵐbaˈʔɛ]
  • Rhymes:
  • Hyphenation: mba‧'e



mba'e (noun form mba'e)

  1. rich; wealthy[1]





mba'e (plural mba'emba'e)

  1. (interrogative) what; which
    • c. 1583, Joseph of Anchieta, “Na feſta de .ſ. Lço” (chapter XLIV), in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ], Niterói, page 66v, lines 301–302; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 124:
      Baetepe peçeca
      co xeretama pupe?
      [Mba'etepe peseká / kó xe retama pupé?]
      But what do you seek in this land of mine?

Derived terms




mba'e (possessable)

  1. thing (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept)
    • c. 1583, Joseph of Anchieta, “Na feſta de .ſ. Lço” (chapter XLIV), in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ], Niterói, page 60v, lines 42–46; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 112:
      Bae ete caugoaçu
      caõy moyebiyebira,
      aipo cauçucatupira,
      aipo anhe yamombeu,
      aipo imomorangimbira.
      [Mba'eeté ka'ugûasu. / Kaûĩ moîebyîebyra / aîpó saûsukatupyra, / aîpó anhẽ îamombe'u, / aîpó i momorangymbyra.]
      A very good thing is binge drinking, to be vomiting cauim. That's what should be well steemed, we trully proclaim that, that's what should be praised.
  2. thing (an individual object or distinct entity)
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, chapter XI, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Sexto do Confessionário [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 109v:
      Ereyemomotápe abà mbaè recè: mbaé cátu jaramo cecó moaciabo?
      [Ereîemomotápe abá mba'e resé: mba'ekatuîaramo sekó moasŷabo?]
      Did you covet someone's things, envying the possessor of many things?
  3. (derogatory, in compounds) thing (a living being or creature)
    • c. 1583, Joseph of Anchieta, “Na feſta de .ſ. Lço” (chapter XLIV), in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ], Niterói, page 71, lines 499–503; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 133:
      Anjo. Deitee nderuumuçu
      aba anga momoxiabo
      baeuuma tayaçu
      oroapi cori yandu
      ſarau. Acai, teume xerapiabo.
      [Anjo: Nd'e'i te'e nde ru'umusu / abá 'anga momoxŷabo. / Mba'eu'uma, taîasu. / Oroapy kori îandu.
      Saraû[aîa]: Akaî, teumẽ xe rapŷabo]
      Angel: For that very reason your dirtiness misshapes the men's souls. You muddy thing, you pig! I'm gonna burn you today as always.
      Saraûaîa: Enough, quit your burning!
  4. wealth; riches
  5. provision; supply (food obtained for future use)[2]
    Synonyms: mi'u, i'upyra
  6. utensil[3]
  7. beast (non-human animal)
    • 1622, anonymous author, “Enseuar”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica, volume 1 (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Piratininga, page 117; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, São Paulo: USP, 1953:
      Aiquîtigquîtigc [] Baecaguera pupe.
      [Aîkytykytyk mba'ekagûera pupé]
      I kept anointing it with beast fat.
  8. limb; body part
    • 1622, anonymous author, “Membro, ou parte do corpo”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica, volume 2 (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Piratininga, page 35; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, São Paulo: USP, 1953:
      Jmbaepepe ynhigbõu?
      [I mba'epepe i nhybõû?]
      In which limb did they hit you with an arrow?
  9. (euphemistic) member; penis
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:akûãîa
    • 16th century, Joseph of Anchieta, “[Sextum Mandatum]”, in [Doutrina Cristã]; republished as Armando Cardoso, compiler, Doutrina Cristã: Doutrina autógrafa e confessionário, volume 2, São Paulo: Loyola, 1992, →ISBN, page 93, line 53:
      "Oútemo ké kuñã xe posé" erépe, nde mbaé pýmamo?
      ["Oú temõ ké kunhã xe posé" erépe, nde mba'epymamo?]
      Have you said "I wish a woman came here to my side!", being your member hard?
  10. piece of furniture[4]
  11. linens (household textiles)[5]
  12. layette (set of clothing)[6]
  13. (folklore) bogey (hostile supernatural creature)[7]

Derived terms





  1. (affirmative) something; anything [(sometimes) with amõ]
  2. (negative) nothing; anything [(sometimes) with amõ]
    • 16th century, Joseph of Anchieta, chapter LXVIII, in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ], page 167v, lines 15–18; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 313:
      Xepoi ucate yepe
      quecebe bae nauj
      agoata coarapucui
      dererapoana rece.
      [Xe poîuká té îepé / kûesé bé mba'e n'a'uî / agûatá ko'arapukuî / nde rerapûana resé.]
      Let you, at last, feed me. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I walked the whole day because of your fame.


  • Nheengatu: maã


  1. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Rico ser assi”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 2, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 105:Xembae [Xe mba'e]
  2. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Mantimento, glr.”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 2, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 31:Baê [Mba'e]
  3. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Alfayas”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 1, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 31:Baê [Mba'e]
  4. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Mouel de casa”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 2, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 43:Mbae [Mba'e]
  5. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Fato por todo o mouel”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 1, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 135:Bae [Mba'e]
  6. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Enxoual”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 1, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 120:Bae [Mba'e]
  7. ^ anonymous author (1622) “Cousa mâ, como espirito, ou diabo.”, in Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica (overall work in Portuguese), Piratininga; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, volume 1, São Paulo: USP, 1953, page 85:Baê [Mba'e]